I've Been Living A Lie, chapter 12

We were sitting in a taxi on the way to the address Charlotte had told me. The traffic was out of control and it was making me nervous we weren't going to make it there. Soon enough though the driver pulled up outside the house. We all got out and I quickly paid the driver.

"Adie you wait out here." I said.
"Why?" She replied.

"I don't want you to get hurt." I answered quickly hugging her. "I'll come straight out once we've got Charlotte." Me, Mike and Tre walked up to the door. I started knocking madly until Mike told me to calm down. The door swung open and I saw a older version of the man that I met many years ago. His smile faded as soon as his cold eyes laid on me.

"Oh it's you... Come to get your precious daughter have you? Well she's unavailable at the moment." He said with a evil snigger. I felt pure hatred for him as he smiled back at me coldly.

"What have you done to her?" I said suprisingly calm for the fact I wanted to smash his head into the wall. He just sneered at me.

"I wouldn't worry that bitch got what's coming to her." He said nastily. I suddenly felt Tre and Mike lunge forward and Peter was pushed against the wall. Peter struggled and fought against them but they didn't move. Mike looked over at me.

"Go upstairs and get her!" He exclaimed motioning towards the stairs. I nodded an ran up the stairs. I looked at the many closed doors trying to figure out which one she was in.

"Charlotte!?" I shouted. I got no reply but I did spot something on one of the doors. It was a sign saying Charlotte in sort of Gothic letters. I swung the door open and ran in only to have my heart break at what I saw. There was a pool of blood covering the carpet and Charlotte was just lying there right in the middle of it. I fell to my knees next to her bruised body frantically checking to see if she was breathing. I felt a small sense of relief rush through me as I found a pulse, but the relief disappeared when I saw my hands covered in my own daughters blood. I grabbed for my phone calling emergency services asking for the police and a ambulance.

"Charlotte? I'm going down to Mike and Tre but I'll be back and helps on the way... Just hold on. Please." I whispered to her knowing full well she probably couldn't hear me. I stood up shakily wiping the tears from my eyes smearing some blood on my face by accident and ran back down the stairs.

"YOU BASTARD!" I shouted at Peter who was still struggling against Mike and Tre's grip. Mike and Tre looked up there eyes widening at the sight of me covered in blood.

"Fuck! Billie call the police." Mike said.

"I already have!" I answered. Now Peter's eyes widened as he squirmed more, trying desperately to get away. I couldn't deal with the anger anymore. I went over and punched him square in the face. He stumbled over to the ground, Mike and Tre quickly pinned him down to make sure he didn't get back up.

I was sitting on the small wall outside the house nervously biting my nails. I could've sworn I heard shouting and I so desperately wanted to go see what was happening. I was snapped out of my trance as the chilling sounds of sirens grew closer. A police car pulled up outside the house I stood up in a frantic and felt my heart drop as a ambulance pulled up behind it. Paramedics ran from the van towards the house, Billie ran out and told them where to go, I started crying when I saw him covered in blood. Two police officers approached him as I still stood completely frozen. Then I ran over to him as the police men marched inside the house.

"What the hell is going on?" I shouted feeling the tears fall down my cheeks. He just looked at me his own tears mixed with the blood that was smeared on his face. One of the policemen came out pushing a handcuffed man who I recognised as Peter towards the car. I heard him read his rights and I felt sick when I heard the words.

"Peter Thompson you are under arrest for the assault and suspected G.B.H of Charlotte Maria Thompson while in your care. You do not have to say anything ..." I stopped listening as the paramedics brought Charlotte out on a stretcher. She had bruises and cuts all over her and I had to grab onto Billie to stop me from falling over. He wrapped his arms around me as I started sobbing uncontrollably. I vaguely heard the second officer come over to us.

" We'll let you go with the girl to hospital but we will have to as you some questions later." He said sympathetically to us. Billie just nodded as he was still trying to calm me down. Me, Mike, Tre and Billie got into the back of the ambulance and we drove to the hospital.


