Teens in today.

Age: 34
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Posts: 626
January 25th, 2007 at 04:57am
I hate those type of parties. And listening to my friends week in week out, try and figure out a major plan to drink and hide from their parents so they arn't found out. I'm a christian, so I hang out with stacks of people from my church, none of us drink, do drugs, or sleep around and I'm sure we have just as good time as people doing those things are...better still we would be having a better time.
I prefer to remember what I was doing last night, and not wake up sick.
I'm not at all interested in drinking or drugs, and I am glad that I found God.
And spend my Friday and Saturday nights, having fun with my church mates and not getting wasted.
Basket Case
Age: 35
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Posts: 15914

January 25th, 2007 at 09:03am
hay lin:
I know someone who does that. She goes out, drug herself, fucks everybody and get drunk.

She is not my friend.

I don't go out much. If I do, I'm don't get drunk. I can have fun without alcohol.
Maybe that is her idea of fun.
worn-out astronaut.
Had A Life Before GSB
worn-out astronaut.
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Mibba Blog
January 25th, 2007 at 10:13am
I think alcohol is more fun. Not too much, but just enough can make the world seem better. I like it cause it gets me chatty and happy and just springy, ready for action. Usually if you give my a bottle of Singha, I end up feeling like I can take on the world. I think it's the same with other drugs as well, it's just people have lost control with moderating the amount of in take. That begins to screw with them.
I think so too, but some people seem to think there is no fun without alcohol and drugs. They do it all the time. I don't mind alcohol, my dad drinks wine everyday and sure, sometimes you can get wasted, but when it turns into and obsession or a hobby, thats just over the top.
The Doctor
Falling In Love With The Board
The Doctor
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Mibba Blog
January 25th, 2007 at 11:04am
I dislike: the taste of alcohol/smell of smoke/the idea of non-medicinal drugs/teenagers/parties.

But anyway, it's their choice Faith nothing anybody says will change that.
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 33
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Mibba Blog
January 25th, 2007 at 12:18pm
Yeah, I gotta agree with that. Alcohol smells nasty. And smoke just makes me cough like hell. So you know, I try to stay away from people who smoke and drink. Although, I'm not exactly in danger of people like that anyway. For a while, I thought I'd be sXe for a while when I was legal, but I looked it up and I can't give up caffiene. My Pepsi is precious to me. *is really fat* And so's chocolate.

But I might drink just a little. If it's only a little mixed into a lot of juice/cola.
Age: 32
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Posts: 493
January 28th, 2007 at 11:24am
you can try stopping them all you wont, but if its something they really wanna do, you cant stop them. its a shame how kids waste their lives in their teens Crying or Very sad
Basket Case
Age: 35
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Posts: 15914

January 29th, 2007 at 05:58am
emo princess:
you can try stopping them all you wont, but if its something they really wanna do, you cant stop them. its a shame how kids waste their lives in their teens Crying or Very sad
You think it's a waste to have fun? Yeah, maybe some teens are a bit too obsessed or even addicted to being drunk or getting high, but that doesn't mean the rest of us are. It's fun, you just have to watch out. These are the best, the best years of our lives. All of my adult friends agree. If you're not a teenager now, you'll never be. Screw trying to find a proffession, or making money. That's what you do when you're old and your breasts are saggy, your tummy sticks out, and your cheecks getting lower and lower on your face. All you do, is try in school and have fun. Otherwise, you're missing out on the time of your life. Green Day have said this, and their prime audiences are teenagers. Listen to them, they're in their 30's now. They know what they're talking about.
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 33
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Mibba Blog
January 29th, 2007 at 06:02am
Going to parties is fun. Getting sugar high is fun. Dancing around stupidly to loud music is fun. Throwing paper balls at each other is fun. That's what being a teen is kind of about. I've never drank, but hey, gettin' a little tipsy is probably fun too.

Emo princess, your views seem rather...close minded.
Age: 32
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January 30th, 2007 at 06:54pm
I can understand a drink here or there.
It's interesting and exciting when your underage. I've had some [a few sips] of the mom's margarita and i liked it Shifty
but that doesn't mean I drink all the time.

Kids are going to experiment. You learn from your mistakes.
Falling In Love With The Board
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January 30th, 2007 at 11:32pm

Kids are going to experiment. You learn from your mistakes.

it's only a good thing when kids actually learn from their mistakes. many do not and they realize later that they're still working at mc d's because they were too high or drunk to pay attention in high school [this being just an example].

i had that in mind as well, just to experiment, but i was fortunate to wake up and pull out. some people never get past their high school 'experiments' and it's really unfortunate.
Age: 32
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Posts: 11991
January 31st, 2007 at 06:54pm

Kids are going to experiment. You learn from your mistakes.

it's only a good thing when kids actually learn from their mistakes. many do not and they realize later that they're still working at mc d's because they were too high or drunk to pay attention in high school [this being just an example].

i had that in mind as well, just to experiment, but i was fortunate to wake up and pull out. some people never get past their high school 'experiments' and it's really unfortunate.

yes it is.
but by experimant i mean like getting drunk once or twice at some stupid party, or getting high on a Friday at your best friend's house.

