SHOW: Angel/Buffy the Vampire slayer

Sensual Violation
Sensual Violation
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July 8th, 2006 at 09:36pm
I liked it in the first few seasons but then it got crap, I mean Angel left (I use to fancy him so much) then Willow became a lesbian witch and Buffy's fully grown sister appeared out of nowhere (seriously I missed a few episodes and then she was just there and everyone was just acting like everything was normal!) then there was that shitty episode where everyone was singing!
The last straw was when Buffy died and they brought her back to life that was the point I just decided "I'm not watching this bollocks anymore".

It was a good show once....they ruined it.

You should've just watched Angel, the first 2 or 3 seasons of that were good.
Yeah, haha that thing with the monks was annoying, it was MUCH better before Dawn. She bitches too much.
Falling In Love With The Board
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July 8th, 2006 at 11:00pm
I hated when they were in High School >< The only time it was good when was Angel left and Spike came in.
Hand Angel sucked good or bad.
I loved the singing episode Surprised
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 34
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July 8th, 2006 at 11:04pm
I find it odd that I hated the main character. :/
Buffy was always "Its my LIFE I am CHOOSEN blahblahblahbitchbitch."
I never really liked Xander till after Cordy left.
The Dawn twist was totally awesome trust me it was good tU_U I used to wake up at 6 in the AM and go to school an hour late to watch this and I would come home an hour early to watch this. I was obsessed when it ended I cried ;_; I didnt expect Anya to die but I didnt like her anyway nor did I like Faith. Really I only liked Willow, Spike[most],and Oz lmfao But the whole thing was great together. Very Happy
Lucifers Angel
King For A Couple Of Days
Lucifers Angel
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July 9th, 2006 at 10:30am
i liked Angel better, because that seemed more grown up, and i loved the Character Doyle who was found dead at his home.
Post Whore
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July 9th, 2006 at 07:59pm
I loved Angel. When his character left I thought I'd hate it ... but then Spike came and I loved him a hundred times more.
Sensual Violation
Sensual Violation
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July 9th, 2006 at 11:33pm
I don't think I have a favourite between Spike and Angel mostly coz I love them for different reasons. I do however prefer Angelus to Angel. Does it annoy anyone else how Angelus still means Angel it's just in Latin?
'Hero' was so sad, didn't they make it because they knew he was gonna die or something?
Age: 34
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July 9th, 2006 at 11:51pm
i liked Angel better, because that seemed more grown up, and i loved the Character Doyle who was found dead at his home.

Yeah I liked Angel when I went off Buffy but then they stopped showing it before the series was finished,
Lucifers Angel
King For A Couple Of Days
Lucifers Angel
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July 10th, 2006 at 05:07am
i liked Angel better, because that seemed more grown up, and i loved the Character Doyle who was found dead at his home.

Yeah I liked Angel when I went off Buffy but then they stopped showing it before the series was finished,

yeah i know, so i went out and bought them all on DVD. I will admit though i dont like what they have done to Spike much he was a much funnier and better character has a bad guy.
Rotting On Here
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July 14th, 2006 at 06:57am
I dislike both.
I don't know what's so special on Angel. Every girl in my country like him.
King For A Couple Of Days
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December 31st, 2006 at 09:58pm
I used to LOVE Spike.He is SO awesome. I liked Buffy and Spike way more than Angel and Buffy. IDK why but i did. and i love his accent. Cool


Mr. Green
King For A Couple Of Days
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January 1st, 2007 at 06:41pm
Beyond Redemption:
I couldn't stand Dawn but Tara was okay. I didn't like Giles or Willow in the couple of seasons either. They were both two serious, Willow ever since they started college and she was Oz-less
Yeah i loved Willow and Oz together and when she started with Tara [ by for the most annoying character] it started to get sucky. I love Giles.. he was so serious yets sometimes so funny.
King For A Couple Of Days
Age: 35
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January 1st, 2007 at 06:44pm
Beyond Redemption:
I don't think I have a favourite between Spike and Angel mostly coz I love them for different reasons. I do however prefer Angelus to Angel. Does it annoy anyone else how Angelus still means Angel it's just in Latin?
'Hero' was so sad, didn't they make it because they knew he was gonna die or something?

Hero was the first Angel episode i saw.. and i Cried so much.. I didnt even know the characters at the start of the show.. by the end i was all sad.

Nah, they didnt kill him off cause they knew, Glenn Quinn died of an apparent drug over dose.. i think i read somewhere that Joss killed him off to show that the show isnt that predictable or something. I dunno.
Sensual Violation
Sensual Violation
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February 15th, 2007 at 11:06am
Beyond Redemption:
I don't think I have a favourite between Spike and Angel mostly coz I love them for different reasons. I do however prefer Angelus to Angel. Does it annoy anyone else how Angelus still means Angel it's just in Latin?
'Hero' was so sad, didn't they make it because they knew he was gonna die or something?

Hero was the first Angel episode i saw.. and i Cried so much.. I didnt even know the characters at the start of the show.. by the end i was all sad.

Nah, they didnt kill him off cause they knew, Glenn Quinn died of an apparent drug over dose.. i think i read somewhere that Joss killed him off to show that the show isnt that predictable or something. I dunno.

Wow..I don't know who told me but someone had told me that he had been diagnosed with some terminal illness or something and then he overdosed..I don't know then..

