Congenital Disorders (Birth Defects)

Sure, we've all seen a few of the birth defects on TV and such. But there's a lot more than what the media simply tells us. I found this out one day while on Google looking for a picture of a kitten to send one of my friends, and I found a picture of a cat with seven toes. I looked up the name of the condition, Polydactyly, and I researched a bit into it on Wikipedia. I found out it is one of many "congenital disorders," so then I was redirected to a list of said disorders. And it saddened me beyond belief how some kids are born with a horrific disease, and the only option for the parents is to let their child die.

A congenital disorder is a disease that a child is born with at the beginning of his or her life. However, they can be recognized at any point of life: prenatally, at birth, or anytime after. They are usually the result of either corrupted genes or problems within the uterus during development. Both of these problems can be the result of the mother making bad decisions while pregnant. But not always, since some children can just be downright unlucky and be stuck with a disease for life without any reason behind it. So... I want to raise awareness about these disorders, so I'm going to write about some of the disases that really struck me, either as interesting or cruel. I'm probably going to be posting links of people with the disease, so if you're squeemish, like me, then I'd prepare yourself.

Anencephaly is the lack of the top portion of the cranium, so a lot of the skull, brain, and scalp doesn't form. Babies born with disease are without the portions of the brain that do the majority of the thinking and that have our cognitive abilities (motion, processing information). Because there is no scalp or top half of skull, the rest of the brain is exposed and the eyes seem like they're slightly protruding since that part of the skull is absent as well. Most babies are born blind, deaf, unconscious, and invincible to pain (which would indicate severe problems with the nervous system). Because they are missing part of their brain, they will never gain consciousness. Sometimes they are born able to breathe and respond to sound and touch, but that's pretty much it. The cause is unknown, and there is no cure or treatment for the disease. Most babies do not survive birth, but the ones that do can't survive past a few days. Doctors can only nurture the baby as best as they can. Most women who find out their child has anencephaly choose to have an abortion.

Child with anencephaly. - This picture really REALLY bothers me, since I found it on accident to begin with. If you can't look at this type of thing, then don't.

Elephantiasis is... a MASSIVE growth of any part of the body. It's seriously inhuman. The growth can be an arm, a leg, a part of the head, ANYWHERE. It's usually caused by a parasitic disease, lymphatic filariasis. It's difficult to detect early, since it may show up at any point in time. Although there is no cure, there IS treatment which can reduce swelling and continued growth.

MODERATE Elephantiasis - I really don't want to be gross in posting the full extent of it.

Cyclopia is when the two eye cavities fail to divide, leaving only a single eye. The nose also fails to form, although there may be a non-functional nose (a proboscis) located somewhere on the face, usually where the forehead should be. This is one of the most severe deformities a baby can have. Also, the brain's two hemispheres fuse together, which would lead to severe cognitive disabilities. There's also cases of animals having the disease, most notably "Cy," a kitten who lived a whole disease with the disease. Most human babies born with the disase usually die within the first day of having the disease. Aside from those mentioned, there's also other problems that may occur, since it is the result of having an additional Chromosome 13.

Baby with Cyclopia. - Let's just say that I would opt not to look at this one, but if you really want to know the full extent of the deformities, then go ahead.

I wanted to post this because birth defects are, out of ALL the medical problems one can have, that could bug me most. Save Lou Gherig's, cancer, and Alzheimers, and a few others of that sort, birth defects are beyond cruel in my book. All those kids who have those diseases never had a shot at life. Those kids could have been the next leaders for our country. Kids with fatal congenital disorders live a few hours or days of suffering not knowing the fruits of life, they simply exist. I hope that if I don't end up becoming an oncologist when I'm older, that I'll qualify for pathology as well, because I want to help people with these type of diseases as best as I can, regardless of their severity. I hope that we can work for cures for these type of diseases instead of wasting our money on needless items or whims. This is also another lesson that drugs and smoking CAN screw you up; or rather, screw your kid up.

List of congenital disorders.
Posted on May 5th, 2007 at 02:23pm


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