American Schools vs Uk Schools
I have never been to an American school but I've seen plenty of films/mtv/sweet 16/MADE that explain the different groups. They all tend to have this big guys with amazing hair and dazzling eyes and they tend to be called Jocks. Then there's the skinny girls that can do back flips and shout random letters that spell out the school's name and they tend to be called cheer leaders. I've heard some people call them 'populars'. There's the outsider and I suppose most people on here fit into that one , just because the whole dressing differently and the music scence. Nerds geeks and so bloody on.
I suppose most of this comes to the fact you get to wear what you want so you can express your selves in different ways.
In my school (Bryn Tawe Welsh Comp) we have a uniform and I suppose you can't really express your selves with your uniform. Plain navy jumper with the school logo , white polo shirt and black shoes and trousers. Natural hair colour and no jewellry and blah blah so on. But the students in my school try and copy some of the 'gangs' from the American schools.
There's a compitition that happens with all welsh schools , it's called and Eisteddfod. Singing, dancing, writing, art, instruments , and there's loads. Someone can fit in somewhere. But the dancing groups. There's clog dancing, welsh folk dancing and then there's disco dancing. This is where this girls who think they are diamonds from the moon come and show off their dance moves and carrying their Jane Norman bags around the school thinking they own the place. This is where they try and become the 'cheer leaders'. The make up and the whole popular go us kids thing just doesn't work. They just live in their little happy land.
If I were to go to an American school I would probably be an outsider. (If what I hear from poeple on GSB and on TV is correct) If people knew I went into mosh pits and listened to Green Day, My Chemical Romance and Nirvana I would probably bee stufed into a locker.
It's funny seeing some student in my school try and copy the trend from the American school's.
I could say I'm popular because a lot of people know me. My brother is in the year below me so a lot of people from that year know me and I've been in some drama productions and I have red hair. So people tend to know my name. I'm a nice person so most might even like me.
It's weird how school's can be so different. It scares me.
I suppose most of this comes to the fact you get to wear what you want so you can express your selves in different ways.
In my school (Bryn Tawe Welsh Comp) we have a uniform and I suppose you can't really express your selves with your uniform. Plain navy jumper with the school logo , white polo shirt and black shoes and trousers. Natural hair colour and no jewellry and blah blah so on. But the students in my school try and copy some of the 'gangs' from the American schools.
There's a compitition that happens with all welsh schools , it's called and Eisteddfod. Singing, dancing, writing, art, instruments , and there's loads. Someone can fit in somewhere. But the dancing groups. There's clog dancing, welsh folk dancing and then there's disco dancing. This is where this girls who think they are diamonds from the moon come and show off their dance moves and carrying their Jane Norman bags around the school thinking they own the place. This is where they try and become the 'cheer leaders'. The make up and the whole popular go us kids thing just doesn't work. They just live in their little happy land.
If I were to go to an American school I would probably be an outsider. (If what I hear from poeple on GSB and on TV is correct) If people knew I went into mosh pits and listened to Green Day, My Chemical Romance and Nirvana I would probably bee stufed into a locker.
It's funny seeing some student in my school try and copy the trend from the American school's.
I could say I'm popular because a lot of people know me. My brother is in the year below me so a lot of people from that year know me and I've been in some drama productions and I have red hair. So people tend to know my name. I'm a nice person so most might even like me.
It's weird how school's can be so different. It scares me.
my school is exactly like a U.S school. we have the plastics >.< (cheerleader type), the cool emo-y type people, the popular people who everyone knows, people who think they're the big it's, and then there's me =] i fit into the outsiders i suppose. the me group. =]]
Sarah!, September 1st, 2007 at 12:47:51pm
Personally, I've never really been to a school (I live in th US) that's anything like the jock/prep/outsider stereotype American schools have. There aren't really an cliques or anything anywhere I've been.
Miley Cyrus, August 29th, 2007 at 12:57:26am
I live in Scotland and the school's aren't as bad. No matter which group you belong to there is always going to be gangs, grebs, emo's, scenes, moshers, skaters, neds, populars, geeks, nerds, wannabe's, punks, head bangers, girly girls(etc)
Gangs and groups is always going to be around, we have athletic people and we have not so academic people. American schools actually look better because they are alowed to dress how they want and are treated fairly, in the UK schools tbh they don't care if we don't like anything but to the goverment we are bunch of numbers and they get money off of us .
schooldropout, August 28th, 2007 at 02:23:52pm
hmmm, well, there is no one at my who listens to punk music other than me. My friends listen to branches off it, but noone listens to Punk music, well, i am very stupid of putting a category to it, stuff like the sex pistols, or the clas, and stuff kinda like that, noone listens to that.
noone knows who Johnny Rotten is, but i dont mind, why am i still talking????
