Little Oakland, chapter 1

I stared in the mirror at my reflection. I rubbed my head. My dirty blonde hair shagged down on my forehead. I pushed it to the side and turned to see my big brother watching me. "You excited?" he asked. I turned back to the mirror and checked my hair, ignoring him. He rolled his eyes and walked out of my room. I really hated my uniform. It was so ughh. I put on my vans, grabbed my book bag and walked downstairs. My mom and brother were sitting at the table.
"Hey," mom said.
"Morning," I grumbled.
"You want breakfast?"
"Nope. Gotta go," I said.
"Okay hun. Have a great first day." She smiled.

I walked outside. I guess I should introduce myself now. My name is Trevor, I'm 11 years old, and today is my first day of 6th grade.

When I got to the bus stop my best friend Justin was adjusting his tie. I rolled my eyes and said, "hey Jay."
"Hey T. Where's your tie?"
"I couldn't figure out how to do it."

He laughed and helped me with it. We talked for a while until the bus came. I climbed the stairs of the bus and found a seat in the back. About two stops after mine, we stopped in a neighborhood FULL of these HUGE houses. I mean I could fit my house in some of them! Then a girl got on. Now usually girls were just...girls, but this one...I don't know she was just different.

Now, she wasn't new this year, I'd known her for like, oh I don't know 4 years. But today she seemed...different.. Pretty. So let me tell something. Justin is probably perfect. He always makes good grades, he played like every sport, and just about every girl he ever met ended up loving him. And I am his scrawny friend no girls ever liked.

She walked back to where we were sitting and said in probably the sweetest voice, "Is umm, someone sitting here?"
"Oh, uh, n-nn-nnn-n-nnoooo." She smiled and sat down.

We didn't talk much on the bus, but when we got to school things got different.
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