Modern day use of the confederate flag

Basket Case
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Posts: 15581

February 25th, 2007 at 01:30pm
as all Americans know in the early 1860s the american civil war was going on. the southern confederate states split from the rest of the country because they feared the Federal government was becoming tyrannically powerful. the USA defeted the confeterates, but confederateism remianed in the southern states.

that was over 150 years ago, yet if you go to the southern USA you will still see the confederate flag in many places, they can even be found in some areas of the north. Many people arguee that this flag symbols rasisim and pro-slavery, and is now highly contrverisial Southern Rock band, Lynyrd Skynyrd often used it and sparked conraversy.

so you think that the flag still symbols rasisim, or that it simply reprsents the southern states?
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February 25th, 2007 at 06:30pm
i have no idea i live up in maine so like well yeah
Ol' Blue Eyes.
King For A Couple Of Days
Ol' Blue Eyes.
Age: 36
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Posts: 4816

February 25th, 2007 at 09:28pm
I went down to Virginia, and down there it's all over the place. I don't think it's necessarily a racist symbol, more of a Southern Pride thing.
Brendon Urie..
King For A Couple Of Days
Brendon Urie..
Age: 37
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February 25th, 2007 at 09:32pm
Whenever I see one on a car I either think or yell "redneck" depending on the situation.
My dad told me he was joking around with a black friend of his once and said he was going to put a Confederate flag on the car.
He didn't think the guy would get pissed.
He did.
Ol' Blue Eyes.
King For A Couple Of Days
Ol' Blue Eyes.
Age: 36
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Posts: 4816

February 25th, 2007 at 09:34pm
Whenever I see one on a car I either think or yell "redneck" depending on the situation.
My dad told me he was joking around with a black friend of his once and said he was going to put a Confederate flag on the car.
He didn't think the guy would get pissed.
He did.
It is what people make it.

Every person I talked to down there had no problem with black people or anyone else. It was a southern thing for them.
Age: 32
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Posts: 34289

Mibba Blog
March 2nd, 2007 at 11:37pm
Thunder 34:
the southern confederate states split from the USA beaucase they wanted to keep slavery.


Slavery was not the cause of the civil war, they tell you that in second grade, it’s incorrect. Slavery was one of the issues involved with the war, but it wasn’t the only one, just the one we choose to acknowledge the most.

Alright, so you have Congress, more specifically the Senate, where each state is represented equally. (the north had already dominated the House of Reps. Because of their population). Political power between Slave States and Free States was delicately balanced there, a very tense balance that no one wanted to upset for fear of the south succeeding from the union. Now, when Missouri applied for statehood we had 11 free states and 11 slave states, and Missouri is smack in the middle of the North and South so it was highly debated over what to do. Politicians began making all kinds of compromises and proposing laws. This went on for months until another state, Maine, wanted to become a state as well. Maine was admitted as a free state and Missouri a slave state in the agreement known as the Missouri compromise. However this agreement also banned slavery in the rest of the Louisiana territory north of Missouri. This calmed the problem for a while, but this solution wouldn’t last long.

I think it was South Carolina that was the first state to threaten succession, and it wasn’t over slavery. It was because their economy was suffering and Congress had just passed a new tarrif in 1828. This leads into the cause of the civil war; the South Carolina government wanted to nullify the law. This would directly violate a law set by the federal government. Up until this point in history, it was very foggy as to which level of government was the most powerful, and THAT is the cause of the civil war. Debating over which level of government had the right to set laws that could not be done away with by nullification. It was a power issue.

The Federal government basically said get over it. Us>you. And you can’t leave the union either because you’re part of our country and we control you. In 1832 congress passed yet another tariff and South Carolina had taken enough and didn’t just talk about nullification, they voted and really did nullify it. The Federal government was all “TREASON TREASON WTF TREASON”. And sent warships to Charleston (like at this point it would accomplish anything) Congress ended up lowering tariffs by 1942 and the nullification was repealed.