I still would've preferred Doyle to Wesley though..he was good in the first couple of seasons but after a while with the whole Connor issue he just got really annoying. I hated Connor. Everyone I knew loved him because they thought he was hot but he was SO annoying and just ew at him sleeping with Cordelia..especially after she had made this massive thing of how she couldn't be with him and then she had to go and get all possessed..

I LOVED SKIP..was that his name? I can never remember..I was really annoyed when he ended up being evil.

And I love Andrew in Buffy..that episode where he came to help Angel..when Spike had his hands cut off ;;;_;;;
He was funny "I'm [insert percentage here] more man than the last time *scream*"

I loved Andrew..Buffy was such a bitch to him..

Eurgh, I hate Sarah Michelle Gellar. I think I'm repeating what someone else said but I couldn't stand how she just had to turn everything into her problem

I'm really annoyed that they didn't go threw with the Spike series
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 33
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February 15th, 2007 at 11:09am
I love Buffy/Angel. =O

My favourite episodes have to be for Buffy:
The musical
The invisible one
The one where she dies for Dawn
The last one =o
And the first ep of the second season.

My favourites for Angel are pretty simple...

Every episode of season 4. Cassie

I love season 4 so much! Season 5 was a huge let down, I mean come on... puppets?!

I'm glad it got cancelled if that was what was in store for us. -_-
Sensual Violation
Sensual Violation
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February 16th, 2007 at 01:28pm
That Smile Time episode was funny..although I do agree that season 5 wasn't as good as it could've been.

Aww I cried in the finale of Buffy season 5, especially when Spike saw Buffy's body..I desperately wanted to give him a hug.

I felt really bad for Spike falling in love with Buffy.

Riley should've died somewhere during the show..even if it was just that one where he came back with his wife..
Rotting On Here
Age: 33
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February 20th, 2007 at 08:24pm

my friend is obsessed with this show.
she met the cast a few years ago too.

and she thinks that Spike is hot/sexy.
makes me wanna puke.
Sensual Violation
Sensual Violation
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February 21st, 2007 at 04:33am
Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked

How did she meet them???
King For A Couple Of Days
Age: 35
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February 21st, 2007 at 08:35am
Beyond Redemption:

Wow..I don't know who told me but someone had told me that he had been diagnosed with some terminal illness or something and then he overdosed..I don't know then..

I still would've preferred Doyle to Wesley though..he was good in the first couple of seasons but after a while with the whole Connor issue he just got really annoying. I hated Connor. Everyone I knew loved him because they thought he was hot but he was SO annoying and just ew at him sleeping with Cordelia..especially after she had made this massive thing of how she couldn't be with him and then she had to go and get all possessed..

I LOVED SKIP..was that his name? I can never remember..I was really annoyed when he ended up being evil.

And I love Andrew in Buffy..that episode where he came to help Angel..when Spike had his hands cut off ;;;_;;;
He was funny "I'm [insert percentage here] more man than the last time *scream*"

I loved Andrew..Buffy was such a bitch to him..

Eurgh, I hate Sarah Michelle Gellar. I think I'm repeating what someone else said but I couldn't stand how she just had to turn everything into her problem

I'm really annoyed that they didn't go threw with the Spike series

Yeah i didn't like where they took Wesley in series 3/4.. too dark for me lol I was soo glad when he was kinda back to normal in series 5. and yeah i Hated te whole connor/cordie thingy.. that just creeped me out.

I remember connor first coming in.. and i hated him. But over time he grew on me.. and i loved him in 5..

Skip was amazing. I laughed so much in 'birthday' it was shame he was evil but he was still so funny about it lol.

Andrew was great, altohugh sometimes just a tad too anoying.
King For A Couple Of Days
Age: 35
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Posts: 2743
February 21st, 2007 at 08:38am
I love Buffy/Angel. =O

My favourite episodes have to be for Buffy:
The musical
The invisible one
The one where she dies for Dawn
The last one =o
And the first ep of the second season.

My favourites for Angel are pretty simple...

Every episode of season 4. Cassie

I love season 4 so much! Season 5 was a huge let down, I mean come on... puppets?!

I'm glad it got cancelled if that was what was in store for us. -_-

Season 4 was my favourite i stayed up till like.. 1:45 every tuesday night to watch it.. than I'd go to school and just be soo tired. I dunno what it was about season 4.. but it was just so great, although I didnt like the ending so much, seemed a bit too rushed to me. and David Boreanaz did look amazingly hot in that series lol

I liked series 5.. the episodes werent as story-lised as the rest of the seasons and had more stand alone episodes.. but i think it worked. there was a couple episodes where i thought it was slipping, but smile time wasnt one i loved them puppets!
King For A Couple Of Days
Age: 35
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Posts: 2743
February 21st, 2007 at 08:40am
Beyond Redemption:
That Smile Time episode was funny..although I do agree that season 5 wasn't as good as it could've been.

Aww I cried in the finale of Buffy season 5, especially when Spike saw Buffy's body..I desperately wanted to give him a hug.

I felt really bad for Spike falling in love with Buffy.

Riley should've died somewhere during the show..even if it was just that one where he came back with his wife..

I loved 'the gift'.. well i tihnk thats what your talking about lol

the look on spikes face was just so... [insert word when she can think of one]

I didnt cry at the very last series finale... oh wait i did.. when Anya died [she was my favourite person] lol and i cried at the last Angel.