Judged_ Because of punk.

The beginnig of Punk began in the last 60's until the middle 80's, it was called a fashion, a fad and a trend by all those people who didn't like or understand it.

To me some of the best Punk bands were British, who walked around with their outrageous hairstyle's of a brightly coloured mohawk or liberty spikes. The clothes were often hand me down's and re- created to look different, cool and unique with safety pins, paint and badges. The attitude of a punk caused a lot of trouble between the police and local authoroties, but they still had enough respect for themselves and other punks.

Everyone asks me, what got me into Punk? and to be honest it was my dad's influence along with listening to the Sex Pistol's classic of 1977, Anarchy In the UK. It got me into other punk bands like the clash, the damned, SLF, Uk Subs, Sham 69, the buzzcocks and many more. The music was a start and I liked it so I started to change my image to fit in with the music, jackets with safety pins, german jack boots and of course the wonderful hairstyle. It was enough for me to start off as a juvinile Punk but as I got older I soon realised that you weren't to follow what some band said, you had to think and make up your own mind about it.

Punk is the biggest genre in music history whether you like it or not. It lasted longer than any other music movement, way longer than the New Romantics of the 80's and the flower Power era of the 60's.

Some bands that I like don't have the money to go around playing in huge places, some mainstream bands still don't have the money and they have been playing for over 30 years.You might not see alot of Punk's walking around the streets these days, but we are there. We are just hiding and gone deep underground to stay the same as we did before, its up to everyone to give Punk's respect because no one or nothing will ever be like us in a million years, we won't let it did EVER.

Not all punk's are nazi's or trouble makers but its their own personal choice if they are or not, we do have a heart and we are human. So people do need to stop judging us and making faces and one shot remarks that make us want to do some damage, people shouldn't judge us because they don't know anything about us.

"Listening to Punk is like smoking weed, once you get into it. You can't get out"
Posted on June 25th, 2007 at 10:07am


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