
- Name
- Natalie
- Age
- 33
- Gender
- Female
- Location
- Poland
Member since July 28th, 2006
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I fall in love with this:
Well.. I have to introduce myself here.. I don't really know how I should do that but let me try...
Name: Natalie
Date of birth: 13th May 1991
Country: Poland
City: Lodz
Favourite colour: black
Interests: cynology, music, LOST series
Real friends: Kate, Alice and a few GSBians
GSB friends: they're here --------------------------------------------------->
PM -> by GSB =)
Well.. I would like to see all my favourite bands, have a lot of money and an iPod or MP3.
But these wishes mean nothing in comparison with the one I have ever had. A dog. Yeah, I have ever dreamt about having a dog. Even when I was in kindergarten I used to draw only dogs. That's me. I am a real dogaholic.
I am not a type of sport-maniac. Sometimes I like to play football or volleyball. But my favourite sports are of course dog sports. I love agility, frisbee, flyball, obedience, dog dance and every dog sport you can imagine.
Some of you may think of dog fights. You'll ask: so you like dog fights? No, of course not! I hate them. That's one of the worst way of cruelty. But these are not sports. That's just mistreating of dogs. Dogs fight because they were taught so. They are addicted to fighting so they fight. And why? Because stupid, feelingless people taught them so.
I love the Internet. Maybe I am just addicted to it but.. not really. Living without Internet connection is not a big problem for me. Just a small one
My favourite site are of course dog sites and GSB.
I used to use the Internet Explorer. But I've been a proud user of Mozilla Firefox since April 2007. ;P
99% of you started reading this paragraph without even looking at the other ones. It's OK if you just want to know what I listen to. But if you want to know me, something about my character or interests, that's not a good way - you'll just miss a lot of information about me, so please return to the top of the page and read everything.
But well, I like: Green Day, My Chemical Romance, U2, Linkin Park, Panic! At The Disco, Evanesence, Nickelback, Good Charlotte, Fall Out Boy etc. I am sorry if I missed something but it's evening right now and I'm very tired. I'll fix the mistakes later.
If you have any questions, please PM to me. I guarantee I'll put your question (and my answer) here if I find it important, funny or just interesting.
Go to Hell with that, they don't matter anymore!.
Goodbye and good luck.
FCE Resulats:
Grade: A
Result: Pass
Reading: Good
Writing: Exceptional+
Speaking: Exceptional
Use of English: Exceptional
Listening: Exceptional
Guys, I'm so proud!
. \....\........... /..../
..../... I....I..(¯¯¯`\
...\.....` ¯..¯ ´.......'
.....l-_-_-_-_-_- |

Well.. I have to introduce myself here.. I don't really know how I should do that but let me try...
Name: Natalie
Date of birth: 13th May 1991
Country: Poland
City: Lodz
Favourite colour: black
Interests: cynology, music, LOST series
Real friends: Kate, Alice and a few GSBians
GSB friends: they're here --------------------------------------------------->
PM -> by GSB =)
Well.. I would like to see all my favourite bands, have a lot of money and an iPod or MP3.
But these wishes mean nothing in comparison with the one I have ever had. A dog. Yeah, I have ever dreamt about having a dog. Even when I was in kindergarten I used to draw only dogs. That's me. I am a real dogaholic.
I am not a type of sport-maniac. Sometimes I like to play football or volleyball. But my favourite sports are of course dog sports. I love agility, frisbee, flyball, obedience, dog dance and every dog sport you can imagine.
Some of you may think of dog fights. You'll ask: so you like dog fights? No, of course not! I hate them. That's one of the worst way of cruelty. But these are not sports. That's just mistreating of dogs. Dogs fight because they were taught so. They are addicted to fighting so they fight. And why? Because stupid, feelingless people taught them so.
I love the Internet. Maybe I am just addicted to it but.. not really. Living without Internet connection is not a big problem for me. Just a small one

