
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 34
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Posts: 5688
December 29th, 2005 at 12:08pm

I know...but really, is it more blind to put a great deal of faith in some psychic, or to analyzle the world around you and make inferences based on experience and observation? That's kind of what I was getting at... Maybe I should've said that...Rolling Eyes

Good question. I think you are right in that respect. Putting a lot of faith in something as questionable as this is a very unwise thing to do. Of course, I might regret saying that when aliens fall from the sky to herald the end of the world as we know it Confused .

Fighting the urge to sing now, thanks Smile.
Yeah...aliens...know that when that day comes, there will be at least one person saying still "Bullshit. It's a coincidence! Psychics are still full of shit even when it seems like they're right." I've never really bought into that, and I'm not about to start--under any circumstances. I stand by the idea that the future is too variable to predict and that a vague blanket statement does not constitute truth.
Just like as if
Just like as if
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December 29th, 2005 at 12:09pm
Just like as if:
He's extremely interesting, I've read some article about him ages ago. He's been right quite many times.

We can't know what can be seen and what can not, the cynic ones just believe what they've learned by experience only. Quite narrow-minded, since it doesn't matter wheter these predictions are true or not.

Evidently it does if he's predicting the apocolypse. Pretty damn important, wouldn't you say?. I call that something that matters. Narrow minded?. Now, generalising people on the basis of one post, I call that narrow minded. I'm cynical for a reason, and a very good reason at that. I'd rather live my life blindly than spend a good portion of it interpreting the 'Future' and making plans on this fragile knowledge that could well be wrong.

And even if I do 'believe what i've learned by experience only' (Which I don't quite understand what you're getting at there...) at least i'm believing in something I know is real.
Firstly, this was not pointed towards you, but being cynical in general. Maybe I should have been more specific with that one. I find it a bit difficult to answer to you because of your attacking style of telling your opinion. Don't take everything to heart.

And no, it doesn't matter, since it's just a prediction, everyone can choose to believe in it or not. That's what I meant. Of course it doesn't matter, unless you're a overly-worrying type of person. It's not that serious, it's just one world. And besides, no one here has ever claimed that they take the prediction very seriously or put a high amount of believe on that. So that's a bit exaggerated.

And that last part. I don't think anyone would say such things unless they wanted to.
When people believe in something, of course they think it's real. It doesn't matter if it's not, if it just feels right. That goes with everything.

By that 'learned by experience' I meant the thinking 'I don't believe it unless I see it'-thinking.
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 34
Gender: Female
Posts: 5688
December 29th, 2005 at 12:18pm
Just like as if:
Just like as if:
He's extremely interesting, I've read some article about him ages ago. He's been right quite many times.

We can't know what can be seen and what can not, the cynic ones just believe what they've learned by experience only. Quite narrow-minded, since it doesn't matter wheter these predictions are true or not.

Evidently it does if he's predicting the apocolypse. Pretty damn important, wouldn't you say?. I call that something that matters. Narrow minded?. Now, generalising people on the basis of one post, I call that narrow minded. I'm cynical for a reason, and a very good reason at that. I'd rather live my life blindly than spend a good portion of it interpreting the 'Future' and making plans on this fragile knowledge that could well be wrong.

And even if I do 'believe what i've learned by experience only' (Which I don't quite understand what you're getting at there...) at least i'm believing in something I know is real.
Firstly, this was not pointed towards you, but being cynical in general. Maybe I should have been more specific with that one. Don't take everything to heart.

And no, it doesn't matter, since it's just a prediction, everyone can choose to believe in it or not. That's what I meant. Of course it doesn't matter, unless you're a overly-worrying type of person. It's not that serious, it's just one world.

And that last part. I don't think anyone would say such things unless they wanted to.
When people believe in something, of course they think it's real. It doesn't matter if it's not, if it just feels right. That goes with everything.

By that 'learned by experience' I meant the thinking 'I don't believe it unless I see it'-thinking.

