Teens in today.

Magazine Sickness.
Magazine Sickness.
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Mibba Blog
January 8th, 2007 at 11:58pm
I was looking at the sxe topic which is now locked and I read a post that said;

nobody ever said teens were supposed to go out partying, they just do.

It got me thinking..

How many of you know someone or are that someone that goes out constantly, gets wasted, sleeps around, drugs themselves up and is considered 'the life of the party'?

All those things listed above is what many teenagers aim for these days regardless of labels such as; prep, emo, scene, jock etc.

I am not sxe but Im now seriously considering to adopt some of the things sxe people abide by into my lifestyle.

I know that I don't want to end up pregnant, have liver problems and suffer from any other health problem before I even reach the 12th grade.

So now I want to hear from you.
Your thoughts on teens today.
sugar city urchin.
sugar city urchin.
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January 9th, 2007 at 08:11am
wow, i like your thinking. the adopting bit.

like, sure. some of those things i think are alright. but if you abuse it you're screwed. make sense?

ie, alcohol. its fine...in consideration.
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January 9th, 2007 at 03:35pm
you don't need to be sxe, you just need common sense.

if you don't want to ruin your liver - don't drink
if you don't want to get pregnant - don't have sex, or atleast protect yourself.
Jay Tee
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Mibba Blog
January 11th, 2007 at 04:54am
I'm a bit of a party-guy; I do love to drink every now and again, but I'm 18 and thus legal to do this whenever the hell I want. I don't sleep around or do drugs (I'm not an idiot) I just drink a hell of a lot... But it sickens me when I see 13 year olds doing the same and more. I didn't get drunk until I was about 16 and a half and that didn't/doesn't bother me in the least, I don't see why some kids today can't wait just a couple more years before drinking like I did. My sister got totally hammered on vodka a few months back when she was only 14 - she's an idiot! She could have died! I have no sympathy for these ASBO teens that drink themselves stupid at 12, have sex at 13, give birth at 14 then get hooked on drugs by 15. It's their own stupid fault when they're in jail or six feet under. It's not hard to wait to be a party animal - I did, and so have many of my friends.
Erin; Technophile
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January 11th, 2007 at 05:22pm
I honestly don't believe that kids should party. Teens are in a time of finding themselves and they can go out experiment if they wish. But I strongly disagree with sayno2emo's statement that teens HAVE to party and teens HAVE to live it up. Maybe it's just me but I enjoy my 'reserved lifestyle'; I'd rather stay home and read a book then go to a wild party and be with a bunch of underage drinkers and 16-17-18 year olds doing pot or crack or whatever drug they may do.
Generation Terrorist
Generation Terrorist
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January 11th, 2007 at 09:24pm
Ha, I don't like hanging out with semi-big groups of people, let along getting fucked up with them all. Hell, I don't even like getting fucked up by myself anymore.
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January 11th, 2007 at 11:19pm
ive never been to a party, like the ones your talking about, never even kissed someone let alone fucked someone,
alcohol ? yes, but not anymore, i made a promise not to drink until im 18 and legal
drugs? no.
i'd prefer to saty at home and listen to green day, or read a novel or waste time on gsb or writing a letter.

i like being by myself, i dont mind not having company, and i dont like being in the company of the popular breed of people.
Plug In Baby.
Plug In Baby.
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January 12th, 2007 at 12:33am
I was friends with these people who last year started drinking and doing drugs. That's all they ever wanted to do, every time I saw them, they'd plan the next time they were going to get fucked. I was only friends with them casually, like, I'd sit with them on the train to school every morning, but they just stopped talking to me, started avoiding me etc, because I didn't want to do the same thing.

Since then they've dropped out of school because all they want to do is get wasted all the time.

So eurgh. my friends at school are the type of people who don't do anything like that. And I'm happier friends with them than with any other group who would try and pressure me into doing that sort of thing.

Plus, tbh I'm too lazy to go out and get wasted. I'd rather read or listen to music or go on GSB.
Toxic Narcotic
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January 12th, 2007 at 01:24am
well, I get relaxed at these forums
Falling In Love With The Board
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Mibba Blog
January 12th, 2007 at 03:19am
Well, there's a lot of anti-drug campaigns and things going on, but teens aren't listening. My friend used to always tell me how she can't wait to have sex and get drunk. I'm pretty sure she was joking, but it was kind of weird. And a lot of kids turn on TV and see Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan and bare-all Britney and they're like "Yeah! Let's do that!" And these party-girls are heaped with rewards. I mean, Britney Spears is probably going to be a little more mature in the future, but Paris and Lindsay get awards and attention for the shit they do.

