Your fathers rage and your mothers love, chapter 1

"Fuck" I sighed holding my nose.

Warm blood ran down from my nose and over my lips.

"What the fuck was that for?" I screamed blood had entered my month.

I could taste it as, I stared at my husband.

His hollow eyes showed no emotion like he had been possessed, as he continued to glare at me. He shrugged of the question as he took a step closer to me. I began to back away, as he continued to advance. My back suddenly hit the wall. I had nowhere to escape to.

"Please Billie" I whimpered.

He grinned in response.

"Have we learned our lesson?" Billie questioned smugly.

"Yes" I whispered with my head hung.

Even thou I had not fully understood what I had done to get such a beating.

Billie gently lifted my face so I was looking into his now shimmering eyes.

"Good" he sighed trying to pull me into a hug.

I pulled away slowly so I was out of his reach.

"I need to sort my nose out." I explained quietly as, my nose continued to bleed.

Billie nodded his approval and then hung his head.

"I'm sorry" Billie softly while shaking his head.

But I had already begun to run to the bathroom. I locked the door behind me. I rested my back on the door and slowly slid to the floor. I pulled a towel down with me and held it to my nose to stop the bleed. I cried silently. I loved Billie Joe so much but his personality could flip easily around September. It was like he was taking pleasure out of the pain that he coursed me. I heard footsteps outside the door. I took a deep breath in and rose from the floor. A knock sounded at the door.

"You ok in there?" A concerned Billie asked.

"Yeah" I responded in a fake happy voice.

I dabbed at my face and washed all the blood away. I patted my face dry then reapplied some make up before turning and opening the door. Billie Joe sat slumped on the floor leaning against the wall on the other side of the hallway. He lifted his head as I appeared from the bathroom. His eyes were full of sorrow and glazed with tears.

"I'm so sorry" he whimpered.

I held out my hand to help him up. Billie Joe took my hand and I helped him to his feet. He slid his arms around my middle and brought me into a tight hug.

"I love you so much I never mean to hurt you" Billie whispered in my ear.

"I no, but why do it Billie you hurt me so much" I responded with anger present in my voice.

"Its September" Billie stammer his voice full of hurt.

I leant out of his grip and looked at his now tear drenched face.

"I know it's a difficult month Billie but it is still no reason to do that!" I said still a bit angry.

"What about next time if it isn't me, what happens if next time you hurt one of the boys?" I responded raising my voice slightly.

"There will not be a next time!" Billie vowed.

"I would never... " Billie said hurt by what I had just said.

He slowly loosened the grip he had on me.

"I know Billie but you said you would never hurt me again" My voice wavered as I spoke.

I leaned my head back on Billie's chest.

"I love you so much 80" Billie said before pulling me into a kiss.

I heard footsteps behind us.

"Get a room" I heard a little voice pipe up.

"Maybe we will" Billie grinned placing a hand on Joey's head and ruffling his hair.

"Daddddddd watch the hair!" Joey moaned.

"Men and their hair!" I giggled.

Placing one hand on Billie Joe's head and the other on Joey's. I Quickly gave a quick ruffle.

"Your in for it now 80!" Billie warned playfully.
I gave a little shirk and began to run down the corridor.

"Lets get her!" Joey yelled.

I could hear their footsteps behind me they were gaining quickly.

"Ouch!" yelped Joey.

I turned to see my oldest boy on the floor holding his foot. Billie Joe was knelt at his side examining his injury. I turned and ran back to Joey's side and put my arm around him.

"You ok Joey?" I asked concerned about my son.

Joey turned his head and looked up at me grinning cheekily.

Billie Joe pounced on me and took me by surprise; he tackled me to the floor, so he was on top of me.

"Told you we would get you!" Joey yelled through fits of giggles.

"What shall we do to her?" Billie asked Joey over his shoulder.

"Tickle her!" Joey screamed in excitement as he began to tickle my foot.

"Please.......... Mercy......... Mercy........ Please!" I begged through fits of laughter, as Billie Joe and Joey tickled me.

"Wait I have a better idea!" Billie chimed in.

Joey halted in suspense to see what Billie was going to do next. I struggled a little under Billie Joe's grip. Billie bent forward and gave me a passionate kiss on the lips.

"Yuck!" Joey exclaimed poking his tongue out.

We separated from our kiss and poked our tongues out at Joey. Billie slowly rose to his feet and helped me up.

"Can I go swimming mum!" Joey pleaded.

I stole a look at my watch.

"It's almost dinner time honey, as soon a you get in you will have to get out." I informed Joey.

"But mum after dinner you will not let me go in the pool because you will say I have just eaten!" Joey pouted.

"Fine" I huffed.

"Come swimming with me Dad" Joey asked Billie pulling puppy dog eyes.

"Fine" Billie sighed rubbing the back of his head.

