The Survival Guide to Decoding GSB Mannerisms and Lingo

The title... pretty self-explanatory.... I've been a bit of a blog-whore lately, partly because I had about three or four half-finished projects on Microsoft Word, and these past few days I felt like finishing them up. So here's a final little fun Blog that popped into my mind today. This is about a lot of the common things I see GSBians do that I find pretty funny and all, so... uh, to be honest, I have no idea what this is going to be. Just read and enjoy folks. Please don't take this seriously.

LOL: Its Versatilities and Hidden Layers of Meaning
LOL = laughing out loud. Almost never is lol used for its intended purpose. Here's usually what it means.
- "lol": Okay, you said something really awkward and stupid, but you're my friend and I can't think of anything else to say, so I'll just laugh.
- "Lol.": Uh... hahahaha yeah NO. Not funny. I'll humor you.
- "LOL": Sincere laughing. Rare.
- "Lolz" (a personal favorite): Sarcasm.
IN CONCLUSION: Beware the lol.

Strange Disappearances
Why do your friends leave rather abruptly, almost coming out of nowhere? Here's a few ideas.
- "You post a comment, send a PM to one of your friends. He or she signs off without saying anything": Okay, yeah... that was awkward, so I'm just going to leave and I'll make up an excuse saying my mom made me get off. See "lol".
- "'I have to go do my homework.' - Left by a friend after you comment or in a PM": I'm sick of talking right now, but you're my friend and I don't know how to say I want to leave.

Life is So Cruel
You'll find this in many Blah Blahs: "He makes me mad all the time. He's unfair and he ruins my life. I just want to end it all right now, I'm miserable, but - OH WELL. How are you COOKIElolz".
- I see a lot of Blah Blah's that start off really ambiguous about something that's ruining their lives and it's about to make them kill themselves or something. And then they stop talking about it on purpose and switch the topic to a "how are you?" How many people notice these, if you go on the Blah Blahs?
- These type of people are seeking attention. I'm not one to assume how people's lives are at home, or how they react to such situations, but there's people on here who make entries like that so it looks like they have the worst possible lives ever but are simply trying to shake it off.
- They don't continue talking about the problem, because they want some GSBian to go up and say, "Aw *hugs* what happened? What's the matter?" It's not a cry for help, it's a cry for attention. If it was a serious cry for help, said person would be in such an extreme mental state, he/she would MOST LIKELY post the full story. Wouldn't you agree? But I'll have to say that only the people who are in the Blah Blahs regularly will have a flipping clue what I'm talking about.

- I asked in a Blah Blah if there's anything that people would like to see answered, in terms of weird GSB quirks. Here's one that Teenage.Assassin. offered (the one about fakes - even I don't have an answer for that one, because every person can have their own reason for wanting to create a different lifestyle on the internet. Millions of possibilities)-

Stretching Out the Problem and GSBitches
GSB, sad as it is, has fights. Especially on the Blah Blahs. And people like to drag out issues...
- "In a Blah Blah... 'You Guys! Stop Fighting'": This person is either INCREDIBLY oblivious that this will only draw more attention to the fight, or this person wants to be recognized as the "hero" who stands up, recognizes the problem, and tells people to chill.
- "In a Blah Blah... 'lolz you guys are weird why fight?": The people who you can get pissed off at, who laugh during the fight. These are the people who think that they're a) being cool by laughing it off or b) humor other people and laugh at them. I'm not gonna lie, I laugh at other people when there's fights. It's so trivial to fight with people YOU DON'T KNOW on the INTERNET, isn't it?
- "In a Blah Blah... 'u guys fukin suk go 2 hell'": ATTENTION SEEKER, IGNORE AND MOVE ON WITH LIFE.

YOU GUYS; Please don't take this seriously. I was bored and I'm procrastinating on my eight-page Spanish project that's due tomorrow, and I won't be starting it until ten o' clock this night. Seriously. This is just in fun.

I'd also like to wish E-V-E-R-Y-O-N-E luck for tomorrow's GSB AWARDS!!! I've got a good feeling about either Rage, Love, or Sheepless and Redundant winning. I love their Blogs and all of them have a pretty good chance, I'm thinking. But who knows? To be honest, I haven't been paying a lot of attention to the Blogs lately. I only submitted about 8 this month, and I haven't read a lot. But good luck to EVERYONE!!!

Posted on May 29th, 2007 at 11:58pm


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