Political Opinions (Bush/Obama)

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September 18th, 2010 at 12:42pm
ocean avenue:
I remember watching a tv show where Oprah interviewed some women from Denmark (ranked the worlds happiest country) and she said something like "And what your health care system, it's kind of socialist, isn't it ?" and the women kind of looked at eachothet, then one said "well, we don't really think of taking care of our sick and our elderly as socialist, just civilized, really"
woo, go denmark.

we also pay between 40-60% taxes, though (depending on income). i don't think that would ever fly in america.
but yeah, i really don't get why americans are so against health care? I mean, why wouldn't you want to have health care? okay, so you have to pay for others to get treated, but they're paying for you, too.

I think it has something to do with history, most western european countries have social health care systems (and social security) for ages in some way shape or form. For us it is not something new.
The sad thing is that with right wing coverments being a majority now in europe we see that our healthcare and social secrurity is broken down Sad. I see it first hand where i work.

I get creeped out when people lash out to socialism or communism (don't get me wrong i don't agree with the dictatorsships who tried to enforce them!!) but i do agree with the ideal. I do understand why communism doesn't work but a bit of socialism goes a long way.
What americans should understand that there are a lot of countries where there are socialistic parties that get elected and have seats in coverment and are democartic.
I don't mind paying a bit more taxes when it assures me that a single mom who is struggeling to feed her kids get a bit more money or assures me that people with disabilities get the care that they need. Things like that. I do mind that i have to pay taxes to make sure that already rich people are assured their bonus.
I think that the strongest shoulders should carry the heaviest load, with in reason ofcourse.

I don't believe that obama is much better the bush, but politically he does spend more time looking at his own country then making enemies in the rest of the world. That does please me a little but he is not done jet.

In europe alot of people think Obama is way better then bush this is a fun discussion to have because i see little difference, only the shiny new outside differs but the core is still the same in my eyes.

This is just an outsiders prespective because i don't life in America and politic systems differ a lot per continent and per country. So it is just my small opnion i don't mean to upset anyone!!

It would be difficult to explain for me why dutch gouverment have rules about drugs or same sex marriage (and other unique legislation) with out people understanding the history of my country and the political climate.
Age: 32
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Mibba Blog
September 19th, 2010 at 09:54pm
ocean avenue:
I remember watching a tv show where Oprah interviewed some women from Denmark (ranked the worlds happiest country) and she said something like "And what your health care system, it's kind of socialist, isn't it ?" and the women kind of looked at eachothet, then one said "well, we don't really think of taking care of our sick and our elderly as socialist, just civilized, really"
woo, go denmark.

we also pay between 40-60% taxes, though (depending on income). i don't think that would ever fly in america.
but yeah, i really don't get why americans are so against health care? I mean, why wouldn't you want to have health care? okay, so you have to pay for others to get treated, but they're paying for you, too.

I think it has something to do with history, most western european countries have social health care systems (and social security) for ages in some way shape or form. For us it is not something new.
The sad thing is that with right wing coverments being a majority now in europe we see that our healthcare and social secrurity is broken down Sad. I see it first hand where i work.

I get creeped out when people lash out to socialism or communism (don't get me wrong i don't agree with the dictatorsships who tried to enforce them!!) but i do agree with the ideal. I do understand why communism doesn't work but a bit of socialism goes a long way.
What americans should understand that there are a lot of countries where there are socialistic parties that get elected and have seats in coverment and are democartic.
I don't mind paying a bit more taxes when it assures me that a single mom who is struggeling to feed her kids get a bit more money or assures me that people with disabilities get the care that they need. Things like that. I do mind that i have to pay taxes to make sure that already rich people are assured their bonus.
I think that the strongest shoulders should carry the heaviest load, with in reason ofcourse.

I don't believe that obama is much better the bush, but politically he does spend more time looking at his own country then making enemies in the rest of the world. That does please me a little but he is not done jet.

In europe alot of people think Obama is way better then bush this is a fun discussion to have because i see little difference, only the shiny new outside differs but the core is still the same in my eyes.

