Growing Up.

The sun beat down on us as we ran wild through the overgrown grass towards the park that we spent every single day playing and chattering amongst ourselves. I remember the older kids walking past, smiling fondly at us and talking about when they were our age and I always thought to myself that I couldn't wait to be older, to be grown up, to be free to do as I pleased, to walk alone in this world, to fall in and out of love, to hold hands with boys. Thoughts like this were always cut short because it was my turn to push the roundabout that my friends currently occupied, squealing to go faster.

We spend our whole childhood wishing to be older and then when life hits us like a ton of bricks, we're back to wishing we were kids again.But now I've realised, instead of being a burden or inconvenience, growing older is such a privelege that many many people are denied. Some don't even get the chance to wish they were older, or see what the world has to offer them.
A girl a few years younger than me, died recently. She was 17 years old, her whole life ahead of her and it was just snatched away so cruelly and so early. And it really hits home.
I'm 20 years old this year, and I joke that I'm getting old but really, this is just the beginning. I have to grab life by the hand and run with it. I should be taking chances, not mulling over this or that. I should be falling in love and having my heartbroken. I should be enjoying every single second because who knows when you're number is up.
It's not a morbid thought, its uplifting, its inspiring and its exactly how I should be thinking.
To everyone who is unhappy, tackle it, question yourself, remove yourself from situations that could be potentially damaging to yourself or your feelings. Never be scared to stand on your own two feet because life is too short to rely on others to do it for you. Make decisions for yourself above people who wouldn't do that same for you.

So put your favourite song on, dance like nobody's watching you (and even if they are, let them watch!) and think about what you can do to truly make yourself happy.

Be yourself, be everyone you want to be, be confident in every decision you make, but most importantly be happy.
Posted on March 23rd, 2011 at 11:44am


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