We were still sitting in the uncomfortable blue chairs that were placed in the waiting room. Tre had fell asleep a while ago and I was sat looking opposite at Billie and Adie. Adie was hunched over, her elbows balanced on her knees and her head in her hands. Where as Billie was looking straight ahead at the blank white wall in front of him. Every so often I noticed his fist clench and a flash of anger rush through his eyes. I sighed sadly and slumped down a bit more in my chair. I glanced around the nearly empty room. A woman and a small boy were the only other ones apart from us. Once in a while the double doors that led to the corridor would open and we'd glance up only to be disappointed as they weren't anyone with news. I averted my eyes back to Billie to see a silent tear drip down his cheek and he made no attempt to wipe it away. The creak of the door that I had become familiarised to creaked again as the door opened. A male doctor walked through looking down at the clip chart in his hands. He looked up at me, Billie, Adie and a now awake Tre.

"Are you four here for Miss Thompson?" He asked politely. We stood up and nodded, he walked over closer to us and smiled softly.
"My names Doctor Smith I'm the head doctor on Charlotte's case." He said.
"How is she?" Billie asked anxiously. Doctor smith glanced down at his clipboard.
"She has two broken ribs and we know her leg is definitely broken in one place and the Xrays will confirm our suspicions of the second place but we haven't got the results yet. We are also concerned she has slight concussion but we won't know for sure until she wakes up, which hopefully won't be to long. " He explained kindly.

"We've cleaned all her cuts and you can see her now but I must warn you that it's not really a pretty sight." We nodded sadly and followed Doctor Smith down the corridor. I kept my eyes firmly on the floor it always made me sick to see all the ill people trapped in their beds and their family's praying for them to survive. Billie, Adie and Tre came to a halt and I looked up to see we had stopped outside a closed door. Doctor Smith glanced over at us again.

"I'll leave you to go in alone. If she wakes up come get someone immediately and we'll come tell you the result of the Xray when they come through."
"Okay, Thank you." Billie murmured. I heard him take a deep breath before opening the door. We all walked in and I gasped when I saw her.
"Oh my god!" Billie said as we walked closer to her bed. The cuts were more clear now the blood had been cleaned off and her face and arms were covered in them. Her face was badly bruised and one of her legs wasn't under the blankets. And you could see where it was broken, it looked like someone had stamped on it. Adie and Billie ran to her bedside and me and Tre slowly followed our eyes still focused to the mess in front of us. As soon as we got there the door opened and Doctor Smith walked in.

"The Xray results show that her leg is indeed broken in two places. We need to get a cast on her as soon as possible." He said as two more nurses came in and wheeled her bed away.

"It shouldn't take long and feel free to wait here 'till it's finished." He continued. I nodded and looked over at Billie and Adie who had slumped in their chairs. We sat in silence for around 20 minutes when the doors suddenly burst open again, and in came a very upset Katie and anxious Mark.

"We.. There were police cars. They said she got sent here....Is she okay?... What's going on? Where is she?! Why the hell are you here anyway?!" Katie rambled through her tears.

"Calm down Katie." Mark said grabbing two chairs from the other side of the room and bringing them over. They sat down and it was silent until Mark spoke.
"So can we please know what the hells going on?" I looked over at them as Billie explained what happened. From the phone call to what happened at the house.
"... And now she's gone to get her leg in a cast." He finished. Both of them sat wide eyed. Suddenly Mark burst into tears, Katie looked over at him and started sobbing again.

"Don't cry Mark.. Y.. Your the one that's meant to be keeping me calm!" She cried. I glanced nervously over at Tre who was edging slightly away from the two hysterical teenagers. I walked over to them and knelt down in front of them.

"I think you both need to be calm... She going to be alright." I spoke softly. They looked at me, Katie smiled slightly but Mark continued to cry.
"I should've helped her.. I.. I should've known." He whispered.
"What are you talking about?" Tre asked as me, Billie, Adie and Katie were looking curiously at him.

"She rung me.. About one week after we let California and told me he'd been hitting Mary again. She said she was scared and I told her it would be OK... Why didn't I help her? I should have let her stay at mine. I should have helped." He rambled. Tre came and knelt next to me and patted Mark on the shoulder.

