Genetic Sexual Attraction

Age: 64
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December 13th, 2007 at 11:21pm
well the fact of brothers and sisters having sex and stuff is really gross. and then having children is ever more gross. i don't get how people think the baby is going to be all deformed if brothers and sisters have kids together lol aren't we all related in some way. i mean we all came from the same thing when the earth started right? if it was a monkey, or adam and eve, we are all related in some way i believe, so shouldn't everyone's baby be deformed? lol.
Age: 32
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Posts: 34289

Mibba Blog
December 14th, 2007 at 05:20pm
i don't get how people think the baby is going to be all deformed if brothers and sisters have kids together
'The Science of Genetics. People with close relations are more likely to pass on recessive alleles related to sex-linked disorders, as well as others.
Age: 33
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January 11th, 2008 at 04:27pm
idk if it fits here but i thought i'd post it. ;(

Unknowing twins marry each other

A set of British twins who were separated at birth went on to marry each other without realizing they were related, the UK Press Association reported Friday.

The brother and sister, who were adopted by separate parents, were given an annulment after a High Court judge ruled that the marriage had never been valid.

Their identities and details of their relationship have been kept secret, but the Press Association reported that the duo did not find out that they were blood relatives until after they were married.

David Alton, a member of the House of Lords, revealed their situation as a way of highlighting perceived shortcomings in the Human Embryology and Tissues Bill which is now going through Britain's Parliament.

He first heard of the twins' marriage in a conversation with a High Court judge, and initially raised the case in a House of Lords debate on December 10.

Alton said: "(The brother and sister) met later in life and felt an inevitable attraction, and the judge had to deal with the consequences of the marriage that they entered into and all the issues of their separation.

"I suspect that it will be a matter of litigation in the future if we do not make information of this kind available to children who have been donor-conceived."

Alton is concerned that the new bill would allow the biological identity of one parent to be removed from the birth certificate, PA reported, and that there would be no way for the child to know if they had been donor-conceived.

He told PA on Friday: "The state is colluding in a deception. We are opening the door to more cases like this one. One of the most fundamental things of all is to know who you are. The issue here is about human rights.

"A birth certificate that omits any mention of your true origin falsifies your history in a very significant way."
Age: 33
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January 11th, 2008 at 04:48pm
Did they not realise before that they looked VERY similar? Coolio
cabot gal
cabot gal
Age: 33
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Posts: 76863

January 11th, 2008 at 04:50pm
star light thrill.:
Did they not realise before that they looked VERY similar? Coolio
Boy and girl twins aren't identical because it's two seperate eggs.
Age: 33
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Posts: 14389

January 11th, 2008 at 04:51pm
star light thrill.:
Did they not realise before that they looked VERY similar? Coolio
Boy and girl twins aren't identical because it's two seperate eggs.

Yeah, I get that, But they'd still look pretty similar right?

I wonder how they found out they were related. Think
Age: 32
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Posts: 34289

Mibba Blog
January 12th, 2008 at 11:53pm
star light thrill.:
star light thrill.:
Did they not realise before that they looked VERY similar? Coolio
Boy and girl twins aren't identical because it's two seperate eggs.

Yeah, I get that, But they'd still look pretty similar right?

I wonder how they found out they were related. Think

My brother and sister are twins, and they look alot alike. Con Except one's a boy and ones a girl. Same red hair and freckles, and green eyes, and they're both annoying. File But they don't really have to look alike, like hannah said, two different eggs.
cabot gal
cabot gal
Age: 33
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January 13th, 2008 at 08:30am
star light thrill.:
star light thrill.:
Did they not realise before that they looked VERY similar? Coolio
Boy and girl twins aren't identical because it's two seperate eggs.

Yeah, I get that, But they'd still look pretty similar right?

I wonder how they found out they were related. Think

My brother and sister are twins, and they look alot alike. Con Except one's a boy and ones a girl. Same red hair and freckles, and green eyes, and they're both annoying. File But they don't really have to look alike, like hannah said, two different eggs.
You've also got to think about environmental factors Coolio If they've been living apart for so long and they didn't know each other, they may have dyed their hair, cut it, got piercings, tattoos, had a car accident that disformed their faces, idk.


Last one was a bit darastic, but y'know. Coolio
Had A Life Before GSB
Age: 39
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January 13th, 2008 at 09:50am
star light thrill.:
star light thrill.:
Did they not realise before that they looked VERY similar? Coolio
Boy and girl twins aren't identical because it's two seperate eggs.

Yeah, I get that, But they'd still look pretty similar right?

I wonder how they found out they were related. Think

No. One of my ex has a twin. Separate eggs.
They don't look similar at all.
Great Success!
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January 13th, 2008 at 03:55pm
star light thrill.:
star light thrill.:
Did they not realise before that they looked VERY similar? Coolio
Boy and girl twins aren't identical because it's two seperate eggs.