Now, I could go on and on for pages giving you reasons for each individual state, but I know if I make it too long not everyone will read it. So I’ll keep it short and skip ahead to when states began succeeding. Congress kept trying to pass acts and laws to settle the balance between slave states and free states and kept annexing states two at a time, but it couldn’t work forever, and it definitely didn’t. When Lincoln was elected president, the South felt threatened and worried about their culture becoming industrialized and made like the north. South Carolina was the first to succeed. And by February of 1861 6 others had as well, and why? Not because of slavery. Because they feared the power of the federal government was going to overtake their states. Once again, POWER was the issue. CONTROL was the problem.
Now, Lincoln wasn’t concerned about abolishing slavery, he wanted to preserve the union. “A house divided against itself can not stand. I believe this government cannot endure, permanently half slave and half free. I do not expect the union to be dissolved- I do not expect the house to fall- but I do expect it will cease to be divided It will become all one thing or all the other.”- Abraham Lincoln. That quote pretty much sums up his attitude on the war. He wasn’t for or against slavery, he was for saving the union. To him, that meant either the whole country had to be free, or the whole country had to allow slaves. Everyone thinks the Emancipation Proclamation freed the slaves, but it really didn’t. It’s actually pretty worthless (although it is fun to say). It freed all slaves in the states still in rebellion…. HELLO they are in rebellion, do you think they cared at all about what Lincoln said? Not really. And it didn’t affect the border states either. So see, trying to tamper with slavery didn’t end the war. And it didn’t free the slaves, that didn’t happen until the 14th amendment and Lincoln had been assassinated by then. Lincoln did not free the slaves.

So, the war was eventually resolved. Slavery was outlawed with the 14th amendment (although discrimination was still horrible, so slave’s quality of life didn’t improve. In fact in some cases it got worse sadly) The more important resolution with the ending of the Civil war was that it was established that the Federal Government had the authority, not the states. Federal Government had the POWER over the State governments.

Now, back to the confederate flag. It represented the states in rebellion, NOT SLAVERY. It is not racist in any way. Idiotic people choose to pervert its meaning into something that it most definitely isn’t. It’s about southern heritage. I mean really, censoring the flag in schools and things of that sort is like trying to erase history. It’s also like people assume only the south was racist in that time period which is totally incorrect. If you think the North didn’t allow slavery because they were in favor of equality, you’re missing some information. Slavery wasn’t economically smart, it wasn’t about equality. The north was very industrialized, with factories. It would have been much easier to have slaves working the factories, than it would have been to have to pay free people to do the task. However lots of people lived in those cities and they needed jobs, which is why they couldn’t have slaves. The South was the opposite, it was rural and thrived on agriculture which is why slaves were so efficient. All of the United States was racist at that time, just for different reasons. It isn’t like the Free African Americans were treated any nicer in the North either, they were still discriminated against because legally they were free but still not equal. They wouldn’t be equal until the 14th amendment passed. Even then, they still were treated poorly. Racism is an on going battle to this day and probably will be for quite some time.
Basket Case
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Posts: 15581

March 4th, 2007 at 10:17am
Thunder 34:
the southern confederate states split from the USA beaucase they wanted to keep slavery.

big long rant

Molly im always wrong
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 34289

Mibba Blog
March 4th, 2007 at 11:17am
Thunder 34:
Thunder 34:
the southern confederate states split from the USA beaucase they wanted to keep slavery.

big long rant

Molly im always wrong

Pat Im glad you made this topic though, it's a good thread.
Age: 32
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Posts: 14856

March 5th, 2007 at 09:05am
I think confederates suck, I lived in Florida and whenever I went to a trailer park I saw thousands of those flags. I hate racism and white superiority, I think we are all equal, Black, Chinese, White... It's just that some white people think they have more power over other races.