"Hey man you didn't know she was going to get hurt did you. It's not your fault Peters a bastard.." He didn't get a reply so we both sat down. The nurses came back in with Charlotte and a now cast covered leg. Mark and Katie gasped as they saw the badly bruised body of their best friend. Adie started crying again an soon after so did Billie. Tre stood up.

"I need some air... I hate hospitals." He said walking towards the door.
"Yeah, me to." I got up and followed him out the room.

I can't believe how helpless she looks, I can't believe that bastard could do that to her. I hope he goes down for life. No one even knows when shes going to wake up.. It could be weeks.. Months even. I really hope she's not in any pain. The door opened again and a nurse walked in pulling me out of my worry frenzy.

"Um... Mr and Mrs Armstrong the police are here and they wish to speak with you." She spoke softly as if we would break if she spoke more louder. I nodded at her,
"Ok.. thank you." I replied and me and Adie got up and followed her out. The two police officers from the house were there waiting for us.
"Ah Mr and Mrs Armstrong we just need to ask you some questions on what happened earlier. It shouldn't take long." The taller officer said and motioned to a empty room the nurse must have set up.
"Ok." The same officer started. "I'm Officer Phillips and this is my co worker Officer Jones. We just need to clear a few things up and get a statement from you and Charlotte when she wakes up."
"Ok." We both nodded.
"Well." He started. "Miss Thompson is your biological daughter, am I right?"

"Yeah we put her up for adoption when she was born." I answered
"May I ask why?" He asked curiously.
"We were to young." Adie piped up.
"So nearly 15 years later you go looking for her.."
"No." I cut in, "She came looking for us, she found her birth certificate and a locket Mary and Peter were supposed to give her on her 16th birthday. She stayed with us for two weeks in California with her two friends Katie and Mark. On the day before she left she told me that Peter had hit her be-"

"So she told you this kind of abuse has happened before?" He interrupted.

"Well, she said he only hit her once... But he used to hit Mary a lot." I explained. Officer Phillips nodded while Officer Jones frantically scribbled all that was being said down in his notebook.
"So.. How did you know to come here today?" He enquired.
"She rung me... She said she was scared that he was going to hurt her. So I told Adie and we got Mike and Tre and came here." I murmured.

"So can you tell me what happened when you got to the house?"
"I told Adie to wait outside because I didn't want her to get hurt and Me Mike and Tre-"
"Mike and Tre are Michael Pritchard and Frank Edwin Wright III, right?" The officer asked.

"Yeah.. So we knocked on the door and Peter answered. He was being all cold towards me and Mike and Tre. So they held him back so I could get up the stairs. When I got upstairs I found the door with her name on so I figure she'd be in there. So I opened the door and she was in there but she was all beaten up and-" I paused as my voice cracked slightly. "- and there was blood everywhere, I was so scared I didn't know what to do so I just called the police and paramedics." I stopped as the tears were now fully pouring from my eyes. I lent forward and buried my head in my hands.

"Ok.. Well we'll stop there. You shouldn't have to appear in court this is a good enough statement and account of what happened. Charlotte's too young to stand in court but if we get a statement from her to we should have enough evidence to prove him guilty." Officer Phillips finished noticing how distressed I was getting.
"You'll be seeing us again when Charlotte wakes up. A social worker should also be to see you soon about Charlottes living arrangements-" I perked up at this,
"Isn't she living with us?" I interrupted.

"I'm sure that's top on the list of possibilities. They'll just need to check things through." I nodded.
"Ok thank you." I said and me and Adie made our way back to Charlottes room. Mike, Tre, Mark and Katie were still there by her side.
"Any change." I asked hopefully. They all shook their heads sadly.
"We thought she twitched before but it was a false alarm." Mark said. Me and Adie sat down in the seats we had before and I lightly took Charlotte's hand squeezing it gently to get a response, but none came...


We were still by her side and there was still no change. We'd booked ourselves into a nearby hotel and we would go there at night but return straight away in the morning. The nurses said that last night she kept twitching but she didn't wake up. The social worker came two days ago and we decided Charlotte would be coming to live with us.. So that was one thing we didn't have to worry about. Mike had just been to Starbucks and got us all coffee and now we were quietly drinking it, lost in our thoughts. Suddenly Charlotte moved again next to us. We all stared at her praying that now she would wake up.