1) its a prediction, meaning the entire importance is in its truth value.
2) I don't think the problem was with the term "cynic" as both Bloodraine and I have stated that we are cynical, and it would seem, rightfully so.
3) Nearly all we know in life is based in experience. Experience equates to proof. Proof, hard evidence, does not lie. It seems quite fitting and certainly wise that we base knowledge and beliefs on this. As a (young) scientist, my whole world is based in the idea of skepticism, and not believing things I can't find a way to see.
Just like as if
Just like as if
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December 29th, 2005 at 12:30pm

1) its a prediction, meaning the entire importance is in its truth value.
2) I don't think the problem was with the term "cynic" as both Bloodraine and I have stated that we are cynical, and it would seem, rightfully so.
3) Nearly all we know in life is based in experience. Experience equates to proof. Proof, hard evidence, does not lie. It seems quite fitting and certainly wise that we base knowledge and beliefs on this. As a (young) scientist, my whole world is based in the idea of skepticism, and not believing things I can't find a way to see.
Oh Jesus.
Yes, yes and yes. It's not that serious, that is my point. It's fun to think about these things and speculate. Of course anyone can think whatever they want to, or be how cynical they ever want to be. In no sentence have I said that it's a wrong way or not wise to do. All I stated was my interest towards the case and my point of view, which consisted the small criticism towards cynical thinking towards this case.Other cases are a whole different thing to discuss about. I didn't say I believe in the prediction blindly, because I do not. It's just interesting, because we don't know everything.
Matt Smith
Matt Smith
Age: 33
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Posts: 31134

Mibba Blog
December 29th, 2005 at 12:35pm
Just like as if:
Firstly, this was not pointed towards you, but being cynical in general. Maybe I should have been more specific with that one. I find it a bit difficult to answer to you because of your attacking style of telling your opinion. Don't take everything to heart.

And no, it doesn't matter, since it's just a prediction, everyone can choose to believe in it or not. That's what I meant. Of course it doesn't matter, unless you're a overly-worrying type of person. It's not that serious, it's just one world. And besides, no one here has ever claimed that they take the prediction very seriously or put a high amount of believe on that. So that's a bit exaggerated.

And that last part. I don't think anyone would say such things unless they wanted to.
When people believe in something, of course they think it's real. It doesn't matter if it's not, if it just feels right. That goes with everything.

By that 'learned by experience' I meant the thinking 'I don't believe it unless I see it'-thinking.

What's wrong with not believing things unless you see them?. I'm a firm believer in this and as a result I think anything that cannot be seen or measured cannot truly be judged. Perhaps thats the Science and logic in me talking...But the future falls under this umbrella. Predictions can be made but how can you truly predict something that has not happened?. Not everything is set in stone, and the future is not simply a pathway that can be followed.
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 34
Gender: Female
Posts: 5688
December 29th, 2005 at 12:39pm
Just like as if:

1) its a prediction, meaning the entire importance is in its truth value.
2) I don't think the problem was with the term "cynic" as both Bloodraine and I have stated that we are cynical, and it would seem, rightfully so.
3) Nearly all we know in life is based in experience. Experience equates to proof. Proof, hard evidence, does not lie. It seems quite fitting and certainly wise that we base knowledge and beliefs on this. As a (young) scientist, my whole world is based in the idea of skepticism, and not believing things I can't find a way to see.
Oh Jesus.
Yes, yes and yes. It's not that serious, that is my point. It's fun to think about these things and speculate. Of course anyone can think whatever they want to, or be how cynical they ever want to be. In no sentence have I said that it's a wrong way or not wise to do. All I stated was my interest towards the case and my point of view, which consisted the small criticism towards cynical thinking towards this case.Other cases are a whole different thing to discuss about. I didn't say I believe in the prediction blindly, because I do not. It's just interesting, because we don't know everything.
This is Specific Discussion-- those of us who are serious about it take all topics very seriously. Basically because we're here to hold serious discussions.
If I don't have something serious to say about a topic, I'm not going to post anything.
The fact is, there are people who put a lot of faith in things like this. For the sake of discussion, I look at that idea and create a sort of thesis around it. Namely, in this case, I can reasonably back up a claim that psychics are full of shit. That's my opinion on the matter. And the whole purpose of SD fulfilled.
You make not take this whole thing seriously, but if it's in SD it has some serious undertones. Those are the ones Bloodraine and I have chosen to address.
Just like as if
Just like as if
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December 29th, 2005 at 12:43pm

What's wrong with not believing things unless you see them?. I'm a firm believer in this and as a result I think anything that cannot be seen or measured cannot truly be judged. Perhaps thats the Science and logic in me talking...But the future falls under this umbrella. Predictions can be made but how can you truly predict something that has not happened?. Not everything is set in stone, and the future is not simply a pathway that can be followed.
There's nothing wrong with it, that's just something I don't personally follow. And I somehow connect it with taking cases like this seriously. My point of view is that what comes, comes. It's not that serious. Of course they can't truly predict anything, but it's for fun. I've never said that I believed in those predictions, just said that they're interesting and good entetainment and make things more interesting. But they are not to be taken seriously either, because if they're strongly believed in, it stresses people out.

