The innocent can never last, chapter 1

Mika walked quickly glancing behind her shoulder ever few steps. She could feel hot tears roll down her face; she had done a horrible thing, a terrible thing. But, it was in self defense, they couldn't blame her, they would have done the same thing too. Her tears were blurring her vision and the darkness wasn't helping, she felt blind. Turning a corner she came underneath a street light and stood for a few moments trying desperately to gain her composure. She ran the events over in her mind trying to make her self believe she was innocent, but a nagging voice in the back of her mind kept screaming YOU KILLED HIM. Shaking her head she tried to rid her mind of all the horrible images and thoughts.
She was so distraught she didn't notice her injury right away. It wasn't until she looked down at her blouse and saw the large patch of blood that she became ware that something was wrong. Unbuttoning the shirt she saw a large piece of glass sticking out. In a quick fluid motion she reached down and removed it. She had never felt pain as severe as she did right then, the glass had been deep into her stomach and once it was removed the blood began to flow quickly. Mika screamed in anguish. She was so confused, she spun around wildly looking for some form of help. Her eyes settled upon a neon sign that pointed to the subway. Running as fast as she could Mika ran down the stairs hoping one of the toll booth operators was there. She was becoming increasingly dizzy and she could feel the blood running down her leg and creating a pool in her shoe. She rounded the corner to see the area was empty, there was only a self service machine. She didn't care there had to be people on the subway train. She swung her leg over the bar and jumped down, grimacing from the sharp pain that was throbbing in her side. She could hear the train coming, there had to be people on it, someone who could help her. The train came to a halt and Mika staggered through the door. The train was virtually empty except for three men who sat in one corner. She could see them all stand up. She could here them talking loudly in her direction with nervous voices.

"HELP! PLEASE! HELP!", Mika screamed.

Then everything went black.


Mika opened her eyes slowly. Looking around she instantly knew she was in a hospital, but she had no idea why. Then in one rush all the memories of the previous night came flooding back into her mind. She remembered what had happened, she remembered the terrible thing she had done. Mika blinked slowly. She was walking through the park after her shift at work. She had stared down at her watch and mentally kicked herself for deciding to walk alone this late. She remembered hearing a shattering noise and one of the lights ahead of her went off draping the path in complete darkness.. Then someone grabbed her from behind and tackled her to the ground and started to tear her blouse away and unbutton her pants. She had begged and pleaded for this person to let her go. But they hadn't, instead they had pressed their cold lips against hers and pinned her hands above her head. She remembered the feeling of absolute fear and hatred for this person. Wrenching her hands free she tried she feel around for anything to fight back with, her hand found one of the glass shards. She started to sob and she remembered plunging the sharp glass into her assailants neck again and again and again until he stopped. She kept on doing it until she could not longer hear him breathe, until the sick fuck could no longer pin her down. She then pushed his dead body off, got up and ran. She didn't look back or try to see the mans face..... She just ran.

And that was all Mika could remember. She sat in her hospital bed and just sobbed, she felt like there was no reason she deserved to live anymore, she felt dirty, she felt used. There were so many emotions going through her head that the simplest way to deal with them, she felt, was cry. After about ten minutes fatigue over came her and she drifted of the sleep. Just before she closed her eyes an image flashed though her mind. It was of the three men who had helped her on the train.
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