Pain seared through me again and my eyes suddenly opened. I saw white.. Lots of white. For a moment I thought I was dead but then my vision cleared slightly and some what looked like blurs came into view. Then I realised they weren't 'blurs' at all they were faces. The faces of Billie, Adie, Mike and Tre, Why are they here? I felt confused and I could see they were talking to me but I couldn't hear them. I didn't understand why I was here and why I was in so much pain. I went to ask what had happened but sudden pictures flashed in my head. The angry face, blood... Lots of blood. And pain, I remembered pain. And I remembered 'his' face the person who I had called my dad for many years. The person who must have hated me so much he wanted me dead. My mouth automatically closed and my eyes widened when I realised where I was. My ears popped and all different voices came. One stuck out in particular.

"Charlotte.. Charlotte can you hear me?!" Billie asked frantically. I just nodded, I didn't want to talk... I couldn't talk.

"Are you in pain?" He spoke again. And again I simply nodded. I was in pain.. A lot of pain. Mostly in my leg, I glanced down and saw it was in a cast and I could see my arms covered in bruises. Tre ran out the room and came back seconds later with a nurse. She walked over to my side and looked at the monitor that was beeping reguarly next to me.

"Welcome back Miss Thompson." She said softly.
"Are you feeling sick at all... Do you have a head ache?" I again nodded. I felt like I could throw up any minute and my head felt like 100 drums were being played at the same time.
"Ok... I'm going to give you this injection." I watched as she got out a needle, I hated injections but right now I couldn't even move let alone protest. So I let her put the needle in my arm without so much as a wince. She finished and turned to Billie and Adrienne.
"Well everything seems fine she'll have to stay here for a few days but she should be free to go soon." She said and went to leave.

"But why's she not talking?" Adie asked. The nurse turned back around and glance back at me.
"I can't answer that, she's perfectly capable of speaking. It's probably psychological... It happens sometimes when their left in this condition. It's mostly shock." She answered.
"So when will she speak again?"
"That's entirely her decision. Most probably when she feels comfortable and safe enough." The nurse concluded and left the room. All eyes turned back to me and it was making me nervous being stared at like a zoo animal.

"Can you speak?" Tre said curiously. I nodded my head.. Physically I could speak. It was just like the nurse said I didn't feel safe right now. It was because of talking I got beat up in the first place. And although I was pretty sure I could trust Billie, Adie, Mike and Tre right now I was scared of everyone.
"Are you going to speak then?" He tried again but this time I shook my head. Suddenly Billie stood up and walked towards the door.

"Fuck this." He mumbled and left. I watched him before staring blankly back at the ceiling well aware of the three pairs of eyes on me. I heard them start talking and as I moved my gaze upon them I saw my IV in my right arm. I'm not sure what came over me as I'm not usually suicidal but right then the pain, the fear, the mental exhaustion got the better of me. I slowly moved my left hand so not to alert the three adult still in the room and pulled the needle out of my arm. Blood seeped from the tiny cut it had made, I dropped the IV and it hit the ground the sound just loud enough for them to hear, They looked over to see the blood dripping slowly onto my bed and the vitally needed needle missing.

"Shit!" Adie shouted moving over to me while Mike got the nurses. They were quick to get a new IV in and I had to admit I was glad. I didn't really want to die... It was a momentary feeling. Billie ran in looking frantic as the nurses left.

"what's going on?! Why are all the nurses in here?" He looked over to me and Adie who was now holding my hand.
"She pulled out her IV." Mike stated. Billies eyes widened as he looked over at me.

"Why the fuck would you do that?" He asked me but all I gave him was a emotionless stare. He slumped in his seat with his head in his hands and a twinge of guilt passed through me at how distressed he was. I laid back and closed my eyes as if it would hide me from my problems. I heard someone's chair come closer to the over side of me and hold my other hand. I tried to open my eyes but they had suddenly felt heavy and my chest felt tight. I started to panic as breathing got harder to do. I gripped onto the two hands holding mine and prayed for it to pass as silent tears were falling slowly down my face. I was faintly aware of people swarming around me and saying my name as I started choking. I tried to concentrate on what they were saying and I heard the nurse from before speaking to me.

