The Smoking Age has been raised, And possibly the drinking age.

As everyone knows that in the UK it is illegal to buy cigarettes if your under 18, but its okay for you to smoke them when your 16.

If the goverment has that much of a problem with underage smoking, why don't they just stop producing them all together it would make more sence. But the goverment won't because they make too much money from the sale, honestly if the goverment was that concerned about people's health they would stop spending so much money on things we don't need and only benefits certain people they would have enough money to find cures and help organisations to fight diseases.

I myself is a smoke, I admit that its not the healthiest lifestyle ever but who is the goverment to say how we should live our lives. Look at the polliticians, they have their suits, their money and now their power. The power has gone to their heads and they are changing everything, its okay for them to change everything but we are the generation that has to suffer because at the end of the day, the people in parliment will die in 20 years leaving us their choices to live by.

The drinking age is being considered to be put up to 21 or 25. Why do they need to do that? Is it because a lot of young people are binge drinking, its their lives and if they want to drink they should be alowed to make that choice. But the goverment doesn't want to pay for their healthcare, at the age of 18 we have our rights to drink and smoke and vote. But now its being taken away from us because they think we are too imature to handle the consequences, the UK goverment doesn't see whats good and bad for us because they don't live our lives, they hide behind their bits of paper and make decisions that they will never have to follow themselves.

Instead choices are made for us because its what they think is right, next thing we will see it will only be a certain class of people who are alowed to vote.

I'm disgraced, honestly because of the way our generation is being treated because we don't want to live a life by what the goverment says.

( Please share you opinions and don;t give me the whole your so stupid because its my opinion. Please respect mine and I will respect yours)
Posted on October 2nd, 2007 at 04:26pm


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