A Green Day Story, chapter 1

"Amy...Amy...AMELIA PERK!!!" The teacher screamed, slamming the meter stick on my desk. My head shot up as I quickly pulled my iPod headphones out of my ears. I looked up at her angry face and grinned with a nervous chuckle.
"Yes, teach?" I asked innocently, as if I hadn't just been dozing off listening to Blink 182 uber loud.
"They're calling you down to the principal's office. They say it's important. Bring your things, here's the pass. And please stop listening to that damn music during my lectures or you'll have them confiscated!" She said angrily.
"Whatever do you mean?" I cocked my head to the side as students giggled around me. Shoving my stuff into my bag, I slung it over one shoulder and stood, putting my iPod shuffle's headphones in my pocket. I nodded a 'see ya' to my best friends, Kyle and Ashley, before exiting the classroom.
"Oh my gosh...whatever could they be wanting me for THIS time?" I groaned and shoved the crumpled pass into my pocket. "I didn't beat up any of those annoying preps today...I didn't cut class...and...yeah, I didn't do anything wrong today that I can think of..."
As I reached the principal's office, I sighed and switched my black bookbag over to the other shoulder, pushed a stray strand of hair behind my ear, and opened the door. Rushing into the room, I saw my mom and dad there. I stopped dead in my tracks.
"Amy..." My mom whispered. I could tell she had recently been crying. I dropped my bookbag onto a nearby chair and looked at her worriedly. My dad looked angrier than I ever saw him before...I became scared.
"Mommy...Daddy...what's going on?" I asked cautiously.
"Oh, sweety!" My mom rushed over and pulled me into a huge embrace and began to sob. I stood there, shocked.
"Who died?" I asked, becoming scared.
"No one. Amelia....we have something to tell you..." My dad said. My mom continued to cling onto me as I just stared at him.
"Wh-what is it?" I fought back tears. Whatever happened, it must be horrible, or my mom wouldn't be crying and my dad wouldn't be so...angry.
"Amelia Mia Perk. Your mother and I had an...arguement...and we are...well...we-" He couldn't finish.
"You're getting a divorce..." I finished for him. All expression left my face as he nodded. "No..."
"One other thing. You're going to live with me. I'm moving to California." My dad added.
"NO! You can't! How could you DO this to me?!" I yelled. Tears streamed down my face. I hugged my mom and buried my face in her shoulder.
"We're not trying to hurt you, Amy. We're just...we can't stay together anymore. And I already phoned my mother to tell her we were moving in with her until we can find our own home out in Cali." He said. What made me even more furious...what made me cry even harder...was that he was being so CASUAL about all this. How could he?
"I'll pack your things for you and we're going to the airport first thing after school. Now return to class, honey." He left the room after trying to give me a hug. I refused.
"Bye mommy..." I choked out between sobs. "I love you so much! I'll write you every day...I promise!"
She finally let go and walked out of the office.
"You may go back to class now." The principal said. I just nodded and walked out. I leaned against the wall outside of the office and slid down so I was sitting and cried really hard...
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