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- Tunny is the name.
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- 30
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Member since April 7th, 2008
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To make it short, huge Green Day fan, energetic, huge gym rat.
Want to know more, feel free to ask.
I rarely go on this site, it's been years so if you message me expect a reply in like two years,haha.
If you want to find me add me on: foxy.panda on Instagram
To make it short, huge Green Day fan, energetic, huge gym rat.
Want to know more, feel free to ask.

I rarely go on this site, it's been years so if you message me expect a reply in like two years,haha.
If you want to find me add me on: foxy.panda on Instagram

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Sometimes I do... but rarely. I think this is my second time in a year that I've been on here. Lol. :D
Billie J. Armstrong, August 13th, 2011 at 12:49:34am
Things aint going bad atm couse my parents think im not with Jordan and that we are just firends lmao as if haha so they let me home the weekend XD so fings aint goin to bad lol xx
LOVE U FRANKIE, March 14th, 2010 at 07:02:52pm
My spring brake is in like 3 weeks i think =\ lol
N im hopen finks will be ok between me n my fam...i need them soo much
LOVE U FRANKIE, March 10th, 2010 at 06:48:28pm
Im stayin at my nans
N i said to Jordan that we would do that but he says he don't want to live a lie...which i get n all
I just don't understand my family man, im just gonna leave them for a bit let the dust settle ya no i'll probably be back home by next weekend lol
But i dunno if me and Jordan are still togther couse he wont talk to me :(
LOVE U FRANKIE, March 9th, 2010 at 09:53:38am
Sorry iv just had ALOT on my mind atm.
My family said i had to pick between them or my boyfriend n i chose my family (he understood that family is more important) n then my mum kicked me out now i have no where to live =[ iv lost my bf and family all in 1 night ='[ n to top it all off Jordan wants to kill himself now :(
See what i mean alot of things
So what you been up to?
LOVE U FRANKIE, March 8th, 2010 at 07:14:22pm
N no i dont do that day lol
LOVE U FRANKIE, March 7th, 2010 at 03:57:07pm
That was suppose to be Iv been better btw
LOVE U FRANKIE, March 4th, 2010 at 07:22:20am
Not been better......broke me foot again =[
Been arguin with my boyfriend alot aswell
Im not a happy bunny =[
LOVE U FRANKIE, March 4th, 2010 at 07:12:55am
Lol il try my best couse we are gettin aload snow back =S
How you been lately?
LOVE U FRANKIE, February 8th, 2010 at 02:21:41pm
Wow I haven't been on here in the longest lol
right now I'm at school
these kids take forever to finish the test
were taking a practice English taks
it was so easy lol
I finished like at 11 now got nothing to do
are you still a greenday fan? Hehe
I still love mcr
always have alwas will lol
mmm I wonder how long is going to take you to get on here
and reAd my messeges lol
I think I'm going to start getting more on this
and on I'm notokay.net
haha also on vampirefreaks
I'm mostly on myspace I get on like everyday haha
vampire_bites, February 2nd, 2010 at 01:36:26pm
Wow I haven't been on here in the longest lol
right now I'm at school
these kids take forever to finish the test
were taking a practice English taks
it was so easy lol
I finished like at 11 now got nothing to do
are you still a greenday fan? Hehe
I still love mcr
always have alwas will lol
mmm I wonder how long is going to take you to get on here
and reAd my messeges lol
I think I'm going to start getting more on this
and on I'm notokay.net
haha also on vampirefreaks
I'm mostly on myspace I get on like everyday haha
vampire_bites, February 2nd, 2010 at 01:36:04pm
I never watched the grammys...i...forgot?...yh i forgot lol
I do feel better...I got my cast off and im allowed to walk but my foot aint healed proberly =s but i have to go back in 4 weeks...il just have to take it easy till then but im soo scared il push myself to far and it will like brake again lol
LOVE U FRANKIE, February 2nd, 2010 at 01:30:17pm
Aww hope you feel ok now
My day aint going very well atm couse im really pissed off and i dunno why
LOVE U FRANKIE, January 31st, 2010 at 07:42:22am
Lmao yh i just went on there for the first time in like ever haha.
And thanks for the late birthday prezzie XD
LOVE U FRANKIE, January 26th, 2010 at 03:02:05pm
sorry had to say it
LOVE U FRANKIE, January 23rd, 2010 at 06:47:33am