writing on the walls

writing on the walls

Member since November 19th, 2008


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+++++++++++++Goodbye, Goodnight, For Good...

Welcome to the show
It's a story that you've heard a thousand times
So take a seat and get lost with me
This tale will never stop being told
Welcome to the show
Its a chance to save the world or lose the girl
Let's save the world
Heroes will save the day

You may think you've won, but I promise you it's not over

This could be our one last chance to finally rise up
So here we stand and here we will fight
None of us shall run from anyone
Storms are gathering

There's no guarentee we'll get out alive
Stop your whining, let's get busy
We have to rise above and fight
We'll be heroes

Welcome to the show
It's a story that you've heard a thousand times
So take a seat and get lost with me
This tale will never stop being told
Welcome to the show
Its a chance to save the world or lose the girl
Let's save the world
Heroes will save the day

This is the part where you are supposed to scream
When you scream, we'll be heroes.

im not as great as they make me sound... not at all. im an asshole, and thats basically it..
Alrighty, This is Nina. Obv, I have taken over Heaths lovely profile...
so here goes nothing-
Heath, you obv know I love you to death and back. You are my Heath Bar, and if any of you ever try and say that, I will kill you, thats my adorable nick nick name for him, not yours xD
-huggles you-
you are a great friend. And I thank you for that. And you own my soul.
I love you!!!
-NinaPuff out-

heath is my amazingamazingamazing husband. <33 i love him to death. i flirt with him all the time and he doesn't mind, which is a good thing. [: i wouldn't trade him for the world. neither of us have made sand castles, so we're going to buy two castles in mexico and florida, and make badass sandcastles that make yours look pitiful. sometimes he's sends me links for awesome music, which is perfect. o_o he also loves las vegas like me, so that alone makes him so much more amazing than you. i'm sorry. bye now! <3 andie.
Heath is my daddy ;] Oh and btw this is Marissa, his daughter! I was going to be his second wife but then I wouldn't of been his daughter so yeah D: He prolly doesn't even remember that, but shh don't tell him. Well anyway the first time I talked to Heath he asked if we could be 'best friends' and that he thought he loved me xD LIES. OH AND HE HAS A CHICKEN IN HIS PANTS. If you're not careful, it'll peck you ;D ANYWAY, Heath is amazing even though he can't see it sometimes D: He's effing hott too D: Which is strange to say because he's my father o.o Umm, we were suppose to write poems for eachother but I was the only one that could finish theirs, SO HEATH DOESNT LOVE ME. We fight all the time like brother and sister (which if again gross considering the way we talk sometimes..). And yeah, I'll say it, Heath is one of my best friends and I love him. SO STICK THAT IN YOUR JUICE BOX AND SUCK IT.

I have no idea where to start,
to make it sound like it comes from the heart.
But I will convince you that I love you
if it's the last thing I do.
You are my daddy,
my very sexy daddy! xD
And you smell like christmas cookies,
but I still love you!
You're always mean to me,
but I guess that's because you love me too!
If what you say is true,
I still don't believe you.

buttttt I still love you :]
You get in bad moods,
and it frustrates me if I can't help you.
and I still love you!
You're an amazing person,
the first time we talked
you asked me to be your best friend
crazy how I remembered that
So daddy, best friend, BABY (xD)
I love you
Now come visit me so I can hug you :]

I love you heath.
you're amazing, don't forget it.
hollywood tragedy., January 11th, 2009 at 06:08:47am


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