My favourite site are of course dog sites and GSB.
I used to use the Internet Explorer. But I've been a proud user of Mozilla Firefox since April 2007. ;P
99% of you started reading this paragraph without even looking at the other ones. It's OK if you just want to know what I listen to. But if you want to know me, something about my character or interests, that's not a good way - you'll just miss a lot of information about me, so please return to the top of the page and read everything.
But well, I like: Green Day, My Chemical Romance, U2, Linkin Park, Panic! At The Disco, Evanesence, Nickelback, Good Charlotte, Fall Out Boy etc. I am sorry if I missed something but it's evening right now and I'm very tired. I'll fix the mistakes later.
If you have any questions, please PM to me. I guarantee I'll put your question (and my answer) here if I find it important, funny or just interesting.
Go to Hell with that, they don't matter anymore!.
Goodbye and good luck.
FCE Resulats:
Grade: A
Result: Pass
Reading: Good
Writing: Exceptional+
Speaking: Exceptional
Use of English: Exceptional
Listening: Exceptional
Guys, I'm so proud!
. \....\........... /..../
..../... I....I..(¯¯¯`\
...\.....` ¯..¯ ´.......'
.....l-_-_-_-_-_- |

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I SAW HP5 YESTERDAY! XD hahaha I wonder if you still know who I am xD
RebelofSuburbia, September 16th, 2007 at 03:40:50pm
oh cool, haven't seen HP5 yet, still didn't find time! is it any good? I spent a week at a friend's house just now, it was cool :) I made her a green day fan :tehe: we watched a lot of GD vids XD cool what kinda camp are you going? =D Did you went anywhere else? :) I went to greece and london :ah: was so great <3
RebelofSuburbia, August 6th, 2007 at 01:53:18am
Yep! She's one of my favorite characters. Really good actress :]]
Lissie!, July 31st, 2007 at 04:48:33pm
Really? : D I've seen it of course x] and I watched it twice. Was gonna go a third time, but I ran out of money ><
Lissie!, July 30th, 2007 at 08:59:28pm
yeah I noticed =O and you changed ur name again XD how have you been? enjoying summer??
RebelofSuburbia, July 24th, 2007 at 07:10:17pm
Ah well but it's still AWESOME : D you must have dna from them now ~~
I don't go to TPDC either o.O our generation there has died. I mean, you, me, Natness, Jen, Tash, Ester... I haven't seen them there for ages. We should have a reunion, don't you think? : D
Lissie!, July 24th, 2007 at 01:34:07pm
Man, I miss you o_o
HEY. I'm very good thank you, all HP-feverish for the moment... and then you tell me that...
Oh. my. ahhhh!
I would have been so freaked out! : D and I love London too, I was there last year. Now you've got my DNA x] if we visited the same places to say.
and congrats to the 1,039/Smoothed Out Slappy Hours : D you seriously can't get it in Poland? D: that sucks.
How are you? : D and do you still go on TPDC nowadays?
hugs to youuu : D
Lissie!, July 23rd, 2007 at 10:25:08pm
Lodyyy, I miss you too! =O
hmm good luck on ur FCE results XD
I just got my acceptance letter from university :ah: I can go do psychology next year =D
RebelofSuburbia, July 23rd, 2007 at 09:58:06pm
heyyy, glad to hear ur alive =] So FCE's, are they like exams? I got my exam results today and I passed them all :ah: I'm done with highschool :ah: and it was my bday monday :cassie: I'm an adult now :tehe:
RebelofSuburbia, June 14th, 2007 at 07:20:37pm
aj noł but dat's maj nju nejm! :D
banan, June 9th, 2007 at 10:39:24am
are you laughing at me?! Oh oh oh! *oburzony banan* lmfao
czy ja dobrze widzę - FCE się zbliża? Good luck! xD
*wyciąga Pikolo* Twoje zdrooowie!
banan, June 8th, 2007 at 06:33:54pm
you still live? =O
RebelofSuburbia, June 5th, 2007 at 07:25:32am
tu bananopotam ;]
banan, June 1st, 2007 at 09:34:31am
puk puk^^ xD
banan, May 29th, 2007 at 04:48:28pm
I'm good, you?
Emily Kaulitz, April 11th, 2007 at 03:16:36pm