My Truly Chemical Romance, chapter 27

*the next day at 3 am*
After about an hour of constant ringing i woke up to yet again another cell phone call. I ran out into the hall as my cell played a polyphonic version of Hitchin' a Ride.
"hello?" I answered sleeply as I rubbed my eyes.
"Hi is this Sonia, I mean as in Gerard way's girlfriend Sonia?" The unfamiliar voice replied.
"Ok well beleive it or not this is Ashton Kutcher. You see I'm planning on Punking Gerard tomarrow and I was wondering if you could help us out?"
"Oh my god! Well it sounds fun so ok!" I said wondering what this famous prankster had in mind.
"Ok well you guys are obviously going to disney world tomarrow so the plan is that you guys are gonna see a guy dressed as goofy and your gonna ask Gerard to take a picture of you and goofy. Then Goofy is gonna start to hit on you your gonna punch him and a police is gonna see and try to arrest you. Gerard will make a fuss then I will come out and we will all laugh!"
I laughed so hard the whole ship could proably hear me!
"This is gonna be great!" I said as I started to calm down.
"Yup so see you tomarrow! Bye!" Ashton said as i heard him hang up.
With that I went back in our room and quickly fell to sleep.

*1:00 the same day*
That morning we had packed our bags back up and said goodbye to the massive cruise as it left us in Orlando FL! From the port where we were dropped off to the Disney World resort we were staying at took about a half an hour by rental car. I gasped as we entered the ammusement park.
"Wow!" i said speachless. You see as a kid my trip to Flordia consisted of me and my cousin annoying the hell out of my grandma at her beautiful house in plam beach. It was totally fun and all but it wasn't this... just... spectaculair.
After thinking for just a little bit longer I jumped into Gee's arms and kissed him pasionatly.
"Thank you so much!" I said squezing him tight.
"Your welcome!" Gee replied kissing me again.
We soon reached our room, dropped our stuff off and went to go on some rides. there was still 3 more hours untill I had to take Gee to his annual Punking.
First we went on a roller coaster which I was quite nervous for due to our little past expierence at six flags. It was over quick and actually quite fun!
Then we decided to go on the tea cups.
As soon as the ride started I began to get sick to my stomach.
"You ok hun?" Gee asked spinning us around as fast as he could.
"How do little 4 year olds stand this ride?!" I screamed over the roar of kids giggles.
I eventually got used to the spinning feeling and actually ended up going back on 3 more times!
Quickly it was time to walk over to where the disney characters were standing. Soon enough I saw goofy.
"Gee! Look! It's Goofy!" I screamed as I ran over to the actor and asked Gee to take a picture. Soon enough the guy started in with the stupid pick-up lines and I fake punched him in the face! Then as expected the police man came over and started screaming at me. Thats when trouble started.
"Miss I'm sorry but I'm going to have to place you under arrest for assault." The actor said as I fake cried.
"Hey she didn't do anything! The ass was hitting on her and she defended herself!" Gee screamed.
"Hah you should be talking! Your that rockstar guy whos corrupting America's youth!" All through out this fight I couldn't help but laugh inside my head.
Thankfully Ashton soon came out before things got violent.
"Hey Gerard you just got Punk'd!" Ashton said as he came skipping up to us.
"Oh my god! So everyone was in on it! Damn you guys are good!" Gee said laughing but I could tell he was pretty pissed. We quicly walked away from the scene and went to go out to eat at a Tarzan/Rainforest theamed resturaunt.
As we ate Gee started to speak.
"I can't beleive you Punk'd me!" Gee said picking at his food.
"Yeah well don't worry I'm sure I'll make it up to you somehow." i replied giving him a light kiss on the head.
To finish an amazing night we sat out on our hotel room deck, talked and danced to music comming from the park untill we finally collapsed on deck chairs.
It was truly a day to remember!
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