Ze Fuzzeh llamas, chapter 1

LETS TALK ABOUT ze Fuzzeh llamas...

They are SOO fuzzy..their fuzzyness.. COVERS THEIR EYES!!!! mwah..


Theres these 2 llamas. One named llama Tre, and one called Mean Guy On Plane. It's a german name.

Well, one day, Mean Guy On Plane was staring at llama Tre. So, llama Tre said, in his most preppy-girly voice possible, "I'M TAKEN!!" Mean Guy On Plane got mad and threw a book at him, but then kept staring. Llama Tre said, once again in his special voice, "Excuse me! I'm Taken!!" Mean Guy On Plane got mad, yelled at llama Tre, then moved to some other place to eat grass.

Later on, llama Tre walked over to Mean Guy On Plane and asked, "Can I like, do your eyeliner??" Mean Guy On Plane smacked llama Tre with a shoe.

Meanwhile, Hairy Elephant Billie, and mental Panda Mike, were sitting at the waterhole.

"Hairy Elephant Billie?" Mental Panda Mike asked.
"Yes, Mental Panda Mike?"
"How come we are not llamas??"
"I don't know.."
"WELL!!! YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO KNOW!!!!!!! You're a retard Hairy Elephant Billie!!"
"Mental Panda Mike... Did you take you Mental pills??"
Mental Panda Mike sat there breathing heavily. "No, I forgot."

Hairy Elephant Billie got up, and stomped his way over to Mental Panda Mike's hut and grabbed five pills. Overdose, he thought, so no more mental panda Mike problems for the rest of the day.
"Hairy Elephant Billie? Are you trying to overdose me?? DO YOU THINK I'M ANNOYING??"
"No Mental Panda Mike! You're not annoying! The doctor told me to double your doseage." Hairy Elephant Billie was a good liar.
"Okay good."
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