My day today...quite unusual

Okay so there's this guy, (there's always a guy) he's a director wannabe, He's a dancer, he's a fellow kickboxer. You know, everything a girl like me could want. There's just one catch, we can stand being together. we're both rather big headed and complete opposites. We love each other but we also hate each other so we can't be together we would just annoy one another. We're sticking to being best mates which to be quite Frank, I love more (sorry G) (His name starts with a G!) Anyway, I have this fight coming up and he's worried because he reckons I'm going to get my ass kicked, (I'm not, he's just worried)...So today which is a Thursday and the day after Kick-Boxing training he takes me to West Park to train some more. He knows his stuff . So I can trust him. He's an Awesome leader, that's an amazing gift for someone to have. I'm telling you he's good, I learned so much, anyway after the training we lay down on the grass together and chilled, having a three hour long talk. Strange for us. But we learned things about ourselves we didn't even know about one another.....strange I tell you....
Posted on April 12th, 2007 at 10:33am


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