Teens in today.

Age: 31
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Posts: 1991

February 14th, 2007 at 06:54am
I think people have a certain idea of what teenagers do and act like. Most of the time it's not right though..
Basket Case
Age: 35
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Posts: 15914

February 14th, 2007 at 08:44am
anti-christ of suburbia:
Why not? We are harming no one except ourselves if we are responsible enough and are having sex with other people.

you are harming you friends if you get into it too bad. yeah its hurting you, but try having a friend going down that road. you would want to help them, but you know that theres really absolutely nothing you can do, and youve just got to watch them destroy themselves.
We're talking about sex, yeah? Unless you're screwing your friends, then why would they be hurt? I don't understand how having sex leads to destruction. I know I'm not a self-destructive person.
Age: 34
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Posts: 1691
February 16th, 2007 at 03:59am
A Melancholy Autumn:
Basically, I'm a vegetable. Yep, I'm wasting my teenage years on the couch or in front of the computer instead of getting shitfaced. Rolling Eyes

I never go out anywhere. The only place I've been is church. It's hardly a church, though. That's where the drugs deals go down. It was boring. The closest thing I've done is smoke weed in an abandonded house, and that's it. I don't really feel like doing it again, honestly. I can't go anywhere without being probed by my parents. If I go somewhere, they stay up until I get home, check my breath and my eyes and interrogate me. I don't even get a curfew because I don't get to go out -- and I don't ask.

Sure, I've wanted to, and my sister has even offered to drive me anywhere I please to get totally, out of control shitfaced and/or high. She's offered me coverage from my parents and said she doesn't want me to get hurt. Like drive home drunk or something.

I sit in my house all day, all weekend, and do absolutely nothing. That's my life. I'm not the 'average' teenager who gets away with sex, drugs, and alcohol and has the time of their life. All my friends go out every weekend while I sit at home. I guess I'm basically screwing myself over, am I not? I mean, I only live once, and this era of my life is critical. Rolling Eyes

i have pretty over-protective parents, i usually have to be the first of my friends home, but they dont mind the drinking, and dont know about the drugs. they know im not stupid, im never in a state that i cant stand up or pass out.
Funky Platypus
Funky Platypus
Age: 33
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Posts: 570

February 18th, 2007 at 05:42pm
Heh. Same. I go to the mall with my friends every now and then but all we do is get ice cream and wander around uselessly. I play with my baby cousin every weekend and study.

Wooooot. My parents would disown me if I ever thought about a boyfriend. I thought about being spiteful and trying to get a girlfriend instead but that didn't work out too well. Summary: My life is boring. My life is the internet. And television. And books. And CDs. Basically, everything but reality.

One day, I will get out of this city and go to college. I WILL go to a party and drink some alcohol mixed in Coke or whatever.

That's pretty much my life right there. On the weekends I'm on here or practicing softball or basketball. Fun. I know. I used to get out, back in my middle school days, but once I entered high school my "friends" turned into snots and found more popular friends and went with them. So yeah, the few things that take me away from the hellhole that is high school, I'll gladly comply with them. It's too much pressure in a new school, now officially having NO best friend(s). I have to start that all over.

But, really, all this conversation is opinion. I mean, some of us can say that teens today are just SLUTTING themselves, while others justify such behavior and say that they're simply enjoying their lives. Times change. People change.
Magazine Sickness.
Magazine Sickness.
Age: 33
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Posts: 443

Mibba Blog
February 20th, 2007 at 03:48am
I think if you want to go out, do drugs, drink yourself stupid and fuck anything and anyone that moves then thats your choice to make, but you shouldnt blame others for the eventual consequences of your actions.

If others dont want that lifestyle, then dont put them down and say; you're so boring! teen years = idiocy! go ruin your life!! rar rar!!

people are different and like Funky Platypus said, times have changed.
aslong as we accept other people's points of view then thats all that matters.

and before you go all 'zomg you dont care about others!!11' on my arse remember that we cant police teens[:
Age: 32
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Posts: 11991
February 20th, 2007 at 08:07am
I find it funny how over protective parents are. My mother has told me numorus times that she wants me to have a boyfriend and have some friends to hang out with; go to the mall and movies with. She doesn't care who they are [her list of groups, 'rockers', 'emos', 'gangstas' but NO guys involved in prison].
davey jones.
Falling In Love With The Board
davey jones.
Age: 32
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Mibba Blog
February 24th, 2007 at 09:11pm
Like I said before, I never ask if I can go anywhere or do anything.
Basically because I know I can't do anything like drinking without getting caught. If I do, I would get punished like nobodies business.
I just hate having to go through 'security check' when I get home. Rolling Eyes
Sometimes I want my parents to just let me live.
But my mom sometimes encourages me to go out, but I decline because I know I won't have fun because I can't do anything fun.

And besides, I have no friends to party with. Rolling Eyes
Basket Case
Age: 35
Gender: Female
Posts: 15914

February 25th, 2007 at 03:11am
A Melancholy Autumn:
Like I said before, I never ask if I can go anywhere or do anything.
Basically because I know I can't do anything like drinking without getting caught. If I do, I would get punished like nobodies business.
I just hate having to go through 'security check' when I get home. Rolling Eyes
Sometimes I want my parents to just let me live.
But my mom sometimes encourages me to go out, but I decline because I know I won't have fun because I can't do anything fun.

And besides, I have no friends to party with. Rolling Eyes
I think you already have a friend.
Basket Case
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Posts: 15581

February 25th, 2007 at 01:15pm
dude, its called hormones teens have always been the same, they just have more chances to spaz out now with all the partys and stuff.
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 1808

March 3rd, 2007 at 07:59am
i think that one should drink when they know when to stop. our class has had 1 keg party(private), it sucked ass and we were going to have another one last week but sadly it got cancelled. its more of a way to unwind and just get drunk than to just party your arse off here with our class, although we do party our arses off. seriously. i find it sick when 12-13 yearolds drink themselves under the table, i'm almost 15 so i suppose i know when to stop, i have brains. my friend's classmates filled themselves up with vodka on a class trip and they had to take care of it themselves without the police/ambulance. i aint into the stronger stuff, only beer and cider for me, but yeah, some kids at my school do drugs and smoke and drink and all that shit, if they want to, and if they dotn get cought, its their choice to make.