This is just an outsiders prespective because i don't life in America and politic systems differ a lot per continent and per country. So it is just my small opnion i don't mean to upset anyone!!

It would be difficult to explain for me why dutch gouverment have rules about drugs or same sex marriage (and other unique legislation) with out people understanding the history of my country and the political climate.

Well said.
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September 21st, 2010 at 06:24pm
I almost sound like a politician lmfao
Political correct much Laughing
Falling In Love With The Board
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May 14th, 2011 at 10:31pm
John Entwistle:

You have no idea how much it lifts my spirits to actually come across someone who likes or at least supports Glenn Beck/Fox News. I already know that tons of people will be like "You're 13, what do you know?"

My Mom is a Conservative and Glenn Beck/Fox News is always on at my house. I have had my fair share of Conservative/Republican opinions, just as I have Liberal/Democrat. I truly believe that Obama is doing more harm to this country than he is good. Just like you mentioned, he is getting us further and further into debt because of spending money on programs/handouts. I understand that some people rely on these programs to live, but what about the debt? What is this country going to do when we enter another Depression? You know what they say, "Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it."

I don't believe Bush was the best President we've ever had. But he did what he had to do at the time. I liked how he was set on getting out and getting things done. Liberals wanted us to sit back and "go back to sleep, nothing's wrong, America". Bush said, "Fuck it. We're getting things done. We're not going to tolerate this." And he did what he had to do. I'm not saying I agree with war but it is necessary, because in what other ways are people going to take America seriously?
Falling In Love With The Board
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May 14th, 2011 at 10:34pm
about obama:

i just dont understand what he has done to get the noble peace prize... to be honest he hasnt really done anything to deserve it yet... hopefully in the future he'll show us he deserves it

I'm not trying to come across as ignorant, but that's what I think about him earning the prize as well.
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May 15th, 2011 at 07:31am
Spelling Cunts
Spelling Cunts
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May 15th, 2011 at 11:08am
Jarvis Cocker.:

Thank fuck someone posted it, because I was going to. Neutral
Falling In Love With The Board
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May 15th, 2011 at 04:07pm
Jarvis Cocker.:

Wow. What a hero. And isn't he the one who wanted to close Gitmo and bring prisoners into the US, not only letting them into our country but granting them the same rights that we have? And who is in Gitmo again? Do you want me to remind you? Terrorists.
Isn't he the one who is trying to prosecute the same CIA Agents that led to the information of Osama's whereabouts? Isn't he the one who is trying to get rid of water boarding? It's certainly not pulling out finger nails or pulling eyeballs out. It's the same process that led us to Bin Laden.
Now here's something everyone can agree on - gas prices. Why are gas prices so high? We have to rely on foreign oil to fuel our cars. They refuse to drill in Alaska because it will kill animals. If you know anything about Alaska, it has more oil than Saudi Arabia does, which has been proven by oil researchers. ANIMALS LEARN TO ADAPT IN NEW ENVIRONMENTS. That is the nature of animals, it always has been. As a result of environmentalism gone crazy, our gas prices are ridiculously high. This didn't start until Obama took office. I may not have a car yet, but don't think I don't hear it from my parents, my cousins, my grandparents, my aunts, my uncles, and everybody else that buys gas.
Spelling Cunts
Spelling Cunts
Age: 34
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May 15th, 2011 at 05:35pm
Jarvis Cocker.:

Wow. What a hero. And isn't he the one who wanted to close Gitmo and bring prisoners into the US, not only letting them into our country but granting them the same rights that we have? And who is in Gitmo again? Do you want me to remind you? Terrorists.
Isn't he the one who is trying to prosecute the same CIA Agents that led to the information of Osama's whereabouts? Isn't he the one who is trying to get rid of water boarding? It's certainly not pulling out finger nails or pulling eyeballs out. It's the same process that led us to Bin Laden.
Now here's something everyone can agree on - gas prices. Why are gas prices so high? We have to rely on foreign oil to fuel our cars. They refuse to drill in Alaska because it will kill animals. If you know anything about Alaska, it has more oil than Saudi Arabia does, which has been proven by oil researchers. ANIMALS LEARN TO ADAPT IN NEW ENVIRONMENTS. That is the nature of animals, it always has been. As a result of environmentalism gone crazy, our gas prices are ridiculously high. This didn't start until Obama took office. I may not have a car yet, but don't think I don't hear it from my parents, my cousins, my grandparents, my aunts, my uncles, and everybody else that buys gas.