I once saw a movie about some confederates that went to a black town and went into a shop, they spat over everything they saw, even the people, when they got out of the shop and got in their truck they saw a black girl walking along the road with a shopping bag, so they threw a beer can at her and they took her into the woods and raped her and killed her. They then got arrested and the father of that little girl killed those people. It's a very sad story but I think it explains alot about racism.
Basket Case
Age: 35
Gender: Female
Posts: 15914

March 5th, 2007 at 09:31am
Correct me if I'm wrong, I have no idea being non-American, but the spirit of the Confederate flag was most probably kept alive by those great-great-great-great grandfathers who fought in the civil war and remained true to their southern roots. Families and individuals who still use it are just restating their loyalty towards family traditions and the southern spirit. I'm pretty sure they don't mean to spark any sort of racist prejudice.
Age: 32
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Posts: 34289

Mibba Blog
March 5th, 2007 at 06:15pm
I think confederates suck, I lived in Florida and whenever I went to a trailer park I saw thousands of those flags. I hate racism and white superiority, I think we are all equal, Black, Chinese, White... It's just that some white people think they have more power over other races.

I once saw a movie about some confederates that went to a black town and went into a shop, they spat over everything they saw, even the people, when they got out of the shop and got in their truck they saw a black girl walking along the road with a shopping bag, so they threw a beer can at her and they took her into the woods and raped her and killed her. They then got arrested and the father of that little girl killed those people. It's a very sad story but I think it explains alot about racism.

You do know that the confederacy has nothing to do with racism, correct?
Check that out.
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 34289

Mibba Blog
March 5th, 2007 at 06:16pm
Correct me if I'm wrong, I have no idea being non-American, but the spirit of the Confederate flag was most probably kept alive by those great-great-great-great grandfathers who fought in the civil war and remained true to their southern roots. Families and individuals who still use it are just restating their loyalty towards family traditions and the southern spirit. I'm pretty sure they don't mean to spark any sort of racist prejudice.

You being non-american isn't really an issue because you have alot better concept of it than most americans do. Cool I gurantee you if you asked people randomly what the confederacy was most of them would say something about the racist states that broke away and that's what the flag represents;racism. And it doesn't.
Ol' Blue Eyes.
King For A Couple Of Days
Ol' Blue Eyes.
Age: 36
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Posts: 4816

March 5th, 2007 at 06:26pm
Correct me if I'm wrong, I have no idea being non-American, but the spirit of the Confederate flag was most probably kept alive by those great-great-great-great grandfathers who fought in the civil war and remained true to their southern roots. Families and individuals who still use it are just restating their loyalty towards family traditions and the southern spirit. I'm pretty sure they don't mean to spark any sort of racist prejudice.

You being non-american isn't really an issue because you have alot better concept of it than most americans do. Cool I gurantee you if you asked people randomly what the confederacy was most of them would say something about the racist states that broke away and that's what the flag represents;racism. And it doesn't.
I'd like to thank my 10th grade history teacher.

She set the record straight. Retard

And I really do believe it's just a Southern thing. A very small group of people, if any, use it as a symbol of racism.
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 34289

Mibba Blog
March 5th, 2007 at 06:31pm
Correct me if I'm wrong, I have no idea being non-American, but the spirit of the Confederate flag was most probably kept alive by those great-great-great-great grandfathers who fought in the civil war and remained true to their southern roots. Families and individuals who still use it are just restating their loyalty towards family traditions and the southern spirit. I'm pretty sure they don't mean to spark any sort of racist prejudice.

You being non-american isn't really an issue because you have alot better concept of it than most americans do. Cool I gurantee you if you asked people randomly what the confederacy was most of them would say something about the racist states that broke away and that's what the flag represents;racism. And it doesn't.
I'd like to thank my 10th grade history teacher.

She set the record straight. Retard

And I really do believe it's just a Southern thing. A very small group of people, if any, use it as a symbol of racism.

Meg She was a good teacher.

Sadly some people do pervert it's meaning and think of it as something racist, but their ignorance shouldn't prevent others from displaying it which is what happens. I know it's strictly forbidden at my school, and anyone seen wearing it, having a sticker on their car of it, or actually having a flag is immediately sent home and gets in some serious trouble. It's so silly. I think by censoring it, they are only encouraring people to be ignorant to what it actually stood for.
Basket Case
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Posts: 15581

March 5th, 2007 at 08:32pm
Thunder 34:
Thunder 34:
the southern confederate states split from the USA beaucase they wanted to keep slavery.

big long rant

Molly im always wrong

Pat Im glad you made this topic though, it's a good thread.

so what should i write in place of that?
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Posts: 34289

Mibba Blog
March 5th, 2007 at 09:26pm
Thunder 34:
Thunder 34:
Thunder 34:
the southern confederate states split from the USA beaucase they wanted to keep slavery.

big long rant

Molly im always wrong

Pat Im glad you made this topic though, it's a good thread.

so what should i write in place of that?

