An alternate view of sex...

I know you all wholeheartedly agree with the view that people have too much underage sex... but I cant agree with it completely.

Yes, people claim to be in love when they arent. I have. I said I was in love with Ricky, and with Lee. I thought I was. Sure, I loved them, but theres a difference. I've loved four boyfriends, if I was your average girl, I'd claim it was true love each time.

but being in love, wow, I cant even explain it. You look at the person, you would do anything to make them happy, its pretty much impossible to feel sad around them. All you know is that you want to be with them. Forever. And it takes more than a few weeks to get over them, those girls who are in love every week.

I'm still not over the guy I fell in love with, its only been six months. I'm getting on with my life fine, but Im still single.

But back to sex. Male or female, your gonna lose your virginity and all. To the whole world, its a special thing. Make sure its with the right person, is all.

Are you being pressured? Would your boyf/girlf leave you if you dont have sex? Are you still not comfortable being naked around someone else? The fact theyre naked would make you giggle nervously? Then you're not ready.

You think you love them? Youve spoken about sex with your boyf/girlf? You are one hundred percent comfortable? You might be ready. Make sure it feels right to do it though, apparently you never forget your first time and its very special.

Not that I agree. Why should your first time be any more special than any other sex? Sure, you dont want a quicky in the bathroom, or a full kinky story, its only the first time your trying it. But, I think, if your single for a long time then your ready to have sex again, treat it like your first time.

Well... What else do I want to say? Age, maybe? The legal age in England is sixteen. I think thats fine, as long as its all good. Some people say thats too young. If it is for you, thats fine as well. I think its so fine to have sex first time between sixteen and somewhere in your twenties. I dont know how old yet, Im not sure.

And how long should you wait? I dont condone one night stands. It meaningless sex, and thats just wrong. I wont go into the religious side of my beliefs, coz I want everyone to agree... not sure why I want that, I dont normally. Anyway, sex is something for you and your love to share. Dont make it so its got no value...

So I think thats all I have to say... I have some strong opinions, so agrees and disagrees are welcomed, as long as there are more agrees than disagrees. Thanks.
Posted on June 6th, 2007 at 04:21am


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