They're "IT" girls and they're all over magazines and party-guys get a lot of attention too. Kids want to be noticed and find themselves, so they try to emulate that, I guess. I never even watched MTV until I was 13. And the first thing I ever saw on MTV was a video for Avril's "Don't Tell Me". Those are the kinds of things that people should look up to.

So basically, its the parents' fault for not keeping a better watch, the kids' fault for being stupid and not waiting a few years until their heads are on straight, and the media's fault for heaping riches upon those who do stupid thing.
Magazine Sickness.
Magazine Sickness.
Age: 33
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Mibba Blog
January 12th, 2007 at 06:08am
ive never been to a party, like the ones your talking about

I was invited to a big one this girl in my class was having on new years.
All the 'cool kids' were going and I thought it sounded like fun.

Needless to say, I cracked under the popular pressure and didnt end up going.
I didnt want to spend an entire night pretending to be someone Im not.

I like my adorable 'loser' friends.
anti-christ of suburbia
anti-christ of suburbia
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January 12th, 2007 at 01:15pm
i dont like big parties. i avoid them if i can. i prefer being on my own or in a small group. i dont like most alcohol, and dont intend to get stoned or have sex for a long time. preferably not getting stoned anyway.

as boring as i sound im not really a party animal.
Age: 37
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January 12th, 2007 at 09:59pm
yup i smoke weed, drink party get wasted all of the above and i kinda like it...
but seeing as im of the age which allows me to be.. its fine.
i think some of you younger people have to slow down a bit its true stop raceing to grow up!! when you get to my age yall wish you where 16 again LOL i do.

no one should be having sex without protection and seriously you should wait and you will thank me later if you do.

also know your limits... its okay to exeed them but just know what they are cause then you can choose to or not.
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January 14th, 2007 at 09:04pm
you don't need to be sxe, you just need common sense.

if you don't want to ruin your liver - don't drink
if you don't want to get pregnant - don't have sex, or atleast protect yourself.
Amen to that!
Age: 32
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January 15th, 2007 at 02:50am
hmm, it does get you thinking. i'm 14, gonna be 15 in april...i've never been drunk nor have i tried not even 1 cigarette...though i have had a few drinks, yes...the most on my godmother's wedding. (and no, i wasnt miserable). i do think its sick when kids at 13 get drunk and stuff like that...i dont think its a very smart thing to do. drugs arent the best thing eather, i wont say that i will never try some, but still. people should be more reasonable. know when to stop. my classmate Lea is like um, she gets drunk alot..and shes a babe. i dojnt really like her but we get along. i'm more like, what comes that comes and when it comes i will stick to common sense....and have fun
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January 15th, 2007 at 02:53am
Chocolate Cookie:
hmm, it does get you thinking. i'm 14, gonna be 15 in april...i've never been drunk nor have i tried not even 1 cigarette...though i have had a few drinks, yes...the most on my godmother's wedding. (and no, i wasnt miserable). i do think its sick when kids at 13 get drunk and stuff like that...i dont think its a very smart thing to do. drugs arent the best thing eather, i wont say that i will never try some, but still. people should be more reasonable. know when to stop. my classmate Lea is like um, she gets drunk alot..and shes a babe. i dojnt really like her but we get along. i'm more like, what comes that comes and when it comes i will stick to common sense....and have fun

i forgot to add, my cousin drank almost a whole vodka bottle cause of heratache and ended up in the hospital. i was kinda shocked since i didnt expect that of her but she wont do that again, she's one of those people you can trust.
folkin' around.
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January 15th, 2007 at 02:58pm
I have a friend like that but she doesn't sleep around.
There's no real way to talk her out of doing what she does.
Her older brother who she looks up to does it too. Her mom is clueless about what they do also.
You know, sometimes she comes to school high, drunk, or with a hangover, but she doesn't care.
She has high hopes for herself when she's older, but with the way she acts now, I don't know
if she'll live up to those high standards.
She has also had a negative affect on me, which is not good because I have enough distractions already.
Biffy Clyro
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January 15th, 2007 at 03:15pm
As the sole member of my form who doesn't drink (yay for me), I obviously agree with your ideas, I myself am "straight edge" I suppose, but I don't really like the term because it tends to be followed by hardcore nonsense.
worn-out astronaut.
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Mibba Blog
January 15th, 2007 at 04:28pm
My friends smokes, he sometimes gets drunk when he goes out and rarely smokes weed. But he is the nicest person in the world sober or not. Its not affecting his school, other people he hangs out with so if its fun for him, why not do it?
Magazine Sickness.
Magazine Sickness.
Age: 33
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Mibba Blog
January 19th, 2007 at 12:40pm
I suppose everyone handles things different.

And sure we just need common sense.
Well take a fucking look around, how many people do you see with, do you go to school with, that have that?

Its a rarity.