Sex Education
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Brendon Urie.. King For A Couple Of Days ![]() Age: 37 Gender: Female Posts: 2394 ![]() | I believe in sex education. I do not believe in "abstinence-only" sex education. I think it's irresponsible to not teach teenagers about safe sex. I think it's just plain stupid to think that by teaching abstinence-only they won't have sex. I also think that they misrepresent data to try and scare teenagers into not having sex. Quote I also believe that abstinence-only programs increase teenage pregnancies, rather than preventing them. Quote Discuss? |
Ol' Blue Eyes. King For A Couple Of Days ![]() Age: 36 Gender: Female Posts: 4816 ![]() | I will never support abstinence only programs. No matter how idealistic people are, there are always going to be kids having sex. It is the way of the world. I would rather have people prepared for it then have them misinformed. |
lyrical_mess Falling In Love With The Board ![]() Age: 33 Gender: Female Posts: 5278 ![]() ![]() | When there's a teen couple that's been going out for like, a while, then obviously they're going to do stuff. If people keep saying "say NO!!!!!" then they will plan on saying no. But they are TEENAGERS. Hormones, love, etc. They'll probably just end up having unprotected sex because they didn't plan on it. Stupid mistake if you ask me. But seriously. This is why sex becomes "taboo" and then teenagers are drawn to sexy advertisements and bootlilicious music videos. There are sexual feelings between teenaged couples and it's better to get it out using safe contraceptive methods than to try and hold it back forever. |
Stef. Idiot ![]() Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 572 ![]() | lyrical_mess: Better safe than sorry really. At my school it's taught that you have safe sex, unless you actually want kids, and even then it's promoted you wait until you've finished school, and that you do it with someone you truely feel comfortable with, or else don't do it at all. I like how it's taught that way. It just feels right, and since it's a public school, they can't exactly say no this isn't right. and things like that. They have been teaching kids at my school to have safe sex. And that even then if they're safe, there is the odd possibility that things can go wrong. And what you can do about it. So i'm certain kids at my school are being well informed about this sort of things, and i'm glad. |
worn-out astronaut. Had A Life Before GSB ![]() Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 28177 ![]() ![]() | I don't support abstinence either, but when I see how some kids from my class are acting, it think that`s the only way those girls wont get pregnant and those teenagers wont catch some disease. I mean they know nothing about contraception and protection and boys don't even care about those things. We don't have sexual education in Croatia, but a program is in going to be made and there are already troubles with it. Its going to be a program, well....its going to tell us that sex before marriage is wrong. Thats what worries me. Some parents are probably going to be happy with such a program, but honestly, you cant expect kids, especially teenagers to believe that. The solution to sex problems is to tell adolescents that sex before marriage is a sin and voila....everything is fixed. Thats a really bad idea. If we are going to teach teenagers about sex we shouldn't tell them that abstinence is the solution, we should teach them about protection and nobody is doing that. They are all hoping that 15-year old girls and boys will be still playing with toys and the fact is....thats not gonna happen. No one will tell you about the right protection, give you instructions, warn you about the good and the bad sides and tell what the results of unprotected sex are. They are just telling you that not having sex is the right thing to do and that sex is bad. None of that is the truth and that kind of approach wont help anyone. |
Kristmas_Tsanne Great Success! ![]() Age: 32 Gender: Male Posts: 59161 ![]() | Well, as people before has said, i dont believe in the abstinense only-education. We dont really have that here. We had a guy from a place called "Lyst-huset" [I dont know how that should be translated] tell us about it all. We already knew a lot about sex, but it was nice for us to get a guy to tell us about the good stuff aswell as the bad stuff, so we could have our own interpretation. He told us about the love-parts and everything. Then he told us about the bad stuff; such as rape and abuse, diseases and then protection. Dont teach the kids, simply "Say no" because they wont listen. Educate them about the good aswell as the bad, and let them make their own choice. ![]() |
