Music, in year nine, at greystanes highschool.
Okay, imagine this:
Monday morning, you get up out of bed, and crawl downstairs, get breakfast, then get ready for school.
Your parent drops you off at 7:30 am, and school starts off at 8:25 am.
You wait.
The bell rings.
You make your way through the crowds of people to get to the top floor of D block before the door is locked, and you have to go and collect a late pass, which requires you staying in at recess.
He shows up and lets you all in, asking about your weekend, he seems happy.
You go inside, sit down, and un-pack your bag.
Someone passes the slightest comment to their friend, and a screech is heard by the whole of the block.
No, I'm not lying.
This is typical monday morning for my year nine class.
We go inside, he yells at us, and calls us stuff that teachers can get sued for, and we have to sit there, and take it because the other teachers in the department think that we;re all being racist.
Is that fair?
I tried to give him a chance.
He's told me on various occasions that I need to get better for drumming, (he calls me a "drummist", and he gives us scroll music for PIANO.
I'm planning on making a career as a drummer, and the way he carries on is gonna have the same effect as english for year 7 did, and I'm not getting into that.
But surprising enough, I'm not the only one who thinks like this.
A student (who will remain nameless) in the class is the brightest girl I have ever met, seriously. She doesn't let what bully's say get to her, whatever.
She agrees with me on the issue.
Her and I have gotten closer as friends because of how bad he is...
God I needed to let that out.
Monday morning, you get up out of bed, and crawl downstairs, get breakfast, then get ready for school.
Your parent drops you off at 7:30 am, and school starts off at 8:25 am.
You wait.
The bell rings.
You make your way through the crowds of people to get to the top floor of D block before the door is locked, and you have to go and collect a late pass, which requires you staying in at recess.
He shows up and lets you all in, asking about your weekend, he seems happy.
You go inside, sit down, and un-pack your bag.
Someone passes the slightest comment to their friend, and a screech is heard by the whole of the block.
No, I'm not lying.
This is typical monday morning for my year nine class.
We go inside, he yells at us, and calls us stuff that teachers can get sued for, and we have to sit there, and take it because the other teachers in the department think that we;re all being racist.
Is that fair?
I tried to give him a chance.
He's told me on various occasions that I need to get better for drumming, (he calls me a "drummist", and he gives us scroll music for PIANO.
I'm planning on making a career as a drummer, and the way he carries on is gonna have the same effect as english for year 7 did, and I'm not getting into that.
But surprising enough, I'm not the only one who thinks like this.
A student (who will remain nameless) in the class is the brightest girl I have ever met, seriously. She doesn't let what bully's say get to her, whatever.
She agrees with me on the issue.
Her and I have gotten closer as friends because of how bad he is...
God I needed to let that out.
My band teacher was an a$. He would throw sh*t at us. Pencils, the baton/stick thingy, buttons, etc. etc. He was ball-like. Literally. About 4 1/2 feet tall, 31/2 - 4 feet wide. A ball. On my last day, I put a card for a shop that makes huge bras on his desk. ..yeah. That wasn't necessary, but he makes my friends cry, and like I said, he throws sh*t at people (mostly the first myself).
I've spent four years in a classroom with that bastard. The best part about graduating was getting away from him.
Billie's Willie, June 19th, 2007 at 04:36:05pm
tell him to get f*cked or you'll knock him out, then get him sued for the sh*t he says. If any teacher said that half of my class would walk out.
And if it happens again and your sick of it, walk out, go to the front office, student services etc and complain.
and it's good that your mums ringing. my mum rings the school, goes u has a chat.. and voila, no more annoying teachers.
Tre Cool Junkeh, June 19th, 2007 at 09:22:18am
I say "drummist" a lot on accident.
Skippy., June 19th, 2007 at 07:26:27am
My music teacher only snaps when we talk too much. But he's usually nice, even if he does ignore me...
I feel a lot of sympathy for you
GreenDayCookieFairy, June 19th, 2007 at 06:47:29am
im glad your mum is gonna ring the school. Whatever happened to school. School is a place to learn, am i wrong? Where did this sense of needing to own some sort of authority come into hand? Since when are students meant to feel like they are uesless, then the teachers tell us how school is important to us. What is wrong here.
Vegemite, June 19th, 2007 at 06:03:50am
I told mum and she said that she;d call the school (she's a teacher hence all the crap and why I know it;s illegal) and he;d be fired in a nanosecond.
it;s just all wierd.
thanks for reading, btw.
Casper is not amused, June 19th, 2007 at 05:33:32am
Wow... If I had a teacher like that... He'd have a hand across his face in two seconds... Not mine though... My mommy's =]] booze, June 19th, 2007 at 05:29:26am
That's srsly screwed ._.
Ishmael., June 19th, 2007 at 05:16:10am