How much has changed!
I came back here a several times recently, just to see how things are going.
I'm amazed.. I remember being here as a 1989'er and we thought it was so cool to be 16. Basically anyone born 1993 and lower were pissed on...
Now I look, and here are the 1993'ers one of the cool kids.
I've changed so much, too.. I came here thinking I was so cool to be 16 and criticizing everything that moved.
Everything from typing skills to stupid journals.
It was immature, really.
But it's kinda cool to see all this change
I came here as a Green Day fanatic that only listened to "punk" and everything else that seemed heavy. Music snob. But then I started listening to STP and now.. I listen to anything that's good.
My latest obsession would be Ben Folds
Well hope you're all doing well! I don't think anyone would want to read this because this is coming from someone no one really knows anymore, but just, you know.
I'm amazed.. I remember being here as a 1989'er and we thought it was so cool to be 16. Basically anyone born 1993 and lower were pissed on...
Now I look, and here are the 1993'ers one of the cool kids.
I've changed so much, too.. I came here thinking I was so cool to be 16 and criticizing everything that moved.
Everything from typing skills to stupid journals.
It was immature, really.
But it's kinda cool to see all this change
I came here as a Green Day fanatic that only listened to "punk" and everything else that seemed heavy. Music snob. But then I started listening to STP and now.. I listen to anything that's good.
My latest obsession would be Ben Folds
Well hope you're all doing well! I don't think anyone would want to read this because this is coming from someone no one really knows anymore, but just, you know.
haha I remember the slappy days..
Feesh, August 30th, 2007 at 05:36:35pm
You're lucky you're actually noticed. Everybody ignores Slappy.
She remembers you. *waves* Although you may not remember her...
captain america, August 24th, 2007 at 09:33:49pm
Woah your username sounds familiar. Hmmm I think I remember you. Well, welcome back.
threeam., August 24th, 2007 at 09:20:30am
Woah! I actually remember you.. kind of. :D. Theres someone from '97 on here, which is like LMFAO. sorry. Haha. :DD
JEW., August 24th, 2007 at 05:44:02am
Hey, I remember you!
You were one of the few people I actually liked. You and Fox, mhm.
The world isn't totally upside down here- not all of us 1993-ers are all of a sudden cool
But I'm still here *shrug* Good place.
Miley Cyrus, August 24th, 2007 at 04:36:58am