"How could he resist that face." I cooed pinching Joey's cheek.

"Go get ready then! And ask Jake if he wants to come swimming" Billie told Joey as he bounded back to his room.

"You best go get ready too" I smiled at Billie before I turned to make my way to the kitchen.

Billie pulled me back by my wrist and pulled me into another kiss. Billie parted my lips and slid his tongue into my mouth. He pushed me up against the wall.

"I want you so bad!" Billie said biting my neck.

"I want you to get in you swimming trunks" I giggled.

"Yuck! Mum and Dad are doing it again" Jake screamed to Joey.

Billie slowly released me and gave me one quick peck on the cheek before heading back to our room to get changed.

I looked at Jake.

"You going swimming honey?" I asked as I picked my youngest son up.

"Yep" He replied happily.

"Come on then, I will watch you while Joey and Daddy get ready" I smiled back at Jake as I carried him down stairs and out into the pool area.

I placed him down on the first step into the pool. I sat on the top of the first step and dangled my legs into the water and watch Jake splash around. I let the warm of the evening sun wash all my problems of the day away. Until I felt water splash over me as Joey jumped in the pool followed by Billie.

"Play nicely children that goes for you too Billie!" I smirked taken my legs out of the water.

"Leaving already" Billie pouted.

"Yes I have to get dinner going." I pouted back at Billie which made him smile.

"Oh mum can't we just have KFC or something tonight." Joey whined and mimicked Billie's pout.

"Pizza" Jake pleaded.

"Three against one 80" Billie smirked.

"Fine!" I huffed rolling my eyes.

"So can you come in the pool?" Jake begged.

" I wish I could, I've got loads of work to do honey!" I sighed

"Come on 80!" Billie begged pulling the puppy dog eyes, which Joey and Jake copied.

"How could I say no to those faces!" I smiled as I got up and went to get changed.

I cam back out to the pool 15 minutes later in my Roxy swimsuit. Billie wolf-whistled at me and I poked my tongue out at him. I couldn't believe that this was the same Billie Joe that less than two hours ago had punched me in the face. I sat on the second step of the pool. Letting the water wash at my knees. Billie came and sat beside me.

"You look hot, I want you even more!" Billie whispered in my ear.

I blushed slightly.

"Behave yourself Billie Joe Armstrong," I giggled pushing him playfully.

"I can't when I am around you!" Billie smiled

"While you are just going to have to contain yourself till tonight." I whispered in his ear before getting up and going deeper into the pool.

"Tease" Billie pouted crossing his arms.

We were in the poll till 7:30 pm until I decided it was time to call it a day. As Jake had be sitting in my arms on the first step in a towel for half hour and had fallen asleep. I walked into the house and placed Jake on the couch. I walked back out to Billie and Joey that were still content in the pool.

"I'm going to get changed and then I will go get the KFC. So I want you two out of the pool by 8:00 pm" I ordered

Billie Joe gave a little salute, which I rolled my eyes at.

"Mum can't we stay... " Joey whined

"No" I cut him off mid sentence

"You have had ages in the pool, it's a school night and you haven't eat yet!" I told Joey

"You still have half hour in there and by the time I'm back I expect you to be washed and in your Pj's as well as Jake" I told Billie and Joey before turning back into the house.

I got back to the house at 8:30 with my arms full of KFC. I opened the door and walked into the living room to find Joey and Jake in their Pj's as I had asked. Billie Joe rushed over and helped me put the food on the coffee table.

"Can we eat in the living room Mum please?" Joey asked

"Yeah can we Mum please" Jake chimed in.

"I suppose" I said exhausted.

We had the boys in bed my 9:15 and me and Billie Joe were curled up on the couch together.

"You want an early night?" Billie suggested.

"No" I grinned teasing Billie Joe

"I wanna watch the end of the movie" I smirked

"Pretty please" Billie said pulling his puppy dog eyes once again and stated kissing my neck.

"I guess we could... Maybe go to bed early" I grinned.

Billie leaped to his feet and held his hand out to me. I stated making a big deal of moving slowly and taking my time to get to the bedroom to tease Billie Joe. But I could tell he was getting pissed with me.

"80 stop being a fucking dick tease!" He hissed in my ear as we made our way into the bedroom.

I turned to look at Billie his eyes were hollow again.

"Billie you're scaring me!" I whispered quietly

"Just get on the fucking bed," Billie snapped

"Billie calm down you will wake the kids," I said trying to keep calm myself.

"Well then get on the fucking bed already" Billie hissed again.

"No not when you're like this" I quaked backing away from Billie.

Billie came up to me and pushed me against the wall.

"I'm gonna tell you one last time GET ON THE BED" Billie spat in my face.

I shook my head

"NO" I managed to say.

Billie raised his hand to slap me when we heard a gasp at the door
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