
King For A Couple Of Days
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July 20th, 2005 at 04:12pm
i was at a baseball game yesterday and the man next to me was smoking. it kinda harrassed all the time he did. but, he want to, basically, he can. so...
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July 21st, 2005 at 04:43pm
I think smoking is stupid especially because of peer pressure but my mum has been smoking for over 30 years and her lungs are healthy Confused
Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie
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Posts: 18
July 22nd, 2005 at 01:51am
I think smoking is stupid especially because of peer pressure but my mum has been smoking for over 30 years and her lungs are healthy Confused

eh, not everyone starts because of peer this is going to sound gross, cause it is, but i LOVED the smell of it and was around it as I grew up, so I just decided to try it when i was 18. i found that i LOVED the taste of it too....i know, i know....GROSS, but oh, so goooood......i don't smoke all the time, just a treat every once in a while or if i'm expecially stressed. my packs usually get stale before i can finish them all....
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July 22nd, 2005 at 02:10am
i think that maybe a cigar every once in a while is ok, i know people who have two a year
Dry Ice
Dry Ice
Age: 35
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Posts: 1857
July 22nd, 2005 at 03:04am
I think smoking is stupid and my dad does it. It's really annoying
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July 22nd, 2005 at 03:52am
I think smoking is stupid and my dad does it. It's really annoying

glances at avatar, then laughs head off..

sorry, had to do it.
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 35
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Posts: 5703
July 22nd, 2005 at 08:20am
To my fellow smokers:
TO DYING AN EARLY (but happy) DEATH! Party Five Cheers
killing loneliness
killing loneliness
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July 22nd, 2005 at 09:26am
smoking is bad, u think i just say it cuz i think it's bad, right?,, no, i'm gonna explain, my dad smokes, my mum's bf smokes, and some relatives smoke, it's not pretty, we learnt at school that, when u smoke, u could get lung and lip cancer. not very nice if u ask me...
comfortably confused
Falling In Love With The Board
comfortably confused
Age: 37
Gender: Female
Posts: 5036
July 22nd, 2005 at 10:21am
To my fellow smokers:
TO DYING AN EARLY (but happy) DEATH! Party Five Cheers
1. we going to do doing something we like
2. we know how we're going to die
3. stop preaching to us cause we dont care....
_lit up
Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie
_lit up
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July 22nd, 2005 at 10:27am
comfortably confused:
To my fellow smokers:
TO DYING AN EARLY (but happy) DEATH! Party Five Cheers
1. we going to do doing something we like
2. we know how we're going to die
3. stop preaching to us cause we dont care....

Just coz you smoke doesn't mean you're going to die from something induced by smoking. You could get hit by a bus, be in a car crash or you might live a long and happy life and die in your sleep.
comfortably confused
Falling In Love With The Board
comfortably confused
Age: 37
Gender: Female
Posts: 5036
July 22nd, 2005 at 10:28am
_lit up:
comfortably confused:
To my fellow smokers:
TO DYING AN EARLY (but happy) DEATH! Party Five Cheers
1. we going to do doing something we like
2. we know how we're going to die
3. stop preaching to us cause we dont care....

Just coz you smoke doesn't mean you're going to die from something induced by smoking. You could get hit by a bus, be in a car crash or you might live a long and happy life and die in your sleep.
yes but the chances of that happening are slim...
Age: -
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Posts: 432
July 22nd, 2005 at 01:47pm
comfortably confused:
To my fellow smokers:
TO DYING AN EARLY (but happy) DEATH! Party Five Cheers
1. we going to do doing something we like
2. we know how we're going to die
3. stop preaching to us cause we dont care....

ok, but the point of this thread is to debate smoking. not to make concrete points. see, some of us, *gasp*, do care about people who smoke, because i dont want that to happen to them.

my uncle suffers from emphazeema(sp?), and its horrible, he wish he never would have started smoking, but he still smokes, because he has trouble quitting. is that what you want, barely being able to dream, so you have to carry O2 tanks around?
_lit up
Shoot Me, I'm A Newbie
_lit up
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Posts: 46
July 23rd, 2005 at 12:17am
comfortably confused:
_lit up:
comfortably confused:
To my fellow smokers:
TO DYING AN EARLY (but happy) DEATH! Party Five Cheers
1. we going to do doing something we like
2. we know how we're going to die
3. stop preaching to us cause we dont care....