spill_no_sick Falling In Love With The Board ![]() Age: 30 Gender: - Posts: 8588 | I agree that abstinence is a great idea with the utmost sincerity I mean that, no sarcasm but, um, BULL FUCKING SHIT look, I disagree with it being taught for one simple reason is it because it's narrow minded? no is it because kids will have sex anyway? no is it because I'm horny and won't accept it? (which is true but...) no why then? because you should never NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER give a child an opinion that's the number one flaw with America today instead of giving kids facts and facts and morals and allowing them to think it through intelligently we tell them what to think that's a huge problem on this board too this thread was started with (I don't feel bad saying anything bad about druscilla_nesser because I'm starting to respect her now, now I'm just helping her out) "I believe this, and I found facts to support it" that is tearring our country apart, tearring our morals apart, and just fucking everything up wouldn't the world be better if we would all of the facts, both extremes and nuetral, and then form an opinion? so sex education should just be plain education, let the kids figure it out for themselves "but Mr. Hippie Sir, what angle should we teach the children?" NO NO NO NO NO, DIDN'T YOU LISTEN? no angles, just facts and let them figure out what to do with the facts |
ColleenStarship Addict ![]() Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 11991 | spill_no_sick: I completely agree. |
worn-out astronaut. Had A Life Before GSB ![]() Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 28177 ![]() ![]() | spill_no_sick:Valid enough. The thing is....teenagers are stupid. Not that I mean to insult anyone cause there are some clever people not only on this board, but everywhere, but the thing is a bunch of them are just plain stupid or they just don't give a damn. So ok, forming and idea with given facts is wonderful, but when I look at the nimrods in my class I don't think they will care about the facts. They wont think it through. They will listen to the teacher/doctor [if that ![]() |
spill_no_sick Falling In Love With The Board ![]() Age: 30 Gender: - Posts: 8588 | Pressure Drop:I think if we all had the intention of finding the best possible solution for all, we could examine the facts, and find it |
Brendon Urie.. King For A Couple Of Days ![]() Age: 37 Gender: Female Posts: 2394 ![]() | Sex education should teach everything. Abstinence, protection, statistics. Yes, abstinence is the only 100% effective way to prevent STDs and pregnancy, and that should be said. But kids are going to make their decision and we should equip them to make it as safely as possible. |
lyrical_mess Falling In Love With The Board ![]() Age: 33 Gender: Female Posts: 5278 ![]() ![]() | Now suppose they did only teach facts, the facts would be leaning towards "use a condom." and stuff. Because if you're gonna have sex, there's a good chance you'll catch something unpleasant. Perhaps maybe warn the children about all of the diseases and how to detect them? And teaching prevention of each disease in the most effective way, too, such as seeing a doctor before you have sex. And another common thing is that (from what I'm told) when you have sex in a solid, trusting relationship, it often further strengthens the bond. According to the February 06 edition of Nat Geo, a healthy sex life helps a healthy marriage. Kids should be told all of this, not just "Free love" or "say NO dammit!" But there's another problem - cultural aspects. When I was in middle school, we had a male and female anatomy thing in eighth which takes it a little further than what's taught in fifth, sixth and seventh. The parents have to sign a waiver that they're ok with their kids learning this. And here, in India, people are squeamish about sex. They're squeamish about kissing. Hell, they're squeamish about the opposite gender. It's silly, I know, but that's the way it is. It's rather stupid considering the Kama Sutra and all. But that doesn't change the fact. Very very very few Indian parents are going to sit their teenager down and explain the facts of life or tell them that if they do plan on doing stuff, they should be well protected. And what about Middle Eastern countries? I think this is an issue that UNICEF needs to examine. The need for open and factual sex education is growing and in the United States, it's one-sided and in a lot of other places, it's nearly non existant. |
worn-out astronaut. Had A Life Before GSB ![]() Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 28177 ![]() ![]() | lyrical_mess:I absolutely agree. Sex education today sucks in any way you look at it. As you mentioned in America its narrow-minded and one-sided and somewhere it barely even exists. Well how can we solve that problem? I really don't know. Nick`s facts and then solution idea is great, but I don't think it could work at this age when teenagers are supposed to have it. If we teach it later then...well its too late and to teach it at a younger age is too early. This is the perfect age, but right at this age teenagers just don't give a damn about things. And thats one of the problems nobody is worrying about. But how did the world function when there wasn't any sex education. Your parents taught you things and thank God mine weren't scared, but thats not the case with