Abusive Siblings
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lyrical_mess Falling In Love With The Board ![]() Age: 33 Gender: Female Posts: 5278 ![]() ![]() | Anji: Seriously? Your sister does that? And I have a new, wonderful thing to add to my list. My awesome grandpa moved in with us and he has this cool wooden cane. Cuz he'd old. My brother like to take it and wack my on the shins with it. |
Anji Basket Case ![]() Age: 35 Gender: Female Posts: 15914 ![]() | Hahaha, of course. Once my sister stapled my head. I couldn't stop laughing at the time, I thought it was funny. I couldn't feel any pain anyway. |
Mycophobia Basket Case ![]() Age: 30 Gender: Female Posts: 15581 ![]() | Flaming Phalanges!: why? |
Flaming Phalanges! Basket Case ![]() Age: 35 Gender: Female Posts: 17669 | I died without a name: Why? Because it's your own brother or sister! a) It'll break up your family b) It'll make things a lot worse because they'll want revenge c) Nothing would get done anyway, because it's just "sibling rivalry" and d) At the end of the day, he's my brother. So yes, I stand by my opinion that your statement was utterly ridiculous and not worthwhile at all. I suppose you get on well with your brother or sister or maybe you don't have any, so this sounds horrific to you, but it's life for us, and it's how it's always been. And 17 years in, I'm not gonna suddenly decide to call the police on my own brother, because at the end of the day, he's gonna grow up, and why should I try and ruin that if it's gonna be better for me in the long run? |
Lucifers Angel King For A Couple Of Days ![]() Age: - Gender: Female Posts: 4751 | Flaming Phalanges!: i know from expierence that if yu go and see your social worker or school teacher they will call the police and they then will come out and talk to your brother or sister |
Lucifers Angel King For A Couple Of Days ![]() Age: - Gender: Female Posts: 4751 | Lucifers Angel: but yes you are right he will grow up, and grow out of what he is doing |
Kurtni Admin ![]() Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 34289 ![]() ![]() | I seriously can't believe you guys are justifying abusive behavior. "Oh, we're related, so therefore its ok for my sibling to put my life in harms way for their benifit" That is ridiculous and just silly. Related or not, no one has the right to abuse you and cause you harm. Do parents have the right to beat the living hell ouf of a little kid because they are family? Should nothing be done about it because it might "break up the family"? You guys are taking this way too lightly. Little sybling conflicts aren't abuse. If you have a physically abusive, dangerous enviorment, you need to tell someone. If a relative, brother, sister, whatever, is treating you like that, first off they aren't acting like family at all and secondly they need help. Punishment is correction. If our actions have no consequences, then we learn nothing. And don't even say they will grow out of it. You can say they could, but you can also say one day they'll get carried away with their idiotic, abusive behavior and someone might be seriously injured. Flaming Phalanges!: That's completely and totally false. If you were to call the police to report domestic violence or something of that sort, it wouldn't matter who was commiting the crime, the law applies equally regardless of personal relationships. There is a gigantic difference between sibling rivalry and abuse. |
lyrical_mess Falling In Love With The Board ![]() Age: 33 Gender: Female Posts: 5278 ![]() ![]() | Honestly, I think my brother and I have started to grow out of it recently. He still does the knife thing and it scares the living shit outta me, but he's gotten...calmer lately. I dunno. Perhaps we're subconciously cherishing our time together because he's going away to colllllegeeee *dances* ![]() Not that I'm, y'know...happy or anything...*cough* No seriously. It's calmed down. And what he does to me isn't as extreme as what happens to FP or Dru or Anji. But the fact remains: it happens to people. And who knows, what if it's a growing trend? It'd be best to try and cut it off now. |
Anji Basket Case ![]() Age: 35 Gender: Female Posts: 15914 ![]() | I guess my family is just so crazy then that our parents fed us a load of family propaganda with messages like, 'We're family, we can do what ever we like to you.' and, 'It's OK for you guys to kill eachother just because you're sibiling, and it's OK for us to hurt you cause we're all family and that's whats most important.' This is how I was brought up, and it's not wrong. My sister stapled my head, she loves me. That's how it is, I don't care what anybody else says. |
lyrical_mess Falling In Love With The Board ![]() Age: 33 Gender: Female Posts: 5278 ![]() ![]() | I reallly have to ask: what did it feel like? |
Anji Basket Case ![]() Age: 35 Gender: Female Posts: 15914 ![]() | lyrical_mess:Like a dog, a little dog with fangs biting you in the head. Actually, any old thing with fangs biting you in the head. I just said dog cause my dog bit me two days ago. |
Flaming Phalanges! Basket Case ![]() Age: 35 Gender: Female Posts: 17669 | Kurtni: Would you report your brother or sister? Would you risk your family? Would you want to put them in prison even though at the end of the day there are good sides to them? It's SO easy for you to say because you don't deal with it. You have no idea how things are, because it's different between husband and wife, because you can leave them forever. But I would never be able to 'leave' my brother, and I wouldn't want to. Because yeah, he treats me like complete shite, but when we get on, we get on. He hasn't put me seriosuly at risk, just bad bruises and cuts, but that's nothing compared to what it could be. So no, I will not try and get my brother put in prison. And what use is it getting some stranger to come and talk to your brother, when someone who knows them and has raised them can't get him to grow out of it in 5 seconds flat. |
Kurtni Admin ![]() Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 34289 ![]() ![]() | Flaming Phalanges!: ![]() You're acting as if every family is functional enough to have their problems solved and as if everyones families just give them "a few bad bruises". Sorry, that's idealistic and unrealistic, some people have it so much worse than that. Some peoples lives are threatened on a daily basis by their sibilings, and you're saying they shouldn't do anything about it? That it's ok for them to be in such danger? No, it's not, and no one should have to live in constant fear like that. My idea of a family is a group of people who you love and trust, and who care about you. Someone who does things that endanger your state of well being does not love you, they don't care about you, and are only thinking of themself and their situation. |
lyrical_mess Falling In Love With The Board ![]() Age: 33 Gender: Female Posts: 5278 ![]() ![]() | I think it's the same situation that abused men/women have to put up with in marriages and romantic relationships. Because from one side, you know it sucks, you know you want it to stop and that it shouldn't even be happening and there's an impulse to tell someone. But on the other side, it's someone you love, someone you know and care about and would it really be okay for you to just throw that away? Kind of like "what if they're right?". Like if kid A screams at his sibling B "you suck. I hate you. You're a selfish piece of shit. You're stupid." etc, then B might feel like telling the police really would be selfish of him. |
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