Just coz you smoke doesn't mean you're going to die from something induced by smoking. You could get hit by a bus, be in a car crash or you might live a long and happy life and die in your sleep.
yes but the chances of that happening are slim...


Statistics tell us that the risk of developing lung cancer for current smokers is 10% to 15%
Age: 35
Gender: Female
Posts: 741
July 23rd, 2005 at 12:10pm
Ok I am a smoker and I have been for 5 years now....bearing in mind ive been smoking since I was 11 and to tell you the truth when I tell people I smoke I get a big lecture from everyone. Its my body and I shall do what I chose to it. So what if some people arnt happy about it. I donty smoke in public places. If I go our on the town I go out side and smoke if i want a ciggaret at a friends house there pairents are fine for me to smoke outside. My mum is fine with it and o is my family so I am haooy.

You could say im harming my body and forcing my self in to a early bed. What about obese people. When they go out to they get a bashing about how fat they are and how they are harming themselfs...and its worse. Its more harmfull for you and you know what you cant say anythign to them about it coz its "cruel" well you know what lay off the smokers,
King For A Couple Of Days
Age: 37
Gender: Female
Posts: 3475
July 23rd, 2005 at 01:21pm
its up to others if they want to asmoke

I dont smoke and I work in a pub I would liek it if they banned it in the pub ....BUT then there will be hard business and profits so that would be a major downfall for us....

Im used to it now and running around with food and smoke going down ur throat is suffocating.....

Actually the other day a guy was cleaning our ovens with a speciall cleaner and I walked my and took a deep breath by accedent and my whole body stopped like my lungs tightend and I loss blood flow I could feel it......

never breath when ppl clean ovens
Age: 35
Gender: Female
Posts: 741
July 23rd, 2005 at 02:32pm
Well the way it is going in Scotland looks like that isa abou to happen.
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 35
Gender: Female
Posts: 5703
July 24th, 2005 at 06:48am
Well pubs are smokefree here which sucks to the fuckin' max. The governament has waaay too much power I say.
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Posts: 1308
July 24th, 2005 at 11:02am
i agree its dumb to start suing the tobacco companies, if people are dumb enough to start smoking in the first place they can't blame anyone exept themselves
but you can't start comparing smoking to fast food - fast food doesn't do any harm unless you eat too much, whereas smoking causes damage even when used correctly
Age: 35
Gender: Female
Posts: 741
July 24th, 2005 at 03:49pm
as a smoker I know that im harming my self...I can see the effects but I dont really care. I liek smoking, Ive smoked that long I cant imagen myself not doing it. Im happy doing it it relaxes me and most people can tell when ive gone with out one!
comfortably confused
Falling In Love With The Board
comfortably confused
Age: 37
Gender: Female
Posts: 5036
July 24th, 2005 at 04:43pm
_lit up:
comfortably confused:
_lit up:
comfortably confused:
To my fellow smokers:
TO DYING AN EARLY (but happy) DEATH! Party Five Cheers
1. we going to do doing something we like
2. we know how we're going to die
3. stop preaching to us cause we dont care....

Just coz you smoke doesn't mean you're going to die from something induced by smoking. You could get hit by a bus, be in a car crash or you might live a long and happy life and die in your sleep.
yes but the chances of that happening are slim...


Statistics tell us that the risk of developing lung cancer for current smokers is 10% to 15%
so let me get this staight... people go on aforever about us smokers dying from it and youve just given me a statistic that says inve for a 10% - 15% chance? thats tiny... im not saying it wont happen to me im saying its a small chance... i always thought it was far higher then that Confused