
Okay, so I've noticed that I haven't blogged in a while. Well, that's because I have nothing to blog about.

So that's exactly what I'm going to blog about.

See, my life lately has been a mixture of busy and boring that's driving me crazy.

Usually all I do is write stories that usually will never see the light of day, listen to music, write music, play music, read things like Great Expectations by Charles Dickens, draw (that kills a lot of time since one picture can take up to six hours), IM my cousin, talk on the phone to my best friend, surf GSB, eat, sleep, or figure out what to wear the next day (I sleep in my clothes so I have time).

So I guess I don't sound that busy, but it gets boring, being busy with the same stuff. And all my ideas for writing are for stories, never blogs or songs. On GSB I never really do much of anything. There hasn't been anything good on TV since before the late 20th/early 21st century. I'm talkin' Looney Tunes here, people.

Basically, life is boring. There's nothing to do.

We're (meaning Wasted Time) doing a talent show on the 3rd, but we can hardly practice because we can't after school and everyone's always busy. Plus we lost ANOTHER guitarist. That's like, the fifth or sixth one!

And I'll be out of town from April 7th to April 11th, and I'm staying in Tennessee with my extended family who has no internet. The best I can do for those five days is visit Panera as often as I can.

So, I'm f***ed. Nothing to do, nobody to talk to, etc. etc.

Hope you enjoyed my rant on nothing. T-T
Posted on March 28th, 2009 at 12:20pm


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