I guess my 2 years of zoology taught me nothing about how animals adapt to new environments, or how they don't do it when you snap your fingers because gas prices are annoying you. I bet you think protecting the Amazon is getting in the way of the logging industry too?
Boo hoo. $4 a gallon. Try getting your facts straight first and checking worldwide gas prices. In my country it's closer to $13 a gallon, and the european average is $8.70 a gallon.
And the Gitmo "Terrorists" you speak of wouldn't get nearly the amount of rights citizens have, and they'd be housed in a supermax facility that was built, but never put into use.
Oh and have you ever almost drowned? I have. Twice. I wouldn't wish that sensation upon anyone. Go jump in a lake and see how it feels before you compare it to physical torture. And while you're at it, go read some psychology books too and see how damaging mental torture can be.
Quit repeating what you hear on TV and try actually going out into the world and learning something. You're 13. You're still a kid. Have some fun and quit listening to people like Glenn Beck.
John Entwistle
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John Entwistle
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May 15th, 2011 at 05:44pm
John Entwistle:

You have no idea how much it lifts my spirits to actually come across someone who likes or at least supports Glenn Beck/Fox News. I already know that tons of people will be like "You're 13, what do you know?"

My Mom is a Conservative and Glenn Beck/Fox News is always on at my house. I have had my fair share of Conservative/Republican opinions, just as I have Liberal/Democrat. I truly believe that Obama is doing more harm to this country than he is good. Just like you mentioned, he is getting us further and further into debt because of spending money on programs/handouts. I understand that some people rely on these programs to live, but what about the debt? What is this country going to do when we enter another Depression? You know what they say, "Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it."

I don't believe Bush was the best President we've ever had. But he did what he had to do at the time. I liked how he was set on getting out and getting things done. Liberals wanted us to sit back and "go back to sleep, nothing's wrong, America". Bush said, "Fuck it. We're getting things done. We're not going to tolerate this." And he did what he had to do. I'm not saying I agree with war but it is necessary, because in what other ways are people going to take America seriously?
I agree with this. I started getting into politics at your age. It is hard for people to take you seriously but don't let it bother you.

I know what will happen if we don't get out of debt too. I just haven't told anyone. It was what my dad told me but it makes sense to me. And if it happens we can say goodbye to this great country.
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 27
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May 15th, 2011 at 06:25pm
Jarvis Cocker.:

Wow. What a hero. And isn't he the one who wanted to close Gitmo and bring prisoners into the US, not only letting them into our country but granting them the same rights that we have? And who is in Gitmo again? Do you want me to remind you? Terrorists.
Isn't he the one who is trying to prosecute the same CIA Agents that led to the information of Osama's whereabouts? Isn't he the one who is trying to get rid of water boarding? It's certainly not pulling out finger nails or pulling eyeballs out. It's the same process that led us to Bin Laden.
Now here's something everyone can agree on - gas prices. Why are gas prices so high? We have to rely on foreign oil to fuel our cars. They refuse to drill in Alaska because it will kill animals. If you know anything about Alaska, it has more oil than Saudi Arabia does, which has been proven by oil researchers. ANIMALS LEARN TO ADAPT IN NEW ENVIRONMENTS. That is the nature of animals, it always has been. As a result of environmentalism gone crazy, our gas prices are ridiculously high. This didn't start until Obama took office. I may not have a car yet, but don't think I don't hear it from my parents, my cousins, my grandparents, my aunts, my uncles, and everybody else that buys gas.

