
- Name
- Laura
- Age
- 36
- Gender
- Female
- Location
- Spain
Member since August 20th, 2008
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My name is Laura and I'm 21 years old. I live in a city that is in the north of Spain, and I think I couldn't live in another city! I love it!
I love Green Day a lot! It may be obvious, but I love them!
But I have other hobbies, like: reading, listening to music, going out with my friends, shopping...
I like other bands like: Rammstein, Panic at the disco, Coldplay, System of a Down, AFI, The Vines...
My dream is visiting Los Angeles. Can anybody tell me how is life there?
I really like soccer. I like watching matches on TV, especially when Real Madrid is playing!! It's my favourite team and I love Ruud van Nistelrooy. I think he's a sexy man!!! (And Iker Casillas too, of course
He allowed us to win the Europe Cup this year!!)
I know my english is not very good but I found this page and I logged in because I think Green Day is a spectacular group and I want to meet another fans
I'm studying advertising and public relations in the university, but now I have more free time so... I'm here!!
I like TV a lot:
Grey's Anatomy
Prison Break
The Simpsons
Ghost Whisperer
and other spanish shows!
That's enough for now!
I love Green Day a lot! It may be obvious, but I love them!
But I have other hobbies, like: reading, listening to music, going out with my friends, shopping...
I like other bands like: Rammstein, Panic at the disco, Coldplay, System of a Down, AFI, The Vines...
My dream is visiting Los Angeles. Can anybody tell me how is life there?

I really like soccer. I like watching matches on TV, especially when Real Madrid is playing!! It's my favourite team and I love Ruud van Nistelrooy. I think he's a sexy man!!! (And Iker Casillas too, of course

I know my english is not very good but I found this page and I logged in because I think Green Day is a spectacular group and I want to meet another fans

I'm studying advertising and public relations in the university, but now I have more free time so... I'm here!!
I like TV a lot:
Grey's Anatomy
Prison Break
The Simpsons
Ghost Whisperer
and other spanish shows!
That's enough for now!
thanx 4 that
n i know wat that sentence meanz 2 LOL
anywayz thanx 4 the keyboard tip
n i liv n the U.S.
gaming4pizza, August 28th, 2008 at 04:03:45pm
Oooo sounds wicked! I love photography .. I really want to be a photographer when Im older. Whatt do you want to do like for a job I mean?
WhoTheFuckIsCool?, August 28th, 2008 at 12:31:12pm
Ahahah! Well the English rain is no where near as good as Spanish rain! Ahhh, The rains reallllyyyy cold over here. Mm .. It proberly doesnt feel warm to you cause your used to it, but it is warm I promise.:D Ooo really? I'll keep an eye out for you next time I'm down there! By the way .. what are you studying at Uni cause although you have it in your profile, what does that actually mean?
WhoTheFuckIsCool?, August 28th, 2008 at 10:50:32am
I went like every year .. but since my Nan died (who we always used to go with) We've stopped going, Think I might be going back in October, and if not deffonatly in a few years. Urgh, to be honest I can't remember what it's called, but its near the border of Spain/Protugal. Yeah it sounds a goood place. Ahh okay mayeb not then! Storms? I LOVE storms, watching the rain, hearing the thunder seeing the lightning i love it all .. when I was little me and my Grandad used to sit in this little shelter thing that was attached to his house, and watch the storms with hot chocolate :) Do you get storms often there? The only time i went to Spain when it rained i found that the rain was warm ... and I was like YAY!
WhoTheFuckIsCool?, August 28th, 2008 at 08:46:33am
ahahha! Yeahh, Pizza's pretty basic really. Actually, when i went to spain on holiday I remember the Pizza's being really nice. Better than the ones from England! .. Ooo well you could take the cookery course again. And just pray that he's your teacher? ;]
WhoTheFuckIsCool?, August 28th, 2008 at 07:04:20am
Mmm .. I think Ive heard of it. Ahaha, I think that you should move in with your Sister
and then just go get a job in the restaurant ;] Hows your day so far?
WhoTheFuckIsCool?, August 28th, 2008 at 06:33:29am
Mmmmm. I LOVE italian foood. Ahaha, Lucky you ;] you shouldd start going back like everyday, and see if he gets the message. Oo .. was it a specail occasion, or did you just go out anyway?
WhoTheFuckIsCool?, August 28th, 2008 at 05:26:45am
let me demenstrate 4 ur amuzement
"Mira a mi linda pina" i meant 2 put a thingy over the n
but idk how LOL
gaming4pizza, August 28th, 2008 at 01:30:51am
awsum thank u! LOL
im not tryin 2 brag or anything but...
i know a lil spanish
gaming4pizza, August 27th, 2008 at 03:08:45pm
Thankyou (: I will.
You have a good day too!
WhoTheFuckIsCool?, August 27th, 2008 at 05:42:48am
thankyou, thankyou!!! well Hola!! if thats how u say!!??
anyway i think ur very pretty!! you have a really good taste
in music!! =D
*have a cherryful day*
i say rawr!, August 26th, 2008 at 11:38:54am
i know right :]
St. Dude, August 26th, 2008 at 04:10:57am
me alegro!
Sip generalmente , los argentinos, somos muy alegres y medio locos talvez ;pp
Brian May, August 25th, 2008 at 09:36:00pm
Ooo why do you have to go and talk to him/her? Good Luck anywayss. Yeah it would annoy me if i couldnt hear the voices, I study a little German at school and we had to watch an episode of 'Friends' which Id usually love but it was all voiced over in German, so it ticked me off a bit. Really? How long does it take to download?
WhoTheFuckIsCool?, August 25th, 2008 at 08:06:42am
Urghh that sucks that you have to wait! I wont tell you the plot then, Dont wanna ruin it. Seeing as you can speak English isn't there a way you can get hold of the episodes earlier? How are you today?
WhoTheFuckIsCool?, August 25th, 2008 at 04:24:50am