Slaa Smentiraa ldea ramoa esa Nsalea (love, lies, leaks), chapter 1


Ahola, ima enombra sea MAX ya mia ediferenta eda ala amayoría eda sloa sestudiantea nea ima aescuela. Eutilica apara rsea rpopulaa, ahasta equa nua adía. Eda stodoa smodoa, oya ysoa auna achica equa etiena auna afamilia lnormaa, ava aa auna aescuela lnormaa ya eviva nea nua opuebla lnormaa. opera, ysoa oalga opera lnormaa.

Would u like me to translate that for you? okay. I will.

Hello, my name is Max and I'm different from most students at my school. I used to be popular, until that one day. Anyways, I'm a girl who has a normal family, goes to a normal school and lives in a normal town. But, I'm anything but normal.

Opueda Oya? (can i?)

Aespera nea ala efrenta eda ima ocamina eda aentrada, otratanda eda rsabea acada omomenta ldea otiempa elibr...

I waited in the front of my driveway, trying to savor every moment of free time left before hell begain. No, I do not mean that im actually going to hell, I'm talking about school. School bus number 57 slowed down and stopped in front of my house.

Let the fun begin.

I walked onto the bus and looked around for a seat. All of the kids where giving me dirty looks, I'm used to it. I sit down in my usual seat, the first one on the left. I have had this seat since the party. What party you ask? I'll explain it more later on.

The school bus is the worst place to be when you are paranoid of small places and alot of people. You can't think, you can't breathe. The teenagers on the bus are too noise and have a bad case of b.o. that nodoby except for me seems to notice. I try to ignore the laughter and jokes that I hear about me, and I try to ignore the newly sharpened pencils being thrown at me.

I walked up the 13 steps to the front door of school and look down at the ground while walking straight into my homeroom. Homeroom is the only class i feel safe in, no tests, quizzes, or homework. I look around the room, everything is the same as always, Mr.Terisk is sitting, reading a book. The jocks are showing off for the cheerleaders, and the cheerleaders are doing the same.

I look into the farthest corner of the room, and see 4 boys, all dressed in black, semi-long hair, really hot. I don't know who they are, but I do know that they are new. Everybody has been talking about the 4 new kids who were coming to our school, everyone was saying they were completely different from anyone else. And everyone was right.

I snap back into reality and notice that one of the boys is giving me a weird look and is pointing me out to the other guys. I guess I've been staring too long. I quickly turn my head and look out the window. I hear footsteps getting closer and closer, then they stop. I figure it was probably only Mr.Terisk just walking around, but then i feel like someone is watching me.

I turn around and see the ony boy sitting behind me, he smiles. "What?" I mumble to him, I could barely hear my voice. I must have lost it from not talking at all in the past 2 years.

He stands up and extendes his arm towards me, expecting me to shake it. "I'm Sonny. Sonny Moore. I saw that you were.. uhm, staring at me, so i decided to come over." he said and laughed.

I didn't.

He realized that I wasn't planning on shaking his hand anytime soon, so he sat back down. "well, aren't you going to tell me your.." he started, but he didn't get a chance to finish his sentence, a jock threw a water bottle (on purpose) and it landed in my lap. Oh, and should I add that it was full, AND open.

I quickly stood up and ran out the door without my books, I heard the jocks laughing and Sonny cussing at them. I walked and walked, then started run when i heard someone behind me.

Someone grabbed my arm from behind, and I tried to pull away, I turned around to see Sonny. "Are you okay?!" he asked and let go of my arm.
"I'm fine." I mumbled and started to walk again.

Sonny jogged a little bit to catch up, "You uhm.. forgot your books." he said and looked down at the books in his hand. I was awe struck. A guy was actually being nice to me.

"Yea, uhm.. thanks." I said and took them from him and started walking again. He quickly caught up with me again.
"I was wondering... can I walk you to class?" he asked sweetly.

No, can't trust him. Run. Run. Go. Escape.

The voice inside of my head was screaming at me to get away. I was about to take the adivce from my little voice, but before i even realized it, I nodded and sonny laced his hand with mine.
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