You Were An Asshole... And Now You're Gone, chapter 5

When my brothers and sisters were ahead far enough, I stopped Tre and said, "Tre, I don't know if my mom is gonna live or not, but if she doesn't I would have to stay with my dad and I don't ever get along with my dad. So, I will marry you." After I said that his face lit up. Then he gave me a huge hug. "I don't when I'll be able to get the ring, but I will get you one." "I can wait." Then he gave me another hug and a quick kiss. Then we looked for the others. When we saw them we ran and caught up with them.

A few minutes later, we found a place to grab breakfast and went in and ordered. Danny then looked at me and saw that I was still looking a little upset. Then he said, "Ciarra, calm down. Mom will be fine. I know you don't want her to go. No one does." Then I looked at him and smiled weakly. "I am so glad to have a family who sticks together through everything. Especially you guys. Thanks." "Anything for our little sis." Then I smiled.

A few minutes later our food came and we sat there in silence and ate. Then me and my sisters went to the restroom. I then dug in my purse to find my eyeliner but I must have forgot it at the house. "Shell, do you have any eyeliner? I don't have mine with me." "Yea. Here sis." "Thanks." I put it on and gave it back to her. I then took out my green contacts and put them in. Then Shelly and Brandi decided they wanted to put my hair down. So they took out the braids and my hair went down. "Your hair has gotten long girl. Geez. And why did you die it black?" "Because I wanted to. Is that a problem?" "No. Just curious." "Ok. Shush then." Then she took my brush from me and brushed it out.

We walked out and Tre looked at me in astonishment. "Wow. You are looking mighty fine." I then laughed slightly. Then everybody joined hands and walked out the door. We got back to the hospital and saw that our grandmother, my moms brothers and their wives and kids were there. When they all saw me the just looked at me like I was some stranger. "What?" "You died your hair," my uncle Charlie said to break the trance. "Yea. So. I also have green contacts in. What's your point?" "You're not our niece. You're a person who took her away." Then I laughed. Then stopped instantly. Then said, "Funny. Is she doing okay?" "She's doing fine." I then walked over to the bed to see that she isn't there. Then I hear someone say, "Looking for me?" I then turn to the door to see my mom standing there. I then smiled and ran over to her. "I wasn't at bad as they thought." "You're okay! You're okay! You're okay!" I shrieked. "Yes I am okay." Then everyone smiled.

And what Tre said everyone glared at me like I was insane.
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