They split from the rest of the country because they feared the Federal government was becoming tyrannically powerful. Cool
Ol' Blue Eyes.
King For A Couple Of Days
Ol' Blue Eyes.
Age: 36
Gender: Female
Posts: 4816

March 5th, 2007 at 10:30pm
Meg She was a good teacher.

Sadly some people do pervert it's meaning and think of it as something racist, but their ignorance shouldn't prevent others from displaying it which is what happens. I know it's strictly forbidden at my school, and anyone seen wearing it, having a sticker on their car of it, or actually having a flag is immediately sent home and gets in some serious trouble. It's so silly. I think by censoring it, they are only encouraring people to be ignorant to what it actually stood for.

That's ridiculous. It's a flag, for godsake.
Basket Case
Age: 35
Gender: Female
Posts: 15914

March 7th, 2007 at 11:39am
Correct me if I'm wrong, I have no idea being non-American, but the spirit of the Confederate flag was most probably kept alive by those great-great-great-great grandfathers who fought in the civil war and remained true to their southern roots. Families and individuals who still use it are just restating their loyalty towards family traditions and the southern spirit. I'm pretty sure they don't mean to spark any sort of racist prejudice.

You being non-american isn't really an issue because you have alot better concept of it than most americans do. Cool I gurantee you if you asked people randomly what the confederacy was most of them would say something about the racist states that broke away and that's what the flag represents;racism. And it doesn't.
I'd like to thank my 10th grade history teacher.

She set the record straight. Retard

And I really do believe it's just a Southern thing. A very small group of people, if any, use it as a symbol of racism.

Meg She was a good teacher.

Sadly some people do pervert it's meaning and think of it as something racist, but their ignorance shouldn't prevent others from displaying it which is what happens. I know it's strictly forbidden at my school, and anyone seen wearing it, having a sticker on their car of it, or actually having a flag is immediately sent home and gets in some serious trouble. It's so silly. I think by censoring it, they are only encouraring people to be ignorant to what it actually stood for.
It's weird, cause I've studied the civil war, and I've seen pleanty of use of that flag, and I know the history behind it and the Southern states, yet I never had an inkling that it could possibly be racist. Whereas, it seems in America, it's sorta a big issue.
Basket Case
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Posts: 15581

March 11th, 2007 at 11:30am
as all Americans know in the early 1860s the american civel war was going on. the southern confederate states split from the rest of the country because they feared the Federal government was becoming tyrannically powerful. the USA defeted the confeterates, but confederateism remianed in the southern states.

that was over 150 years ago, yet if you go to the southern USA you will still see the confederate flag in many places, they can even be found in some areas of the north. Many people arguee that this flag symbols rasisim and pro-slavery, and is now highly contrverisial Southern Rock band, Lynyrd Skynyrd often used it and sparked conraversy.

so you think that the flag still symbols rasisim, or that it simply reprsents the southern states?

discuss here
Basket Case
Age: 30
Gender: Female
Posts: 15581

March 11th, 2007 at 11:30am
Thunder 34:
as all Americans know in the early 1860s the american civel war was going on. the southern confederate states split from the rest of the country because they feared the Federal government was becoming tyrannically powerful. the USA defeted the confeterates, but confederateism remianed in the southern states.

that was over 150 years ago, yet if you go to the southern USA you will still see the confederate flag in many places, they can even be found in some areas of the north. Many people arguee that this flag symbols rasisim and pro-slavery, and is now highly contrverisial Southern Rock band, Lynyrd Skynyrd often used it and sparked conraversy.

so you think that the flag still symbols rasisim, or that it simply reprsents the southern states?

discuss here

shit O_O how do i edit that?