Collecting My Thoughts On GSB

My Layouts: Despite the consistent Instructional Blogs, PM's, as well as Blah Blah's formulated about the Layouts, I remain perplexed as ever.
I am officially odd Hand with 'My Layouts' for there dismissal to co-operate with my endless regime of "abusing the computer in the hopes that it will work".
I just can't do it. Therefore I shall accept my stupidity at basic instruction.
I do however believe, that the Layouts are a great idea... Cool

Blogs: I adore the Blogs section. It was a genious idea to add these in, as it divides the sometimes useless topics in the Blah Blah's, from the interesting, more important topics.
The writings that people produce when Blogging are amazing. I'm not sure what it is, but whenever I write a Blog I feel it brings a new level of maturiy out in me.
So Up for the blogs.

The Playlist: I hate it. Bbat I hate the playlist with a passion. It drives me up the walls with frustration!
It's like playing chess and ending in stale mate. Break
For some people, who can manage the frustrating moments when the computer lags just as your uploading, I say good on you!
But for the more impatient creature like myself, I bet you hate waiting for the up loads.
On a side note, It is a cool way to add some extra music to the site, but I just cannot handle it. Dno

Blah Blah's: Don't get me wrong, I love the Blah Blah's. I love writing useless crap in them. It's just that sometimes, you get that one person who floods the Blah Blah's with Overly useless crap. Blah
One more thing that irritates me into a twitching fit, is the person who, when they read a blog concerning a certain topic, they go off and make another Blah Blah about the same thing. And then of course, another person would add to that and continue the disgusting trend of overly useless Blah's about the same thing. Bang

Message Board Bleedin love it! I love the damn thing to heaven and back. It's onef those things that you can we away a rainy day on. F15
Serious Love To All Message Bord Goers. Beer:

So that is all I am going to comment on because it has just got dark, I'm going gatting tonight, and I shall see you all in the near future
Posted on August 18th, 2007 at 09:19pm


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