The sweetest thing anyone's ever done for me.

I already put this in a BB, but I want to able to access it again.

My [now-ex] boyfriend and I were fighting, coz it was supposed to be just him and me, ALL day, and my friend Bradley called and I talked to him for like 6 minutes. So that's what caused our fight, he was mad coz it was supposed to be just us, and I just had to answer my phone.
So I was like, "Whatever, I'm going to go home, and take a shower." [coz I had gotten off work like an hour before, so I was all ew.]
And my boyfriend came with me...And we were fighting. When I was getting undressed, we were in my bathroom, fighting, and he called me a sl*t, so I told him to leave, and he wouldn't. I shut the door on him and turned the water on and got in, and just stood there, for the longest time crying.
The sweet bit:
He came charging in, pulled the shower curtain aside, and made me hug him. And I wouldn't, I kept pushing him away. So then, he stops, and disappears for a couple seconds, and the next thing I know, he's climbing in the other end of the shower, fully dressed. He pulled me to him, me all naked and wet, with the water still running, and held me. I couldn't stop crying and telling him, over and over "You shouldn't have said that. Please go." And he kept saying he didn't mean it and to please take him back.
He got out of the shower, giving up, I thought, and I heard my front door shut. I started crying, so hard, then I got out of the shower, and I heard the door shut again, so I knew he was back. I was kneeling on my bathroom floor, sobbing, in the middle of a bunch of towels, and he came in, and knelt over me and said, "Please stop crying." I wouldn't. He sat on the edge of the bathtub and sang that lullaby that goes "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are grey, you'll never know dear, how much I love you, please PLEASE don't take my sunshine away..." while he was crying. [I always sang that to him when he was upset.] Then he sat against my bathroom sink, and was crying and begging me to take him back...He said "I can't believe I lost you! I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry! Please, take me back!" and stuff like that. And I wouldn't, coz I was so hurt.
And then he asked if he could use my phone to call someone, and he ended up calling my best friend Bradley who lives 3 hours away, and he said something along the lines of "Bradley, I lost her, I said something I shouldn't have, please talk to her, I can't make her stop crying, do something!" and so I talked to Bradley, who said "Don't be stupid, you two love each other, now kiss and make up." So we did.

Him, jumping in that shower...bawling, coz he couldn't get me to stop...that's what makes our breakup so hard, the memory of that day. That's the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me, and I'm afraid, terrified actually, that no one else will ever do that or anything like it for me ever again.

I don't know, I just wanted to share that.
Posted on July 5th, 2007 at 06:02pm


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