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Mibba Blog
July 1st, 2005 at 12:36pm
yeah, its not the tobacco companys fault you are stupid and smoke and are going to kill yourself. i do lots of stupid things but smoking isnt one of them, well, at least ciggarets. and i understand its hard to quit but sum people dont even try. i dont feel any sympathy for people who get sick because of smoking, they did it to themselves.and if the warning on the box doesnt matter to you then its your problem when you get lung cancer!
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 35
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Posts: 5703
July 2nd, 2005 at 06:42am
I'm a smoker and lighting up is something I do as a part of my daily routine, saying I am 'stupid' is immature and just plain idiotic. It is my body, I chose to smoke- I enjoyed it and thus decided I carry on- so telling me I am killing myself will not work in 'helping' me quit. I mean carbon has been linked to cancer right? Well there you go, everytime you eat a piece of toast you are putting yourself at the risk of cancer. Gonna tell everyone you see eating toast that they are stupid? I think not. It is not until you get addicted to smoking that you would realise quitting is nowhere near as easy as it sounds.
Age: 35
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July 2nd, 2005 at 07:21am
the people who are sueing are the sorts of people who were smoking before they knew that it was bad for them. They actually said back then that they were good for you and there were no warnings on the boxes.

In England their proposing to ban smoking in public places,which personally im all for. I hate going somewhere and then leaving smelling like an ash tray. Its already in place in ireland and when i went there it seemed to be working pretty well, what are all your views on this?
Just a Puppet...
Just a Puppet...
Age: 33
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July 2nd, 2005 at 07:22am
I'm fine with smoking. What pisses me off is people that smoke around others.

They never know what difficulties those people might have. Second hand smoke can also cause problems. its unfair on those who don't want to smoke.

They should be more considerate.
Spirit Of '77
Falling In Love With The Board
Spirit Of '77
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July 2nd, 2005 at 11:53am
i dont have anything against smokers. smoke all you want, it's your body. that's what i think about any "drug". andif other people dont like it, they can fuck off and not hang around you.
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 33
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Posts: 5484
July 2nd, 2005 at 11:58am
i dont have anything against smokers. smoke all you want, it's your body. that's what i think about any "drug". andif other people dont like it, they can fuck off and not hang around you.

My dad has a lung disorder from smoking. Do I really need to say how badly I feel about it?
Spirit Of '77
Falling In Love With The Board
Spirit Of '77
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July 2nd, 2005 at 12:01pm
i dont have anything against smokers. smoke all you want, it's your body. that's what i think about any "drug". andif other people dont like it, they can fuck off and not hang around you.

My dad has a lung disorder from smoking. Do I really need to say how badly I feel about it?

exactly! i dont care if you smoke, but i dont wanna hear you complaining about it if you end up sick from it. it was your choice.

the same thing with anything; i dont care if you cut yourself, but if youre going to complain to me about how it hurts, im gonna bitch you out cuz it's your own fault and i dont give a shit if you hurt because of it.
Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie
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July 2nd, 2005 at 04:19pm
i think smoking is stupid, i'm not gonna do it, its a waste of money, i have better things to spend my money on.


Im giong to save 3 dollars a day, and pretend like im smoking, but I'd put the money in a jary, and save it and then go but a new guitar!
King For A Couple Of Days
Age: 35
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Posts: 4391
July 2nd, 2005 at 08:39pm
Smoking. I tried it once and it was nast.
Just one time wont addict you.
I swore to my life that i would never
touch a cigerrette ever.
And i wont.
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July 2nd, 2005 at 08:52pm
well i only smoke when i drink anyway, so i'm not worried about cancer or anything. it's your choice to smoke so if you get cancer it's your own fault. it's clearly labeled "THIS CAUSES CANCER" and if ya can't read that then we're telling you now. it causes cancer. there.
Just like as if
Just like as if
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July 2nd, 2005 at 08:57pm
I don't smoke, but ppl can smoke if they want. I don't care if they get cancer, neither do they, otherwise they wouldn't smoke, so there's no use for complain about the influences over and over again. All I'm a bit concerned is the environment smoking eventually ruins. But everything ruins everything if you start to think about it.
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July 2nd, 2005 at 09:09pm
No, they arent innocent.

The reason they put that label on there is to avoid liability when people sue them, but thats another problem. Because unless the person really has that much trouble reading, and if they havent heard anything, then they shouldnt sue.

Another thing, smoking is worse than fat foods. It kills way more than AIDs, fires, other disease, and other killers too, COMBINED. let alone fat foods.