Yeah, I get that, But they'd still look pretty similar right?

I wonder how they found out they were related. Think

No. One of my ex has a twin. Separate eggs.
They don't look similar at all.
I think what was meant was perhaps that even if they aren't identical, they're still siblings, and the chance are, that siblings look alot more similar than non-relative people.

I know two twins, they're both boys, but non-identical, and sure, one has blonde hair, one has brown, one is a pop-boy, the other a "nerd", but you can still see how they're siblings. Dno
Basket Case
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Mibba Blog
January 14th, 2008 at 08:37am
Well its true they would have similar attributes but that would have played into attraction because as humans we are drawn to partners that look similar to us its apart of biology, its where the idea of a 'family face' comes from.

Most successful couples have the same face structure. I feel so sorry for them for the fact they must be in love with eachother because those feeling wouldn't dissapear over night and now they know it can never happen to think that you had found you soulmate only for fate to take it away.
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 33
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Mibba Blog
January 14th, 2008 at 11:04am
Oh wow. It's like that episode of House. Only its real!

And the thing is, most people can't ever actually see similarities until someone points out the relation. Like if someone introduces you as so-and-so's kid, that's when the person says "Oh, I can see the resemblence!" or something.
Ol' Blue Eyes.
King For A Couple Of Days
Ol' Blue Eyes.
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January 17th, 2008 at 07:31pm
Oh wow. It's like that episode of House. Only its real!

And the thing is, most people can't ever actually see similarities until someone points out the relation. Like if someone introduces you as so-and-so's kid, that's when the person says "Oh, I can see the resemblence!" or something.
Well, I once dated a boy that everyone said looked like my brother. We both had blue eyes and brown hair, etc. Some people just look similiar, but I don't think that's necessarily an indication of a family member. My own sister and I look nothing alike. Faith
Vikki Is Eyeless !
Vikki Is Eyeless !
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January 18th, 2008 at 08:43am
I read a story in a magazine about twins who met when they were older who'd both been adopted and they were going to get married but they realised everything when looking at their birth certificates.. It's sad. But we shouldn't legalise it.

But if the bible is correct then.. Eve only had sons right? ... You work it out.
Falling In Love With The Board
Age: 33
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Posts: 5278

Mibba Blog
January 18th, 2008 at 10:31am
That kind of proves evolution. Mutations and genetic disorders are more common in the offspring of incestual relationships. Eve was one of the first humans, maybe Homo erectus. So she did all her kids and they had kids who had kids with each other and so on. Each generation kept mutating. And then you fast forward until you reach homo sapiens.

Its kind of a stretch, but that's okay. I have to much free time. Mr. Green Anyway, if we follow this, according to the Bible, we are all products of incest. Yup.

Actually, its pretty possible the human race is just the product of incest. I think. Because chimps and bonobos and stuff, even though they all look dead similar, they have more genetic variety. Humans, who are phenotypically diverse, all have realllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllly similar DNA. But once again, its a stretch. Because they (National Geographic) managed to trace back a mitochondrial Eve and a Y-chromosomal Adam. I don't think they even lived in the same time period though.

And something interesting none of you knew about me: I am a product of incest. Sort of. My mom's parents were second cousins. And their parents were cousins too.
King For A Couple Of Days
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January 22nd, 2008 at 12:36am
I'm particularly against this. It boils down to morals for me. I just think it's particularly wrong to have such a connection with someone you've been raised with. It seems so awkward.

The other thing that gets me are the mutations that are passed down to the offspring. I think it's sad to see a child with complications due to their parents being siblings.

I guess it would be a different situation if the couple had been separated at birth or something. There have been a lot of those cases lately.

I'm personally amazed that incest is illegal.
King For A Couple Of Days
Age: -
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Posts: 2727
January 22nd, 2008 at 12:42am
well the fact of brothers and sisters having sex and stuff is really gross. and then having children is ever more gross. i don't get how people think the baby is going to be all deformed if brothers and sisters have kids together lol aren't we all related in some way. i mean we all came from the same thing when the earth started right? if it was a monkey, or adam and eve, we are all related in some way i believe, so shouldn't everyone's baby be deformed? lol.

People gained their differences through mutations, and they aren't always retardations. If you've taken a class that explains evolution at some point, this should have been explained. Now, children carry their parents' traits. When organisms evolve, they evolve through mutations that change their characteristics.

As far as I know, products of incest are "deformed" because they carry their parents' traits which are both pretty much alike. It must confuse something in the baby-making process. Laughing That's as far as I can explain it.

This whole topic braches off into a whole what-you-believe-in kind of thing.

Like some others have said, back in the day, it wasn't morally incorrect to marry your sibling. Now, standards have changed and this is where we've gotten.