I don't mean constant useage.
Age: 33
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Posts: 105

February 11th, 2007 at 08:43am
I see the way you're thinking, i like it. I'm only 15 and i don't do anything really of those stuff [to be honest deep deep down i would actaully though if i had the chance] It would be risky and what not!
Sometimes i gotta remember that im only 15, and still get called a kid *sigh* and i know people who are my age and do that sorta thing, i know i sound a little snobby but all they're trying to do is be scene. The most rebelious thing i ever done was smaoke a couple of cigarates with some guys ......
King For A Couple Of Days
Age: 33
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Posts: 3663
February 11th, 2007 at 09:12am
im 15
iv drank a little but never enough to acually get drunk
iv always said to myself if im going to get drunk it will be around a small group
of friends that can look after me and not allow me to do something stupid
just last week i went to a friends house me her and this other girl were suposed to be getting a bit drunk cause her parents always buy her drink if her friends are staying over shes like 14 ! my parents would never buy me drink
but anyways a problem occuried and her mother wouldnt get her any drink
and to me iv had plently of oppertunities where people have tried to get me drunk or have planed for us to get drunk but each time theres bein a hitch
for some reason i just see this as fate telling me that i dont need to get drunk

alot of my mates are all younger than me and i enjoy the fact that many of them havnt been drunk yet but then when there is the ones that have been drunk i feel odd because im older than them and yet iv not been drunk
then there is other people which are really just my aquentences who are drunk every weekend or high on drugs and i see them all over the place and i even paid for one of them to get home on a bus once and i was just thinking what an earth does there mum think when he gets home

i dont want to become like them there the people that only look forward to the weekend because they can get drunk and high

as for parties iv been invited to 2 but iv never gone there not popularity parties
there mainly for the people all down at the skate park and that hang around there
but iv never had the courage to go because everyone gets so drunk
everyone sleeps with each other and do so many things that they regret

i just dont see the excitment in it all
im fine just sat at home speaking to people that
appriciate the person that i am
and not how much i drink
Basket Case
Age: 35
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Posts: 15914

February 13th, 2007 at 04:03am

Kids are going to experiment. You learn from your mistakes.

it's only a good thing when kids actually learn from their mistakes. many do not and they realize later that they're still working at mc d's because they were too high or drunk to pay attention in high school [this being just an example].

i had that in mind as well, just to experiment, but i was fortunate to wake up and pull out. some people never get past their high school 'experiments' and it's really unfortunate.

yes it is.
but by experimant i mean like getting drunk once or twice at some stupid party, or getting high on a Friday at your best friend's house.

I don't mean constant useage.
You don't always have to drink, too. Just go out to some parties at least. That's all you need to do to be a teen. If you've never, then you've actually had a very sad life. You can't enjoy your life if you've never at least tried to go out and meet new people or do new things or go new places.
Magazine Sickness.
Magazine Sickness.
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Mibba Blog
February 13th, 2007 at 05:16am
My friend got in with the popular crowd at her highschool.
Shes pretty much a mess these days.
Shes always off her face on something and I dont know what to do anymore.

She wont listen if I tell her to stop so basically,
Im just left watching her self destruct.
The Doctor.
The Doctor.
Age: 41
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February 13th, 2007 at 06:09am
we had a sexuall health lesson.
and there was a question and the words were
'Most teens have had sexual intercourse before they are 14, and will have had atleast 6 sexual partners before they leave school, Agree or disagree?'

it was quite worrying that the majority of the class put 'agree' down.
and even more worrying people even admitted it.

this is a class of 14 and 15 year olds.
and most admitted they get wasted every weekend.

theres even a prostitute in my school.
no one cares.
it's horrible.

but you can't tell them to stop :/
i guess this is why my area has the most teenage pregnancy's, and STI's in eastern europe.

i personally don't think it's right for kids doing these things.
not in the extent that some people do it anyway :]
Basket Case
Age: 35
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Posts: 15914

February 13th, 2007 at 06:21am
Why not? We are harming no one except ourselves if we are responsible enough and are having sex with other people.
anti-christ of suburbia
anti-christ of suburbia
Age: 32
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Posts: 986

February 13th, 2007 at 01:28pm
Why not? We are harming no one except ourselves if we are responsible enough and are having sex with other people.

you are harming you friends if you get into it too bad. yeah its hurting you, but try having a friend going down that road. you would want to help them, but you know that theres really absolutely nothing you can do, and youve just got to watch them destroy themselves.
davey jones.
Falling In Love With The Board
davey jones.
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Mibba Blog
February 13th, 2007 at 10:36pm
Basically, I'm a vegetable. Yep, I'm wasting my teenage years on the couch or in front of the computer instead of getting shitfaced. Rolling Eyes

I never go out anywhere. The only place I've been is church. It's hardly a church, though. That's where the drugs deals go down. It was boring. The closest thing I've done is smoke weed in an abandonded house, and that's it. I don't really feel like doing it again, honestly. I can't go anywhere without being probed by my parents. If I go somewhere, they stay up until I get home, check my breath and my eyes and interrogate me. I don't even get a curfew because I don't get to go out -- and I don't ask.

Sure, I've wanted to, and my sister has even offered to drive me anywhere I please to get totally, out of control shitfaced and/or high. She's offered me coverage from my parents and said she doesn't want me to get hurt. Like drive home drunk or something.

I sit in my house all day, all weekend, and do absolutely nothing. That's my life. I'm not the 'average' teenager who gets away with sex, drugs, and alcohol and has the time of their life. All my friends go out every weekend while I sit at home. I guess I'm basically screwing myself over, am I not? I mean, I only live once, and this era of my life is critical. Rolling Eyes
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 33
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Posts: 5278

Mibba Blog
February 14th, 2007 at 12:47am
Heh. Same. I go to the mall with my friends every now and then but all we do is get ice cream and wander around uselessly. I play with my baby cousin every weekend and study.

Wooooot. My parents would disown me if I ever thought about a boyfriend. I thought about being spiteful and trying to get a girlfriend instead but that didn't work out too well. Summary: My life is boring. My life is the internet. And television. And books. And CDs. Basically, everything but reality.

One day, I will get out of this city and go to college. I WILL go to a party and drink some alcohol mixed in Coke or whatever.