others. And whats with other countries? As you mentioned, I'm sure rarely will it be done that way in India. There is also another problem in the program and you cant give kids facts so they can form a conclusion and thats the subject of homosexuality. I have been taught it is wrong to be gay. Not that I believe it, but I know kids from my class hate gay people, but really hate and they just get the right to do it from school, religion class etc where that kind of consideration is supported. My mom thinks that every homosexual should be put on a desert island and let to die and yes, she has taught my brother and I that being gay is obnoxious and wrong. So my brother dislikes homosexuals, I'm glad I didn't turn out that way. Parents will teach children about certain things by giving them their opinion and basically a lot of kid do think thats the right and only opinion. And what to put in the program about that? If you are a real Catholic you wouldn't consider homosexuality normal. And sexual education and schools are a matter of the government, but Church has a big impact on the government. Dont know how much in America, but in Croatia it has and in other countries as well. But frankly, I would say that the world has gone mad if the Church accepted homosexuals. So how fight that? |
lyrical_mess Falling In Love With The Board ![]() Age: 33 Gender: Female Posts: 5278 ![]() ![]() | I honestly don't think that anything can be done about the Church's view on homosexuality. If the Bible accepted it, then there really wouldn't be a problem. A lot of the Bible has become pretty outdated, but I don't know if Christianity is willing to outdate the view on gays yet. As for sex ed, there are schools that only teach abstinence because they don't want more sexual activity in the area in teenagers. We've already established that that's wrong. And my bio textbook (tenth grade) only mentions sex in the context of marriage, that you should only have one long term partner (as in forever) and that a condom promotes prevention of AIDS. |
Matt Smith Admin ![]() Age: 33 Gender: Female Posts: 31134 ![]() ![]() | Only the dictionary kids even know what abstinence means here ![]() I barely had any sex ed anyway. We don't have much here. A little talk on sperm and eggs as part of the science syllabus, and some talks on puberty when you're 10-11. I learned most things about sex from wikipedia and urban dictionary. ![]() I'm also like, the only person I know who hasn't had unprotected sex yet. I've gone past caring what the little whoes and whorettes that go to school with me do with themselves. All I know is that they deserve the freedom to catch HIV and spawn children for the rest of their lives. I'm just sad I'll have to fund their snot nosed little offspring through the rest of their lives. Hell, I could go to college and University and have a job part time too, and that little slut with two kids in the council estate will have far more money than me. Its life, I guess. Sex ed won't work here, anyway. |
worn-out astronaut. Had A Life Before GSB ![]() Age: 32 Gender: Female Posts: 28177 ![]() ![]() | lyrical_mess:I never thought they will, I'm just frightened they are going to put one opinion and thats anti-gay in the sex ed. The thing is they don't wont, but there will be. I don't think my textbook mentions anything, but I'm an eight grader. I think it will say something like yours as well..... |
Banach95 King For A Couple Of Days ![]() Age: 51 Gender: Female Posts: 4870 ![]() ![]() | I think it's a nice thought to want to teach abstinence in the schools but the problem with that is that by the time it's taught (if it even is) the kids are already sexually active (and no not ALL teens are active). It's like closing the barn door after the horse already escaped. I think a sensible class is to teach everything, safe sex, abstinence, everything so the teens can make an informed decision on what they choose to do. But many folks believe if you teach about safe sex than that's going to encourage teens to have sex. As long as those folks are in power then it will only be abstinence taught. In a perfect world the PARENT should actually step up and speak about safe sex with their child. |
Matt Smith Admin ![]() Age: 33 Gender: Female Posts: 31134 ![]() ![]() | Pressure Drop: All of my textbooks are good to homosexuality. Even my Catholic Chrtistianity textbook was. It was very open minded XD Although it never actually said anything about how gay people had sex. Again, something I had to learn from the internet. ![]() |
cabot gal GSBitch ![]() Age: 33 Gender: Female Posts: 76863 ![]() | I believe that there is such a thing as over teaching a child. I know I am. I feel the more they go on about it, the more I want to have sex, just to see what the fuss is about. It's the same with drink and drugs. The more they tell us not to do it, the more you want to rebel. |
paper shoes This Board Is My Home ![]() Age: 33 Gender: Female Posts: 34269 | Bloodraine:Can't you express your opinion in a more polite way? |
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