Vegemite, August 28th, 2007 at 04:39:44am
my school doesnt have outsiders
the scene kids know the punks and the greasers know the punks and punks with the metal heads etcd
the jocks keep within thereselves.
the band kids have their own little society
then theres the kids who have a heart attack if a fly lands on their new nike dunks
or the chollos. my school is pretty mixed in
strummer92, August 28th, 2007 at 01:22:05am
I live in the USA, and I'd have to say that it's pretty much true that there are so-called "populars" and "outsiders"; it's not too bad where I live (dunno about other places).
but about a year and a half ago I was an "outsider" and all the "popular" people would call me weird and be pretty mean. Then all this "emo is cool" stuff started happening about a year ago and practically everyone looks the same; it's really creepy and EXTREMELY sad.
Now I'm just called a "POSER" instead and it makes me mad; I feel comfortable dressing however I want but it just so happens that I wear a lot of stuff that is so-called "emo" or "punk" or whatever you want to call it so then everyone gets on my case and I don't feel like myself anywhere at school except when I'm with my friends; who all think the same as I'm saying right now.
Kr!sta's Inferno, August 27th, 2007 at 11:46:52pm
I kinda wish we had groups at my school. I go to a high school in England and everyone is practically the same. It's like land of the brain dead clones. Though the uniform is partly to blame. Also, the "outsiders" at my school are actually the most popular and the ones who set off all the trends, have the most followers and walk around like they own the place. They just think they are "different" and "original" and "no one understands" them. All the other sheep in my year just follow them.
We also have Eisteddfod but it's mostly the unpopular people who take part =/
Revol, August 27th, 2007 at 08:32:48pm
In our school, the 'outsiders' damn near outnumber the 'populars' X]
It's a grammar school, so i can sort of smile slightly to myself and think, "well, maybe that article in the paper about the smarter kids listening to heavy rock is right...", but they're still there, the sporty people. It kind of makes it harder to be an individual when there's so many people who like the same music as you.
So there's like the Populars-These are the sporty people. The girls are pretty or sexy have tote bags from Topshop or Jane Norman carriers as thier school bags, the guys are occasionaly hot and are either in the rugby team or are the second best under-16 tennis player in the country(so he kinda gets excused from the whole rugby thing). They listen to all sorts. Even rock. So yeah, the music isn't gonna get you picked on so much at my school.
There's the emos and scene kids. About 6 in our year methinks, more in older years. The guys are incredibly good looking and have swishy hair and plugs in thier ears and pyramid stud belts. The girls often look just like everyone else except have big heavy fringes and lots of eyeliner. There's a couple that are maybe actually goths. Funnily enough they have thier natural hair color, but on non-uniform days they actually stand out. Almost this entire category do art. And it's manga-ish or bloody. Or a snippet of Kerrang!'s Pandora comic, with Gerard Way in it =]
Then there's smart girls. Which are like the populars, and are sometimes more stuck-up, exept they don't do sport. They are pretty and play acoustic guitar. Generally. They have Jane Norman bags too. A couple of them listen to Nightwish. There's the Metal Nerds, who... i suppose arn't that nerdy because they never hand thier homework in and are often late, in general, but some wear thick glasses and they pretty much all have long hair that sometimes greasy. They listen to Iron Maiden as a general rule, and some go lighter and also listen to Queen and the Spongebob Squarepants soundtrack(my boyfreind XD) Others go heavier and listen to Lamb Of God and Slipknot. Obsess over Monty Python and The Mighty Boosh. Snort when they laugh. Entertaining to talk to. They're kind of like young members of MCR, tbh X]
Thats the basic groups that are easy to define.
Gosh, this was a long comment. Ooh dear. But yeah, that's what it's like at my school.
Boo Radley, August 27th, 2007 at 07:19:29pm
I go to a private school in Canada and to be perfectly honest, we place almost as a ''US school''. There are the sporty guys [Hockey and football] and girls [volleyball], that are the really popular kids. Luckily, our cheerleading squad isn't so much ''out there'' as it is maybe in the US. I barely know who in my classmates are cheerleaders.
None of them are the typical ''jock'', though. Since it's a private school, grades are very important and lots of them would rather study than practice if the have a ministry exam and a match the next day.[which never happens, but I'm being theoretical. haha]
Anyways. The ''UK''-ish point about my school is that I haven't seen anyone or known anyone that really is an outsider or that feels that way. Everyone fits in somewhere. THere are lots of clubs, and parascholar activites that can help finding people with the same interests and most people are friendly, so you really want to talk to them, therefore often finding common interests.
stilinski, August 27th, 2007 at 02:56:37pm