"Charlotte.. Can you hear me. Can you try and breathe. Your having a panic attack." I knew I was having a panic attack, wasn't exactly news to me. I usually suffered from them when I was stressed or nervous. When me, Mark and Katie were asked to play at Marks uncles new years party it was our first gig and I got so nervous I had a major panic attack. We nearly had to cancel the gig but I pulled through at the last minute. This attack though was 10 times worse than that one. I couldn't move and I felt as if something was pinning me to the bed. I felt like screaming but my throat was closing and I was going dizzy before everything went black.


"What's going on?" I shouted at the nurses as Charlotte stopped moving and lay completely still.

"Calm down Mr Armstrong she's passed out from the affects of the panic attack. The lack of oxygen made her weak but she should wake up in a minute. We just need to keep her oxygen levels up." One of the nurses replied calmly putting an oxygen mask on Charlottes face. I started to panic though and I breathed deeply in and out to prevent having my own attack. Mike must have noticed my struggle as he came over to me.

"Billie, calm down. Shies going to be alright." He tried, I nodded now leaning against the wall for support gripping at my chest telling myself to breathe. Soon my breathing got regular again and the traces of the attack left.

"She's waking up." I hear Tre say. I turn around and sure enough her eyes were opening. I quickly wiped my eyes.. I didn't make a habit of crying in front of my kids in situations where they could be scared. My mom told me that when their scared they look to you to for comfort. If I let my guard down then it could freak her out. Instead I walked to her side and took her hand again. Still though she wouldn't speak I knew that she was frightened. It was etched into her face and she gripped my hand as if I were going to leave. It killed me as I looked at her all bruised and messed up. The sound of the room door creaking open forced me to look up. In walked the two policemen from the the other day. Charlotte also looked at them with the same emotionless glance she gave to me before.

"Hello again Mr and Mrs Armstrong, Mind if we have a word with Charlotte?" Officer Phillips asked.
"Erm..She's kind of not talking at the moment." Adrienne said to the two policemen.

"Ah..Well can we try and talk to her anyway. This interview is very important to get Mr Thompson in jail. And like we've already said she's to young to stand in court." He spoke seriously. I nodded.
"Sure you can try." I lent down and kissed her forehead before taking Adies hand and we along with Mike and Tre left the room.


The two police men pulled up chairs and sat down. I hated talking to new people and I wished Billie and Adie were back with me, but I knew I had to atleast listen to them if I wanted Peter to go down.
"Hello Charlotte I'm Officer Phillips and this is Officer Jones." He introduced motioning to the man next to him who offered me a smile which I returned.
"Now I know your scared but we really need you to tell your side of the story to give as your statement in court." He explained. I simply nodded.
"Now from the age of 3 months old you have been in the care of Mary and Peter Thompson. And you recently found out you were adopted.. is that right?" I knew nodding wasn't enough and he wanted me to speak and I felt like I could speak to them so I took a deep breath and answered.

"Yeah." They looked surprised I actually spoke.
"Did you stay with Mr and Mrs Armstrong with your two friends after you found out they were your real parents." He enquired.
"Yes. We stayed for two weeks but Peter made us come home." I sad quietly.
"So what happened when you got home?" He asked.
"Mary picked us up from the airport and I could tell she had a bruise on her face and she said he hit her. And she told me to stay away from him. When we got home I went straight to my room but he came up and told me I couldn't speak to Billie or Adie or anyone from California." I whispered tearfully.

"Did you contact any of them then?"
"No not until the day he beat me up. It was in the morning 'cause I went to get a drink and he was there. He kept asking me to call him dad b.. But I couldn't because I felt like I was betraying Billie and Adie. So he made me go to my room and said I couldn't come out until I'd call him dad." I replied.

"Is that when you called up Mr Armstrong?"
"I was really scared... Mary was at work so I took a long shot and rung him up. He said they'd come right away and for me to wait in my room. So that's what I did and it was fine for about an hour and a half but then I heard him coming. He tried to get me to call him dad again but I wouldn't so he.. he hit me. And he carried on hitting me and the last thing I remember is him leaving and a lot of what sounded like banging on the door." I finished and wiped at my eyes wincing as pain shot through my stomach.

