Old People- Discrimination

Discrimination is everywhere and its unavoidable in our world. Every single day it is on the TV that the ASBO generation range’s from eleven year olds to twenty three year olds. Old people are scared to leave their home’s in case a raving ned attacks them, but honestly can you see that happening? It does in some cases, here’s a few reasons why I think the old people discriminate young people from different groups.

Old People

No offence to them but they think they own this planet, just because they are old and have done some things in their lives it doesn’t mean it gives them the god given right to judge others. They demand respect from youngsters and want today’s children to grow up as they did, in a strict discipline. But isn’t that what life is about? Making it what you want and living with the consequences. A lot of old people will feel threatened by groups of youth’s, but there is nothing to fear because not every young person will mug them and make their lives a living hell.

Respect is earned not assumed, an old person like everyone else should have to prove that they are entitled to respect. But they think its their birthright to be right all the time, a few time’s I’ve been a victim from their anti social behaviour. I wasn’t supposed to be standing in the same bus stop as them because I’m different. Now someone tell me that they weren’t discriminating me.


Yes there is some people who follow in the Goth culture, they wear black, baggy jeans and lots of dark make-up. But they are people too and do have feelings, if a person who wears all black in the street everyone stares and blankly points out that it’s a disgrace. But what has these people done to them?


Its discrimination against these people, what they do with their lives and how they are in public.


Not everyone will like them, but they too are discriminated for having long, dyed hair that covers their faces. Old people in the street will be scared, but seriously I think these people have something better to do that scare them. Emo is a fashion, a music movement and overall an outlet for people wanting to be apart of a group, but old people complain about individuals.

Metal heads, Rockers.

These type will occasionally wear jeans, dirty footwear and have long greasy hair. But its their choice to listen to what they listen to, to do what they do takes courage as does any music movement. It’s a part of life that people will follow particular things to be accepted.


I have to admit that these people are very colourful, and extremely self confident. After all they wouldn’t dress the way they do if they were shy. I am a fellow punk and also discriminated because of my hair, my piercing’s, my attitude and my music. Punk’s from the 70’s were known for their violent, abusive and destructive Nazi’s based ideas. Some punks still believe in that, some don’t it’s a person choice.

I was in town one day and was told to get out of a shop for being the way I am, the old people looked at me and other punk’s or even other type’s of groups as if they were the scum of the earth but we aren’t.

My Conclusion

I think Old People discriminate us young people more than what we do to each other, being looked down upon just make’s us think worse of ourselves than the truth of it. Hearing that your scum, low life and a piece of shit sticks with you no matter what, when your told something often enough you start to believe in it and when people are branding you as the ASBO culture it makes you think.

“What’s the point of proving them wrong, they’ve made their decision.”
Posted on August 17th, 2007 at 07:13pm


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