It's What I Need, chapter 2

I told the weirdo on the phone were I lived and how I'd pay and all that crap and hung up.

"Shit!" I stopped dead in my tracks. Who would I take to the concert. I sat down on 1 of my brand new sofas and turned on the TV and on came that annoying Haven advert. It said "bring the cousins".

"THATS IT!" I yelled jumping on my feet, I'll invite my favourite cousin down here!". I dashed to the phone and rung her up.
"Hey Bethan, whats up?".
"I have two tickets to a local band's concert, well, I havent got them YET, but anyway, how would YOU like to come up to my new appartment next month for it?".
"Would I? I'd love to!".
"COOL! see ya on the 15th of........APRIL! That's near my birthday!".
"Yeah! COOL! see ya".

Now, I'm exited!

A week later, I woke up to the birds' song again, I liked it! I heard the mail being pushed throught the letter box! I forced myself up and wandered over to the door. 1 letter addressed to Bethan Jones, cool! I picked it up and plopped down on my sofa. I slowly opened it and inside was a letter, 2 tickets, and wo's this?

"2 BACKSTAGE PASSES, OH MY GOD!" I jumped round the room then read the letter that said that I was their first buyer so I won the passes! Rang Adi and told her the great news and then hopped into my car to go to the nearest music store, I felt like treating myself! I stepped inside and figured tht I should see if Green day had any C.Ds it turned out, they had 2, 39/smoothed out and Kerplunk! Which one to get, which one. AH fuck it, I'll get both! I ran out of the store and drove back. I put Kerplunk! in my C.D player first (I had the find a case for the Ramones first!). I loved it. I sat there all day and I already had my favourite member, Tre Cool! I wonder why he wasnt on the first CD!

By the end of the day I felt tired, and I made sure I knew all the words to their songs. I stored the tickets and passes in a safe place before going to bed.
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