"Okay well thank you very much for that Charlotte... We've got a lot of evidence and statements your next door neighbour has also reported hearing Mr Thompson shouting and a lot of banging. Were pretty sure he'll be found guilty." Officer Phillips told me.

"But where am I going to live... Will I still live with Mary?" I asked nervously. I really didn't want to go live in a care home. The Officer shook his head.
"No you'll be in the care of Mr and Mrs Armstrong." He stated. My mouth dropped open. California!
"In California? I can't live in California it's miles away." I said.

"Well their your next legal guardians. Do you want me to send them back in." He said before opening the door. I nodded to him and smiled. They said goodbye and left the room and seconds later Mike and Tre came in with the addition of Mark and Katie, who I guessed came while I was being interviewed.

"Where's Billie and Adie?" I said making Mike and Tre look at me.
"It speaks!" Tre squealed playfully cowering behind Mike. I rolled my eyes and Mike smacked him round the head.
"They went to get coffee but they'll be back soon... How you feeling." He asked.

"As good as it's going to get I guess." I replied simply. Mark and Katie sat near me, Mark took my hand and smiled at me. I smiled back and went to say hi but Billie and Adie came back in with coffee cups.

"There was a huge line at the cafeteria so we just got it from those shitty machine things." Adie said handing a coffee to Mike and Tre while Billie gave one to Mark and he lent over me to pass Katie her coffee.

"Reckon they'll let me drink coffee?" I ask 'innocently'. He jumps and nearly spills the coffee on Katie.

"Fuck!" He mumbled finding his balance. Mike laughed softly.
"They might do, want me to go ask someone?" I nodded and smiled.
"Yes please." He left in search of a nurse. The room was suddenly plunged into and awkward silence.
"So..." I murmured. "How've you all been?" They looked at me as if I had three heads. I just shrugged.
"Whatever then.. Just trying to be friendly, but if no one wants to talk then fine by me." I argued. The room stayed silent for a minute until and outburst from Tre.

"I can suck my own!" unfortunately as soon as he spoke the nurse and Mike walked in.
"That's some talent." The nurse said to Tre who blushed slightly. We all laughed at him making his cheeks turn a definite red. Mike handed me a coffee and smiled. I returned the smile and started to drink it.
"Are you feeling better?" The nurse asked me.
"Erm.. I guess. My leg is really hurting though." I replied.

"Yeah we could only give pain relief for a normal broken leg, but your leg is broken in two places so it probably will hurt." My eyes widened.
"Two places?!" The nurse nodded. I looked down at my leg and over my bruised arms.
"Boy he can pack a punch." I muttered, so no one could hear. The nurse and Katie heard though. The nurse gave me a sympathetic look and Katie squeezed my hand. I didn't reply to either of the actions... I didn't want sympathy. I just wanted things to go back to normal. After the nurse checked my pulse and heart rate she turned to the other people in the room.

"You really should leave now.. She needs her rest. If all goes well in the night then she may be able to leave tomorrow instead of a few days." She turned back to me. "Your ribs are healing nicely.. You may need a wheel chair if you leave tomorrow because the pressure you put on your stomach with crutches will cause pain if they're still broken." I nodded and smiled at her.

"Ok thanks." I said. She turned back to everyone and they got up to leave all saying goodbye. They were nearly at the door when I stopped them.
"Can I speak to Billie and Adie?" I asked the nurse.

"Sure." She answered and left the room along with Tre, Mike, Katie and Mark. Billie and Adie came back over to the side of my bed.
"I just wanted to say thanks for coming to me. Not many people would jump on a plane and come to my rescue.. Wait scratch that, no one would have. So... Yeah, thanks." I murmured. Billie squeezed my hand.

"We weren't going to just leave you with that psychopath.. We do care about you. Your our daughter." Adie said softly to me.

"Yeah, you'll always be my little girl.. The one I held in the hospital 15 years ago, no matter how old you get. And we do love you." Billie said. I felt my eyes well up a little at that but I just smiled. They lent down and hugged me before leaving the room. I watched to door close behind them and shuffled down slightly in my bed. I sighed quietly before whispering.

"And I love you too..."
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