Most of us now about the tragedy that happened on April 20 1999. Today its the 8th anniversary. I just felt like I needed to remark this day after everything that has happened (Virginia Tech, and all the bomb warnings) I don't know whats going on. I don't really know much about the Virginia Tech but I saw it on the papers it was everywhere it made me feel sick. But Columbine I know about that one, I've been doing research. Alot of research.

I gave no importance to it, I dont think I even knew til I was 11 and I watched "Bowling for Columbine" It hit me then.

To this day its a subject that really hits me badly, I mean I'm researching and this time line that shows the events fuck it its just so terrible.
Its the third worst school shooting in the U.S.A. history.

Two teenagers entered their school and killed 12 students and one teacher, 24 wounded others and then they commited suicide.
Two teenagers Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold..
Their dairys had every detail, it was planned very well planned. It appears that the original day for the masacre was April 19 but they apparently they had problems with one of the bombs.

They calculated the time 11:17 was when more students were at the cafeteria.
They had automatic weapons they got them easily. Just as anyone can get guns this days. After 8 years just a few days ago there was another shooting the worst in U.S.A history..

Basically they brought explosives to the cafeteria, they sat and watch the explotions, they entered and shot the ones they could. Teachers or students. They went on and on..Gymnasium, the auditorium, the business wing, the music rooms, the science area and the business offices.
The library too..
Then they shot themselves. The things that happened are many.. here are some that really Impressed me:

I chose the primary time line the 911 calls because they impress me as hell

11:25Patti Nielson calls 911 from libraryreporting shoots outside the library
11:25 a.m. 911 Caller on the library instructs students to get on the floor
11:26 a.m.911 caller instructs students to hide under the tables
11:26 a.m.Several shoots are heard outside the library
11:27 a.m Patti Nielson advices one shooter is just outside the library
11:27 a.m. reports of hand grenades and guns being used by suspects, and bombs being thrown on the roof.
11:28 students reported injured in school yard
11:29 a.m. Eric Hariis and Dylan Klebold walk into the library, shots are fired a male voice yells "Get Up!"
11:30 a.m. Caller droped the phone receiver
11:31 a.m. gunman yells "yahoo"
11:32a.m. Dylan Klebold says "Reb"
Eric Harris answers "yeah"
Klebold says "shit yeah"
this is followed by numerous rapid gun shots
11:33 a.m. Female screams "Oh my god, no.. Oh my god help me!"
11:36 a.m. Dylan Klebold says "Reb ya ready?"
11:37 a.m.explotions can be heard outside the library
11:38 a.m.911 reports of shooter in the cafeteria
11:46 a.m. explosion, gunfire, and screaming can be heard at distance
11:48 a.m. an explosion can be heard at distance
11:51 a.m. 911 call from library terminated by dispatch
11:53 a.m. 911 call from school secretary reporting shots fired in the office


The names are to many to remember each:


Outside the library

Rachel Scott, 17
Daniel Rohrbough, 15
William David "Dave" Sanders, 47 (Teacher

Inside the library

Cassie Bernall
Steven Curnow, 14
Corey DePooter, 17
Kelly Fleming, 16
Matthew Kechter, 16
Daniel Mauser, 15
Isaiah Shoels, 18
John Tomlin, 16
Lauren Townsend, 18
Kyle Velasquez, 16


Brian Anderson, 17
Richard Castaldo, 17
Jennifer Doyle, 17
Stephen Austin Eubanks, 16
Sean Graves, 15
Makai Hall, 17
Anne Marie Hochhalter, 17
Patrick Ireland, 17
Michael Johnson, 15
Mark Kintgen, 17
Lance Kirklin, 16
Lisa Kreutz, 18
Stephanie Munson, 17
Patricia Nielson, 35 (Teacher)
Nicole Nowlen, 16
Jeanna Park, 18
Kasey Ruegsegger, 17
Valeen Schnurr, 18
Daniel Steepleton, 17
Mark Taylor, 17
Evan Todd, 15

Other injuries
Two other students and one teacher were injured in the school after taking a 15ft (4.6m) fall through the ceiling above the staff lounge in an attempt to escape from the school. These injuries were not directly attributed to the shooters. Those who were injured in this manner were:

Nicholas Foss, 18
Joyce Jankowski, 45 (Teacher)
Adam Kyler, 16

Alot happened after, a movie, a book, tears... Yet no one can honestly say they know why.
Marilyn Manson's music was blamed. Where lays the blame on the goberment that has killed the biggest amount of people? On the society that never gives a chance? On the families? Students? Teachers? Everyone? No one?
My guess we all have the blame even if you weren't born we come from generations that had mayorly fucked it all up. Its our chance to change this world, this society, this tragedy.That same day America gave the order to send a bomb that killed thousands and thousands, more blames, more shit. Its all on Bowling for Columbine. You should really watch it.

One thing of the aftermath I'd like to point out is that when Marilyn Manson was interviewed, he was asked:
"If you would have met them what would you have told them"
"I would have told them nothing, I would have listened to them"

I havent watched all the videos or heard all the recordings and I seriously dont think I can manage to.. Its just to much

So I want to ask all you people on GSB that when yr time zone gets to 11:00 pm would you please share a minute of silence?
For all the victims, the parents, the teachers, and everyone of that school. Each and every of the people that had to evacuate, the ones that called 911, the ones that were shot, the ones that saw their friends being shot, the ones that begged for their lifes, the ones that hid under tables, and yes even Eric and Dylan...
Because despite all the hate all the suffering they provoqued, they must have went througha hell lot of it, healthy people don't do that.
I don't know what led them to do such thing, I don't think no one really knows, but I don't think anyone listened to them. And they died to, they performed their own tragedy, maybe in fear of oblition. I really don't know but they clearly were dead when they did this.
And they deserve a minute of silence too...

"The Nobodies"

Today I am dirty
I want to be pretty
Tomorrow, I know I'm just dirt

Today I am dirty
I want to be pretty
Tomorrow, I know I'm just dirt

Fear the nobodies
Wanna be Somebodies
We're dead,
We know just who we are

We are the nobodies
Wanna be Somebodies
We're dead,
We know just who we are

Yesterday I was dirty
Wanted to be pretty
I know now that I'm forever dirt

Yesterday I was dirty
Wanted to be pretty
I know now that I'm forever dirt

We are the nobodies
Wanna be Somebodies
We're dead,
We know just who we are

We are the nobodies
Wanna be Somebodies
We're dead,
We know just who we are

Some children died the other day
We fed machines and then we prayed
Puked up and down in morbid faith
You should have seen the ratings that day


Bowling For Columbine
Posted on April 20th, 2007 at 09:13pm


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