Dreams: More Than What They Seem

I'm trying to make as much time as possible for Blogs. Sports has been pretty much zapping away all my time now, as well as school and personal matters. It's a stretch to even come on! I hope this makes up for it.

I've posted a Blog on some of my crazy dreams, as well as vonny and a few others. Some crazy trend we started. And here's a continuation on the thought, because I believe that dreams are a lot more than what they seem. It's different for everyone, but from my experience, I think they're a way to communicate with our subconscious, and possibly even the divine, if you believe in something greater. It sounds crazy, but I've got quite a few instances that might just be able to prove this. When I was eight, my my mom's best friend's son (Corey), only 18, was killed in a horrible car accident. He was an only child, and his mother was beyond devastated. My family was really upsetted too. So, a while after his death, my mom had a dream.

She was on the beach, and she was talking to Corey at age three. So, they walked along the beach and he was just babbling on about whatever three-year-olds like to babble about. Eventually, they reached the end of a pier and they turned around. Right when my mom turned around, she saw him as he was right before the accident. My mom was in shock, and then the freaky part. Corey said, "I know, I'm dead. I came here because I want you to pass a message on to my mom. I want you to tell her that I'm in a better place now, I'm happy, and I love her. She's not yet ready to see me like this, so that's why I want you to tell her." Then, the little three-year-old version of my cousin stood by his adult self, and they walked away.

My mom woke up truly afraid, but in the different sense of the word. She was sweating and shaking, and she felt clamy. Ever since, she's had an incredibly firm belief in a higher power. Like me, she doesn't really believe in "God," but knows there's something out there. And then I have a lot of experiences with this too, but I'll share one of the biggest. This was a while after Steve Irwin was killed. For some reason, it upset me so much that one of my childhood heroes was just... dead... It was so unfair to me! The man I saw as Superman was no more. And back then, I strongly opposed the existence of something greater, because of all the hate and crime in the world. And this made my hatred stronger, not only concerning the world, but my own life. Everything meant nothing to me, and I remember spending all night just crying myself to sleep because I was so sick. And then I had a really strange dream which I can't remember very clearly anymore.

I was in my house, but it looked a lot more modern, all the walls were white. And then I walked into a room, and my dad was giving a tour of the house to Steve Irwin! I was pretty much astounded how a dead Australian man could be now be strolling around in my own house. Then, my dad left and then Steve started talking to me. I can't remember everything exactly, but it went something like this: "You have to get over my death. I know I didn't die in the manner I'd prefer to, but I died for a reason. You may not understand things now, but all the tough things you've gone through will amount to something in your life. Bad things come from good things, you just need to have faith." And he just left.

I woke up in the same manner my mom did. The freaky thing is, both of our dreams seemed so real! So, my point is: How can dreams like THAT be a mere coincidence? When analyzed, dreams are always personal. Some just happen to hit home more than others, like my mom's and mine. So I think that dreams are ways that our subconscious speaks to us about what's really going on in our lives. And I believe, and so does my mom and every other person I've talked to who has had these kind of surreal dreams, that it is really the essence of the person in our dreams. That was really Corey's "ghost" talking to my mom, and that was really Steve's "ghost" talking to me. We were both at turning points in our lives, and both of us just wanted AN ANSWER. We waited, hoped, and even PRAYED for an answer, and we got our answer. I can't begin to put into WORDS how overwhelming and life-changing these dreams have been for us, so maybe describing the degree of our astonishment would give you a good idea. This has happened to my friends as well, they believe the same thing. We think that when we die, our souls leave our body and look out for the people we love and manifest ourselves in other people's lives so they know we still care. Does that make sense?

It's not anything you can prove through fact, which really bothers me at the same time. But there's so many other stories I could tell when things like that have happened to me or my family or people I know, and it's just not humanly possible they were merely random events. What's your guys' position on the whole thing?
Posted on May 3rd, 2007 at 05:52pm


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