I think we agree in this case in general, but we have very different ways of approaching this matter.
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 34
Gender: Female
Posts: 5688
December 29th, 2005 at 12:46pm
Just like as if:

1) its a prediction, meaning the entire importance is in its truth value.
2) I don't think the problem was with the term "cynic" as both Bloodraine and I have stated that we are cynical, and it would seem, rightfully so.
3) Nearly all we know in life is based in experience. Experience equates to proof. Proof, hard evidence, does not lie. It seems quite fitting and certainly wise that we base knowledge and beliefs on this. As a (young) scientist, my whole world is based in the idea of skepticism, and not believing things I can't find a way to see.
Oh Jesus.
Yes, yes and yes. It's not that serious, that is my point. It's fun to think about these things and speculate. Of course anyone can think whatever they want to, or be how cynical they ever want to be. In no sentence have I said that it's a wrong way or not wise to do. All I stated was my interest towards the case and my point of view, which consisted the small criticism towards cynical thinking towards this case.Other cases are a whole different thing to discuss about. I didn't say I believe in the prediction blindly, because I do not. It's just interesting, because we don't know everything.
This is Specific Discussion-- those of us who are serious about it take all topics very seriously. Basically because we're here to hold serious discussions.
If I don't have something serious to say about a topic, I'm not going to post anything.
The fact is, there are people who put a lot of faith in things like this. For the sake of discussion, I look at that idea and create a sort of thesis around it. Namely, in this case, I can reasonably back up a claim that psychics are full of shit. That's my opinion on the matter. And the whole purpose of SD fulfilled.
You make not take this whole thing seriously, but if it's in SD it has some serious undertones. Those are the ones Bloodraine and I have chosen to address.

Sometimes it seems like I should repeat myself. But quoting myself takes less time.
Just like as if
Just like as if
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December 29th, 2005 at 12:51pm
This is Specific Discussion-- those of us who are serious about it take all topics very seriously. Basically because we're here to hold serious discussions.
If I don't have something serious to say about a topic, I'm not going to post anything.
The fact is, there are people who put a lot of faith in things like this. For the sake of discussion, I look at that idea and create a sort of thesis around it. Namely, in this case, I can reasonably back up a claim that psychics are full of shit. That's my opinion on the matter. And the whole purpose of SD fulfilled.
You make not take this whole thing seriously, but if it's in SD it has some serious undertones. Those are the ones Bloodraine and I have chosen to address.
By not being serious about something doesn't mean it's not being taken seriously. This is a serious discussion, can someone say it isn't? Although the truthfullness of the predictions doesn't matter to me much doesn't mean that I can't discuss about it, as shown. Yes, some people take them seriously and believe in them full-heartedly, there's nothing wrong with that. It's practically all I've been trying to say here: Everyone believes what they want to believe, live like they want to live and so on and so forth. That's the meaning behind this 'don't take it too seriously'. It means both not to totally knock out the thought of it being real and not to believe in it so much it affects your life. The golden middle path, you know? Maybe my english has failed to explain this well, or I'm just too complicated.
Mike's Demonic Daunter
Falling In Love With The Board
Mike's Demonic Daunter
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December 29th, 2005 at 05:40pm
does anybody have any links to things by him?
Matt Smith
Matt Smith
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Posts: 31134

Mibba Blog
December 29th, 2005 at 05:46pm
You might find something here:

For info on the WTC 'Prediction', read this which is quite interesting
Mike's Demonic Daunter
Falling In Love With The Board
Mike's Demonic Daunter
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December 29th, 2005 at 05:51pm
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December 29th, 2005 at 09:37pm
I don't usually go along with the psychic theories but some things are a little too close to be considered coincidence. Neutral
Age: 35
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Posts: 466
December 29th, 2005 at 10:27pm
I'm going to to lay down two absolutes here.

1) Psychics? Fake. You really think Ms Cleo from BET can tell you your future? I'm sorry, no. Every psychic, ever, makes their money off of making vague predictions that can fit every person that will come to their booths at the East Bumfuck County Fair.

