Life On Cucumber Avenue, chapter 1

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I stared at my hairbrush.


Kaylee stared at me like she was constipated.

"That's not my hair..."

"Then who's is it?"

I heard laughing from behind me. I looked in my closet to find our friends Mike and Billie laughing as hard as hell.


Mike raised his hand as Billie pointed at him. I beat Mike senseless with the brush.

"Kia! I am appalled at you! What the hell went up your ass today?" Mike said.

I lifted the brush back up. Mike jumped.

"Yeah. That's right. You're scared of me and my brush."

"No, not you. Just your brush. And your lunchbox, and your doors, and your hands, and your arms, and your el-"


Mike chuckled and I decided to look at him. He was wearing his usual. A T-shirt, jeans, Chuck's. Same with Billie.

"Why are you guys here anyway?" Kaylee asked.

"Same reason you're here, to hang out. Duh," said Mike.

Mike turned and looked at me.

"Mistress? May I stay in your house please?"

"If you ever say that again, I beat you with a whip then fry you on a grill, and if you live, I'm getting a restraining order."

Billie and Kaylee laughed. Mike laughed then put his arm around me. I have always had the strangest feeling that Mike liked me more than as a friend. He always seemed careless when I went out with someone. I doubt that Mike actually likes me. I've known him since I was 10. Kaylee's only been here for three years. Since we were 13. Billie and I have known each other for a long time, since we were practically born. We've always lived in the same neighborhood, Cucumber Avenue. Kaylee lives next door to me and Billie and Mike live across the street. Anyway, back to Mike....

He put his arm around me and I smelt his natural scent with cigarettes right on top of it. I liked it, although I can't stand cigarettes. They're gross.
"Can we go get some coffee?" he wined.

"Ugh! Fine..." I said.

I went downstairs.

"Apparently my mom isn't home everyone..."

"PARTY!" Billie screamed.

"No. She'll be back..."

"Aww...." Billie wined.

"Pobre sito" I said at his tone.

"What does that mean?" he asked getting back in his normal voice.

"Oh my really need to pay more attention in class...It means 'poor baby.' "

"Oh," Billie replied.

I went in the kitchen and started the coffeemaker. (Haha, Kaylee, Coffermakee.) I sat down and watched TV. Mike poured some coffee and sat next to me while Kaylee and Billie looked for something to eat in the kitchen.

I hugged Mike.

"Uh....Ok?" he said.

"I don't know. I just wanted a random hug."

"Uh huh."

Eventually, Kaylee, Billie, and Mike finished what they were doing.

"Can we go somewhere please?" I said dying of boredom.

"Uh...I wanna go see a movie," Mike said.

"Ugh. Gay...but whatever. I'll go to a movie..."

"It's my turn to buy," Kaylee said.


I grabbed my house key and some cash just in case and walked out the door to look at the houses in my neighborhood. As I stood in my daze, Billie walked out of the house, tripped on the doormat, and fell flat on his face. I took a gulp of air like I was annoyed...Hmm...Welcome to Cucumber Avenue.
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