I guess my 2 years of zoology taught me nothing about how animals adapt to new environments, or how they don't do it when you snap your fingers because gas prices are annoying you. I bet you think protecting the Amazon is getting in the way of the logging industry too?
Boo hoo. $4 a gallon. Try getting your facts straight first and checking worldwide gas prices. In my country it's closer to $13 a gallon, and the european average is $8.70 a gallon.
And the Gitmo "Terrorists" you speak of wouldn't get nearly the amount of rights citizens have, and they'd be housed in a supermax facility that was built, but never put into use.
Oh and have you ever almost drowned? I have. Twice. I wouldn't wish that sensation upon anyone. Go jump in a lake and see how it feels before you compare it to physical torture. And while you're at it, go read some psychology books too and see how damaging mental torture can be.
Quit repeating what you hear on TV and try actually going out into the world and learning something. You're 13. You're still a kid. Have some fun and quit listening to people like Glenn Beck.

...You aren't an American? How can you debate about our presidents when our laws don't even apply to you?
And you're just the same as everybody else. "Go back to sleep. It's okay. Nothing to see here." Are you condoning that the youth of America shouldn't care about what's going on in their country? Is that what you want? The more people that wake up and realize what's happening here, the better. I'm sick of it. Wow, I'm 13, I can't do anything. I can't speak out. What I say doesn't matter. You're just the same as everyone else.
I've read in magazines, on the Internet, some of the things that Obama's Administration want to do. I'm guessing you haven't heard about Federal Biometric ID Cards or the lack of experience our President has... so yes, I'm going to continue to listen to "people like Glenn Beck" because I'd rather not be lied to, thank you very much.
Spelling Cunts
Spelling Cunts
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May 15th, 2011 at 06:39pm

...You aren't an American? How can you debate about our presidents when our laws don't even apply to you?
And you're just the same as everybody else. "Go back to sleep. It's okay. Nothing to see here." Are you condoning that the youth of America shouldn't care about what's going on in their country? Is that what you want? The more people that wake up and realize what's happening here, the better. I'm sick of it. Wow, I'm 13, I can't do anything. I can't speak out. What I say doesn't matter. You're just the same as everyone else.
I've read in magazines, on the Internet, some of the things that Obama's Administration want to do. I'm guessing you haven't heard about Federal Biometric ID Cards or the lack of experience our President has... so yes, I'm going to continue to listen to "people like Glenn Beck" because I'd rather not be lied to, thank you very much.

Doesn't make me uninformed. And I lived in the states, and am currently applying to live there permanently, since my father is a united states citizen. I have an interest worldwide. Not just my own country, because there's so much more going on than people think.
I never said that. I said you should concentrate more on having fun. You only get one life. You're extremely aggressive, and it makes me sad to see that. You barely even try to reiterate what you've heard. You need to go out and live and form your own opinions. Did I say that? Yet you seem to jump to the conclusion that I did. Oh, so if someone else was president they would do the opposite? How can you know what they would choose? Did Glenn Beck tell you they wouldn't choose to do that, in the interest of safety for the United States public?
Do those news sources, and your parents do your thinking for you? What about freedom? The freedom of free thought and speech? Do any of these questions even have anything to do what I said above? Or are they just for the purpose of making you uncomfortable, an often used political debate tactic.

By the way. Nice use of the same tactic to completely ignore the facts and prior education I have.
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May 15th, 2011 at 06:53pm
omg i can't believe someone put life into this thread again.

I am not an american but the whole leader of the world attitude that american presidents take on forces me to take a position on what i think of them and your welcome o have your oppinion about our leaders Dno
In europe we have oppinions about leaders and policy in other countries, it is normal to do that.
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May 15th, 2011 at 07:06pm
John Entwistle:
John Entwistle:

You have no idea how much it lifts my spirits to actually come across someone who likes or at least supports Glenn Beck/Fox News. I already know that tons of people will be like "You're 13, what do you know?"