2) Nostradamus is freaky, also false, and outdated. His predictions expired years ago--he predicted the end of the world would have engulfed us by now. Every time the SUN or WWN prints more of his "predictions," it just reinfocres my cynical attitude about psychics.
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 34
Gender: Female
Posts: 5688
December 30th, 2005 at 01:35pm
I'm going to to lay down two absolutes here.

1) Psychics? Fake. You really think Ms Cleo from BET can tell you your future? I'm sorry, no. Every psychic, ever, makes their money off of making vague predictions that can fit every person that will come to their booths at the East Bumfuck County Fair.

2) Nostradamus is freaky, also false, and outdated. His predictions expired years ago--he predicted the end of the world would have engulfed us by now. Every time the SUN or WWN prints more of his "predictions," it just reinfocres my cynical attitude about psychics.

thank you for once again creating logical eloquence from the brain vomit around you Smile
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Posts: 466
December 31st, 2005 at 12:37pm
I'm going to to lay down two absolutes here.

1) Psychics? Fake. You really think Ms Cleo from BET can tell you your future? I'm sorry, no. Every psychic, ever, makes their money off of making vague predictions that can fit every person that will come to their booths at the East Bumfuck County Fair.

2) Nostradamus is freaky, also false, and outdated. His predictions expired years ago--he predicted the end of the world would have engulfed us by now. Every time the SUN or WWN prints more of his "predictions," it just reinfocres my cynical attitude about psychics.

thank you for once again creating logical eloquence from the brain vomit around you Smile
YEAH brain vomit!

So to those of you who don't know what's going on, you are vomiting copiously from your brains and I am turning that puke into shining words of truth. (I love how egotistical I am.)
steady riot.
King For A Couple Of Days
steady riot.
Age: 32
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Posts: 2907
January 2nd, 2006 at 11:25pm
I'm going to to lay down two absolutes here.

1) Psychics? Fake. You really think Ms Cleo from BET can tell you your future? I'm sorry, no. Every psychic, ever, makes their money off of making vague predictions that can fit every person that will come to their booths at the East Bumfuck County Fair.

2) Nostradamus is freaky, also false, and outdated. His predictions expired years ago--he predicted the end of the world would have engulfed us by now. Every time the SUN or WWN prints more of his "predictions," it just reinfocres my cynical attitude about psychics.

Not all phychics are fake. They are some people who do have phychic abilities, no matter if you believe it or not. I think Sylvia Browne is one of them. My step-grandmother is phychic aswel.
Age: 39
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Posts: 11507
January 3rd, 2006 at 01:05am
I'm going to to lay down two absolutes here.

1) Psychics? Fake. You really think Ms Cleo from BET can tell you your future? I'm sorry, no. Every psychic, ever, makes their money off of making vague predictions that can fit every person that will come to their booths at the East Bumfuck County Fair.

2) Nostradamus is freaky, also false, and outdated. His predictions expired years ago--he predicted the end of the world would have engulfed us by now. Every time the SUN or WWN prints more of his "predictions," it just reinfocres my cynical attitude about psychics.

Not all phychics are fake. They are some people who do have phychic abilities, no matter if you believe it or not. I think Sylvia Browne is one of them. My step-grandmother is phychic aswel.

Most phychic people are either unaware of their abilities or don't believe they have them. And even if they know, they hide it in fear of being locked in a Metal Intitution. But phychics do exist.

Nostradamus predicted the end of the word by the year of four thousand something...People interprit him the wrong way a lot. I'm not sure if I believe in his predictions though...I guess, I'm just not interested enough to look into it and have an opinion. Confused
Poison Fish
Poison Fish
Age: 34
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Posts: 806
January 3rd, 2006 at 06:52am
a lot of people here seem so have problems with spelling the word psychic.

note: its PS not PH or it would be said fykik
Matt Smith
Matt Smith
Age: 33
Gender: Female
Posts: 31134

Mibba Blog
January 3rd, 2006 at 06:57am
a lot of people here seem so have problems with spelling the word psychic.

note: its PS not PH or it would be said fykik

I still don't think psychics exist...Predicitng a future that hasn't happened yet?

I was thinking about this last night actually, and even I could find some way of interpreting this differently:
Two bodies, one head, fields divided in two,
And then to reply to four unheard ones:
Little ones for great ones, clear evel for them,
Lightning at the tower of Aiguesmortes, worse for "Eussouis"

Also, if you read it closely, it isn't actually telling you anything Confused .
Nostradamus was probably a very smart man who had a great skill with words, and not psychic abilities.