Head over heels for Jonas.

Two years ago if I saw myself now, I'd punch myself in the face, spit on myself, and call myself a prep. But it's not my fault i'm attracted to the Jonas Brothers - okay, maybe it is. But they're an amazing band. Who cares if half the preteen population likes/loves them and won't stfu about Nick and Joe? I shouldn't be talking, I'm the one who won't stfu about K...k e v i n j o n a s .


Kevin's an amazing guitarist and I love him a lot. I admire him a l o t .

Anyways, back on topic.

Jonas Brothers.

I'm seeing them in a little over a month. Literally peeing myself with excitement. Blasting Mandy, KotF, Hello Beautiful, etc. I can't. fucking. wait. I was originally going just because we only had two tickets and my sister wanted to go and my mom couldn't. [No, I won't punch Miley Cyrus for you. She isn't that bad either. Okay she isn't that great, but if it weren't for her I wouldn't be seeing Jobros.]

Honestly, I don't get what's so terrible about them. And why everyone goes around trashing them. Sure they're different, but the difference is a m a z i n g . I can't believe I missed out on all this stuff just because I wanted to be emo or goth or whatever. They really helped me open up to other music, and I'm really thankful for that. I never thought I'd say this but...

I like them more than I like My Chemical Romance.

I love you, Nickevinjoe.

Thank you for reading all of that. ;D

[that wasn't really bloggable was it.]

Posted on October 13th, 2007 at 05:47am


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