i remember back when i was younger, i used to play NHL 94 and i used to play in the playoffs, and i remember between intermissions in the game, i'd like write down all the other scores from other games.
I just remember getting all excited if I broke the glass, or knocked somebody out. The goal scoring on that game was so off. The only other hockey game I remember playing back then was Mutant League Hockey, so that's my #2.
I like the old games better to, those are usually the only ones I'm good at. My brother has NHL 07 for PS3 and I can never remember where all of the buttons are. But the graphics are amazing.
They're playing tomorrow night. Too bad I'm broke.
Even tho they do suck at the moment.
but tomorrow they'll beat Toronto. and be closer to 8th.
i can see montreal just making it to the playoffs. i know they can
I like the Canadiens more than Toronto, so I'd rather see them in the playoffs. Hopefully Kovalev gets over his vertigo soon. Maybe they can knock the Islanders down to 9th or something