You may not see me anymore, but I'm always with you Adrienne, chapter 1

"NNNOOO TRE, DON'T DO IT!" Adrienne screamed out into the cold air. Tre was leaning over the edge of towns bridge. He had loved Adrienne since he first laid eyes on her, but he knew he couldn't have her because of Billie. And it was because of Billie he was doing this. Tre and Adrienne had a fling whilst her and Billie were in an argument, it got too much for Tre and when Billie found out, he flipped out at Tre. Adrienne had told Billie she didn't love Tre anymore and she had left him. Which she had done, but in Tre's heart he still loved Adrienne. It was eating him up inside seeing the two together, so this was the reason why Tre was leaning over town's bridge wanting to end his life.

As the cold wind sliced through the air, Adrienne made her way over to Tre. "Please Tre, you don't have to do this. We can work things out, but you have to realise I'm with Billie and that's who I will always be with!" she said trying to urge Tre to come back over. She placed a hand on Tre's shoulder, causing him to flinch a little. "Please Tre, for me?" she asked once again. Tre sighed and carefully lifted himself back over the barrier. Adrienne immediately smothered him with a big hug. Tre reluctantly clung onto her as well. She could feel him shivering uncontrollably and held him closer to her to keep him warm.

After a while of holding him, she let go and looked into his eyes. "Thanks Tre, I'm really sorry about what's happened, but you need to understand that it can't work if I'm with Billie." She said softly. A cold tear seeped out of his ice blue eyes and rolled slowly down his cheek. Adrienne softly wiped the tear away and immediately felt a stab of guilt and hatred towards herself. Adrienne drooped her head, her soft curls blowing in the wind. Tre lifted her chin up so they were eye to eye. "It's ok, I understand. I'll never stop loving you, I know we can't be together, but I really do love you Adrienne," Tre said softly. A small smile spread across her face, and she felt a force, a strong force that she couldn't hold back. She leant closer towards Tre and gave him a small kiss on the lips. Tre was taken aback by her move but responded by giving her a more meaningful, deep passionate kiss, nibbling softly on her lip. His tongue cruising round her mouth wanting more.

The moment was suddenly broken by shuffling of feet. Adrienne looked to see who it was and saw her husband, Billie. He had seen it all, he didn't look angry, but his eyes showed a feeling of disappointment. Adrienne quickly took a step back from Tre. Adrienne wasn't going to do the usual 'it's not what it seems' but all she let out was a soft 'sorry' and hung her head. Billie hastily walked past Adrienne and came face to face with Tre. "You knew I loved her dude, why, why did you do this!?" Billie said, his voice getting louder with every word he spoke. Tre had enough of Billie talking to him like this, he raised his fist and with a thump he knocked Billie to the ground. Adrienne rushed over to Billie were he lay sprawling on the concrete. She placed her hand on his arm, which was ice cold. He shook her off and groaned whilst getting up. Adrienne hung her head in worry and fear. She heard shouting but tried to block it out, wishing it was only a dream. She even shook her head to make it all go away, but it was still there.

Adrienne was concentrating so much on trying to ignore the shouting that when she turned around she noticed Billie was gone. A sudden fear washed through her as she ran to the edge of the bridge. She looked over in fear of what she might see. But all was to be seen was ripples of water and a hat, the hat Billie had had on his head only 10 seconds ago.
"No, it can't be," Adrienne mumbled to herself. She looked up at Tre who was looking sheepishly at the ground. He had that twinkle in his eye, of guilt. "NNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOO, BILLIE, NNNNOOOOO!" she screamed into the air, white smoke rising from her mouth as she screamed. Suddenly she collapsed on the floor, clinging to the railings for support as tears fled from her eyes. She couldn't stop, she knew she had lost him, her one true love had gone, all because of Tre. But then that wasn't right either, it was all because of her. She had let this to happen.

Later that night, somehow she found herself back at home in her bed. She cracked her eye open and reached out to hug Billie. But she failed as the bed was empty. Then it all came back to her. Another tear seeps out of her eye and dampened the pillow. She slowly lifted herself up to come face to face with someone on the end of her bed. She rubbed her eyes in fear of hallucination. But no, the figure was still sitting motionless on the end of her bed, staring into her eyes. As her eyes adjusted to the darkness, she recognised the figure and immediately horror struck through her. It was Billie. He slowly got up and walked round the bed to Adrienne. He had the same disappointment in his eyes now as he did on the bridge. Adrienne swallowed a little as her mouth was drying up. Billie sat down beside Adrienne and held out a hand, which had something in it. Adrienne carefully held her hand out as Billie dropped somethng into it. She looked at what he had given her. It was his wedding ring. She wrapped it in her hand and started sobbing. Billie put a hand on her shoulder, and an immediately cold, sharp pain filled the area on Adrienne which Billie had touched. She flinched a little.

"Adrienne, never let go of me. I care for you Adrienne and I know you can get through this. I love you Adrienne, I always have and always will, there is always a place in my heart for you. I love you, and tell Joey and Jakob I love them and will always watch over them. And remember, never let go of me Adie, never let go..." Billie said.

And with that, Billie was gone, always from her life, but never from her heart.

R. I. P. Billie Joe Armstrong
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