My Mom is a Conservative and Glenn Beck/Fox News is always on at my house. I have had my fair share of Conservative/Republican opinions, just as I have Liberal/Democrat. I truly believe that Obama is doing more harm to this country than he is good. Just like you mentioned, he is getting us further and further into debt because of spending money on programs/handouts. I understand that some people rely on these programs to live, but what about the debt? What is this country going to do when we enter another Depression? You know what they say, "Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it."

I don't believe Bush was the best President we've ever had. But he did what he had to do at the time. I liked how he was set on getting out and getting things done. Liberals wanted us to sit back and "go back to sleep, nothing's wrong, America". Bush said, "Fuck it. We're getting things done. We're not going to tolerate this." And he did what he had to do. I'm not saying I agree with war but it is necessary, because in what other ways are people going to take America seriously?
I agree with this. I started getting into politics at your age. It is hard for people to take you seriously but don't let it bother you.

I know what will happen if we don't get out of debt too. I just haven't told anyone. It was what my dad told me but it makes sense to me. And if it happens we can say goodbye to this great country.

You do realize though that america has been in debt since the '20 and that is the back bone of the usa everyone is in debt, most people own creditcards and use them daily in the us debt is a way of life Dno
All western countries have debts and we are all struggling to repay them but you should concider the costs of repaying them. It could ruin economy ..... to repay it all at al cost...
John Entwistle
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John Entwistle
Age: 36
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May 15th, 2011 at 07:16pm
John Entwistle:
John Entwistle:

You have no idea how much it lifts my spirits to actually come across someone who likes or at least supports Glenn Beck/Fox News. I already know that tons of people will be like "You're 13, what do you know?"

My Mom is a Conservative and Glenn Beck/Fox News is always on at my house. I have had my fair share of Conservative/Republican opinions, just as I have Liberal/Democrat. I truly believe that Obama is doing more harm to this country than he is good. Just like you mentioned, he is getting us further and further into debt because of spending money on programs/handouts. I understand that some people rely on these programs to live, but what about the debt? What is this country going to do when we enter another Depression? You know what they say, "Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it."

I don't believe Bush was the best President we've ever had. But he did what he had to do at the time. I liked how he was set on getting out and getting things done. Liberals wanted us to sit back and "go back to sleep, nothing's wrong, America". Bush said, "Fuck it. We're getting things done. We're not going to tolerate this." And he did what he had to do. I'm not saying I agree with war but it is necessary, because in what other ways are people going to take America seriously?
I agree with this. I started getting into politics at your age. It is hard for people to take you seriously but don't let it bother you.

I know what will happen if we don't get out of debt too. I just haven't told anyone. It was what my dad told me but it makes sense to me. And if it happens we can say goodbye to this great country.

You do realize though that america has been in debt since the '20 and that is the back bone of the usa everyone is in debt, most people own creditcards and use them daily in the us debt is a way of life Dno
All western countries have debts and we are all struggling to repay them but you should concider the costs of repaying them. It could ruin economy ..... to repay it all at al cost...
I know we can't repay it all. But we do need to fix part of it at least. And Obama isn't doing that either.
Falling In Love With The Board
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May 15th, 2011 at 07:32pm
^ Exactly. It's only a matter of time before we enter another Depression, and what will Obama be doing? Letting more illegals into the country? Telling us what light bulbs to buy? Chipping humans?
John Entwistle
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John Entwistle
Age: 36
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May 15th, 2011 at 07:34pm
That's last one is a little extreme...
Age: 31
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May 15th, 2011 at 07:36pm
weshallrock you are very well spoken for a 13 year old. don't let anyone bring you down.
John Entwistle
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John Entwistle
Age: 36
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Posts: 55036
May 15th, 2011 at 07:40pm
weshallrock you are very well spoken for a 13 year old. don't let anyone bring you down.
I didn't say she was well spoken. I agreed with the first thing said. Not that though.
Age: 31
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May 15th, 2011 at 07:40pm
John Entwistle:
weshallrock you are very well spoken for a 13 year old. don't let anyone bring you down.
I didn't say she was well spoken. I agreed with the first thing said. Not that though.
i wasn't talking about you