The reason the GD companies SHOULD be sued countless times until they go out of business is because its a fact that cigarettes kill, but they could care an effin bit less about it.

and NO, the media doesnt blow it up. Do you see those commercials, thsoe are light facts about smoking. So before you go off saying that fat food comment, maybe you should some reaserch.
Falling In Love With The Board
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July 3rd, 2005 at 01:36am
if people want to smoke, let them. they know of what would happen to them but if they still have to smoke, you cant just make them stop. but i do think that tobacco companies should lessin the amount of toxic in the cigarettes. like slowly deduct toxic from the cigarettes so smokers could still smoke but the effect would lessen and then they realize it doesnt do anything anymore and they'll stop wasting money.
i never luv~wTp~
i never luv~wTp~
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July 3rd, 2005 at 02:51am
I don't smoke
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July 3rd, 2005 at 10:24am
I smoke but i'm tring 2 give up (i haven't had 1 in weeks) I wanna give up cause im only 13 and I don't wanna throw my life away. But I think if they ban smoking theres gonna be a world war 3 cause lots of people r hooked on these things. And i'm not sure about the company's getting sued for people getting cancer? they do put warnings on the packets but people choose to ignore them. so i dunno really?
Age: -
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July 3rd, 2005 at 02:51pm
I smoke but i'm tring 2 give up (i haven't had 1 in weeks) I wanna give up cause im only 13 and I don't wanna throw my life away. But I think if they ban smoking theres gonna be a world war 3 cause lots of people r hooked on these things. And i'm not sure about the company's getting sued for people getting cancer? they do put warnings on the packets but people choose to ignore them. so i dunno really?

but yea, like i said, the labels are for liability, and that only.

and dont you think a WW3 is really that extreme, maybe something that was a bit like Prohibition with alcohol.

and i think its great that you realize that about smoking. in our school they all go outside, and theres this one part on the property where they can smoke, and the school cant stoop them there, and neither can the police, and all the kids are trying to change it, and the stupid school board wont listen, huh my dads on that.....
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July 4th, 2005 at 05:35pm
its stupid to sue them cuz it says it on the box and if u start in this generation then ur one of the biggest dumbasses ever cuz they teach u this shit in school and i think that the gov. shouldnt make the tobacco companies pay for the no smoking ads, its like making hostess pay for dont eat fattening food ads
Automatic man
King For A Couple Of Days
Automatic man
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July 4th, 2005 at 06:56pm
so...what do you think of it?
what do you think of suing tobacco companies for cancer, what do you think about letting smokers out of places?

I think tobacco companies are innocent, they tell you you'll get sick on the box, if you've smoked for fifty years and haven't found time to read something that says SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING or heed any of the millions of warnings, shame on you bitch! don't sue
I think it's wrong to keep smokers out if certain places, unless you're making out with a smoker for fifty years while they're smoking you won't get cancer
and it's wrong to keep ads off of TV, and it's wrong to blame them for wanting to get people to smoke
retards, why don't you get pissed at Little Debbie's for trying to sell snacks!?

smoking isn't as bad as the media makes it seem, and anyone retarded enough to think smoking will make them cool deserves to lose the money, don't look out for people that stupid, survival of the educated

so I think we're being unfair to smokers and tobacco companies
who cares if it's bad? eating fattening foods is bad too, it's even worse, but we don't care about that because we're fat and tobacco companies are there to blame because we're irresponsible
Well I would first like to state that I have asthma and am more vulnerible to smoking or second hand smoke. I disagree with you to an extent. About 30 years ago there was none of this don't smoking advertising thus i can see why people would get mad at the tobacco companies for their problems. I have two words for these peope. Tough shit. Most likely they were roped in by some ad in the magezeine or peer pressure, but if they were really this mentally weak then they got just desserts. Now I think its correct to keep smokers out of family diners or fancy resturants because of the fact smoking is not only annoying but many people may have allergies. I find it very annoying to be around a smoker.
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 35
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Posts: 5703
July 5th, 2005 at 06:26am
i dont have anything against smokers. smoke all you want, it's your body. that's what i think about any "drug". andif other people dont like it, they can fuck off and not hang around you.

My dad has a lung disorder from smoking. Do I really need to say how badly I feel about it?

exactly! i dont care if you smoke, but i dont wanna hear you complaining about it if you end up sick from it. it was your choice.

the same thing with anything; i dont care if you cut yourself, but if youre going to complain to me about how it hurts, im gonna bitch you out cuz it's your own fault and i dont give a shit if you hurt because of it.

Don't worry, when I'm dying a horrible, painful death I won't complain lol
Age: 31
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Posts: 1944
July 6th, 2005 at 12:21pm
taking up smoking is the persons own choice there is no need to su