Top Ten

So, i'm jumping on this bandwagon, because I feel the compulsion to share my top ten songs. These are the ten songs, that when I think back on the last few years of my life, are the ones that I feel represent it the most. These are the songs that bring back the strongest memories, or I associate them with the strongest things I've done. They're not necessarily my top ten favourite songs, but they're the ten that make me feel the most.

10. All These Things That I've Done - The Killers

This song has always been one of my favourites, lyrically to say the least. "I want to stand up / I want to let go / You know, you know. No you don't, you don't." "And my affection, well it comes and goes. / I need direction to perfection, you know you gotta help me out" "While everyone's lost, the battle is won." It's one of those songs that I can constantly relate to, no matter what changes. "These changes ain't changin' me, the cold-hearted boy I used to be"

9. The Riddle - Five for Fighting

I remember hearing this song forever ago, when I was younger, and then forgetting about it, and remembering it again recently. Nathan brought it up, and told me to listen to it, so I did, and fell right back in love with it. Then I forgot about it again for awhile. Then came that day when I spent the whole day with him, and on the ride back to my house, I remember, his arm was around me, and after we finished watching ridiculous American Idol auditions on his ipod, he played this song. Every time I hear it now I can feel his arm back around me, I can smell his cologne again, and I can feel as insanely happy as I did in that moment, at that time.

8. Scream - Kill Hannah

This is the song I can relate to the most when i'm upset. This song is the first thing I go to when there's something amiss, something wrong in my life. "Sometimes it hurts so bad I don't know what to say / Enacting Sibyl Vane in some tragic play / So afraid that I can't ever explain" I also love the allusion to The Picture of Dorian Gray which is a book by Oscar Wilde, and is also my favourite book. Sibyl Vane was an actress who committed suicide in said story.

7. Brat Pack - The Rocket Summer

This song will always remind me of home, and also where I live currently. I lived in one town for 11 years, and then completely uprooted to a new town that I hate, other than the people here, that keep me wanting to stay. "You know that it's clear that tonight we belong in this place / So I stand back and reflect on this town that I hate / At least just for a second I think I might stay."

6. There, There Katie - Jack's Mannequin

This song will always hold a special meaning to me, because it reminds me so much of my sister. This is one of those songs that I listen to when i'm upset, and it makes me feel more hopeful about how things are going. In a way, when I listen to this song, it makes me think of things that I wish I could have said to my sister before she died, but at that time I had no idea whatsoever about how things were going with her, since I was only six, and completely oblivious. "Katie it's a strange world, where girls can get so broken-hearted / If it were me and the universe, I'd get the worst of this gone / Katie, i'm sorry that in your condition, the sunshine's been missing / But Katie, don't believe that it isn't there / And Katie, Katie, be happy, the world can be ugly, but isn't it beautiful?"

5. Wonderwall - Oasis

This is a classic, and I'm sure that it's on everyone's top ten list. But it's on my list because this song reminds me of my daddy. He always made these cd's that had 100's of songs on them, and I remember one of them had this song, and I would always ask for him to play this one. So I always just associate this song with my daddy.

4. Cute Without the 'e' (Cut From the Team) - Taking Back Sunday

Two years ago, my friends and I were completely obsessed over this song. During PE, we would always sing it super-loud whilst running back into the locker rooms. And it's kind of become just 'our song.' because of that.

3. Love Like Winter - AFI

I actually hate this song, because I always associate it with my moving. I remember, it was insanely cold, there was snow outside, we had no heat in the house, and it was the morning of our departure to the new house. I had a sleeping bag, and a TV. While my parents were finishing up the packing, I was flipping between MTV, MTV2 and VH1, and this song came up so many times, because they were over-playing it, because it had just come out. The repetition of that song on that morning made it stick in my head, and every time I hear it, I can feel the coldness from that morning, and the sadness from leaving all of my childhood behind.

2. My Immortal - Evanescence

The last time that I actually heard this song was when I was singing it at my best friend's funeral, so I associate this song with her. I also slightly think of nathan when I think of this song, because last year in english, we had to pick a poem to read in front of the class, and he read this song, so it reminds me of him. Basically, anything by Evanescence reminds me of him, because all I can think of is last summer how he would always update his facebook status having to do with this band.

1. Imagine - John Lennon

This song will always remind me of my elementary school years, aka the happiest years of my life. Every year, the whole school would get together, and we would all sing this song. And every time I hear it, all I can think about is how all of my friends and I would be gathered around, with a huge group of other kids, singing this one song. It was an amazing thing, really. It always makes me nostalgic for the kids I used to be the best of friends with, but lost. It makes me nostalgic for the time when everything was so happy in my life, and everything was perfect. It makes me nostalgic for the kid i used to be, before I got all screwed up.

Steve Vai - Now We Run

This song deserves honorary mention. It is one spectacular, catastrophic dork-a-thon, it is the tour de dork. Basically, it's like a 6 minute 36 second prostate exam....from an angel.

Posted on March 15th, 2010 at 10:08pm


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