"Billie, Doesn't That Ceiling Just Want To Make You Cry?", chapter 6

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As Annie drove us home there was a long silence as I just started out the window. What now? I thought, who do I tell? When do I tell? I sighed; I still couldn't believe this...who could? I had a song stuck in my head and I began to sing it out loud.
"No one was looking, I was thinking of you..." I said to myself. Annie turned to me. I started singing All By Myself, all by myself.
"You and me had such wonderful times, when I'm all by myself..." I felt something touch my hand. Annie placed her hand on top of mine. I started to feel tears swell up in my eyes. Oh no, not again, I thought, trying my hardest not to cry. But it didn't help; it only made me cry more.

Annie felt bad for me as I started to cry miserably like a 5 year old. As she pulled up into the driveway of her house, I looked terrible; I was crying my eyes out for practically no reason. I walked into the house without a word and stumbled into Annie's bedroom and buried my face in a pillow. Annie slowly followed me. Stella, who was in her, room followed Annie. She saw her poor dad crying uncontrollably into a pillow.
"Uh, mom...what's wrong with dad?" She asked, uncertain.
"Oh nothing, he just...well...you know how emotional he gets!" Annie quickly lied.
"Oh," Was all she said, "Is he okay? After being hit by the car?"
"Yes, he's perfectly fine, he...just thought it was near death experience and so here he is... "
Stella sighed, "I can't blame him, knowing my dad." She left back to her room. Annie closed the door, deciding to give Mike some space.

30 minutes later

Annie was making pasta for dinner and Stella was watching TV. Annie turned off the stove and called Stella.
"Yeah?" She asked as she walked into the kitchen.
"Go get your dad, please."
Stella walked off to her mom's bedroom and knocked on the door. No answer was returned.
"Dad?" She called. Nothing. She slowly opened the door and peeked inside.
"Dad... "
There was no one. The window was open and a letter was left on the night table.

I was running as fast as I could to Tre's place. I felt bad for ditching Annie and Stella, but I couldn't take it any more. I needed to tell someone who would understand. I knew Tre wasn't probably the best choice but Billie, he would fall apart. Stella, I couldn't tell her father was going to die! I just needed someone to talk to, someone I knew for a long time that I could trust. When I got to Tre's front door, I was gasping for air and was about to ring the doorbell when the door opened and slammed my face. I fell against the pavement.
"MIKE!" Tre screamed, "Holy crap! Are you alright?"
"No... " Mike said quietly as Tre helped him back up.
"Sorry I didn't see you. I was just going to get the mail," He said to me. "What brings you here?"
"Tre I need to tell you something...it's important and...you have to promise you won't tell anyone..."
Tre just looked at him weird. "Okay."
"Let's go inside."

As Annie was setting the table, she heard Stella run into the kitchen.
"What is it?"
"Dad!" She gasped, "He ran off to Tre's house!"
"What!?" Annie dropped everything on the table and ran to Stella who handed her the note she found. It read:

Dear Stella and Annie,

Sorry this is short notice but I thought it was best to leave unnoticed, I've gone to Tre's house. I'll be back soon.
Love, Mike.

P.S. save me some dinner please!

Annie was in complete shock. Why did he just leave? They just looked at each other.
"Well, I guess, he must have left something at Tre's."
"You think?" Stella asked her.
Annie shook her head. "No."
"Dad's acting weird, you know."
"Just a little bit. I guess well save him some dinner then."
Annie dropped the note on the kitchen counter.

Tre's house

"So, what did you want to tell me?" Tre asked as he and Mike sat down in his living room with a couple of drinks in hand.
"Uh, well...what would you do if you were going to die in say...3 weeks?" Tre thought for a moment.
"Well, first I'd throw the biggest fucking party in the history of block parties. Uh, I'd try to go to golf champion ships, go to all the gentlemen's clubs I can, and out with you guys, see Ramona, play another one of those Milton Keynes big ass concerts and meet and tell Madonna and Brittany Spears I'm their biggest fans!" Tre said excitedly.

Well not exactly what I had in mind...thought Mike.
"Why do you ask?"
"Uh..." Mike hesitated. Come on just say it! You'll feel a lot better...Mike looked at Tre and felt the tears begin to swell again.
"Mikey, are you okay?" Tre asked.
"Yeah, I'm...I'm... fine..." Mike started getting choked up and hid his face in a pillow again.
"Mike..." Tre scooted over next to him with a sad puppy face.
"What's wrong? Mikey..." He poked him.
"Aw, Tre..." Mike managed to say through the pillow.
"Vodka?" Tre offered him.

Mike grabbed the glass from Tre and gulped it down. Tre helped himself to the other vodka glass. There was a moment of silence.
"OH, FUCK IT! TRE I'M GONNA DIE!" Mike suddenly screamed. Tre spat out the vodka he was drinking and started choking senselessly.
"TRE!" Mike didn't know what to do. He looked around starting to panic. He stood up and grabbed Tre under his arms and started pumping him, even though it looked more like he was humping him. Tre was starting to turn purple and then all the suddenhe stopped choking. He gasped. Mike let go of him.
"I'm okay... WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU'RE GONNA FUCKING DIE!?!?!" He screamed at Mike.
"YOU CAN'T DIE! YOU CAN'T LEAVE US!" Tre started crying like the 5 year old, he was slobbering all over him.

The both of them were all over each other, hugging, crying senselessly like babies.
"WHY ARE WE YELLING?" Mike sniffed.
"I DUNNO," Tre wailed. All the sudden Claudia walked in.
"I LOVE YOU TOO TRE!" Claudia just stood there, a little freaked out.
"What are you two-"
"We're having a very emotional non-gay moment right now!" Mike said all choked up.
"Okay, whatever, I'll be in the kitchen... "

Mike and Tre sat there crying and hugging and slobbering all over each other for what seemed like forever. Why does the world have to be so unfair? Mike thought miserably. I hate this world! To Mike it seemed as if the world had become the small dark hole he knew as a child. There seemed to be no escape.
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