How To Tell If You're A Real Green Day Fan


This blog isn't serious or anything, I've just been seeing this long list in peoples profiles since I stated using GSB. After seeing one of them for the 25th time I decided to acually read through it (I'm lazy, what can I say?). All I really am trying to do with this blog is to analyze how big of a Green Day fan I acually am.

"1. You have other albums than American Idiot"

Yep, I've got em all.

"2. You know other songs than American Idiot"

Yeah, I had a phase when I listend to nothing but Green Day so I can reconize almost any of their songs.

"3. You have Bullet in a Bible"

Sure do.

"4. When someone says 'cool' you start thinking Tre Cool"

No, 'cool' is too widely used to get that sorta reaction.

"5. Green is one of your favorite colors"

Yep, green has been my favorite color since I could remember, not cause of Green Day though. I think I orginally got into Green Day cause they had "Green" in their band name.

"6. You hate George W. Bush"

Yea I do, but not cause Green Day hates him. I've got thoughts of my own(lets not get into this).

"7. You celebrate their birthdays"


"8. Your walls are covered in their posters"

Nah, I'm not much of a poster kinda guy.

"9. If you don't have all of their albums/dvd's, you never give up on looking for them"

I have them all so this doesn't matter to me.

"10. You're against war"

The current war, yes (not going into it now), but in general it all matters on why we are in the war.

"11. You have sent an e-mail to George Bush from"

No, I don't think they'll ever get read by Bush or anyone in the White House.

"12. You buy anything that has something to do with Green Day"

I would with music, but no not posters, magizines or cloths.

"13. You're not ashamed to wear their merchandise stuff in school or anywhere in public"

I don't wear their merchandise, but if I did, I wouln't be ashamed. I just don't really do band shirts.

"14. You scream when you hear one of their songs on the radio"

I never hear their stuff on the radio cause I listen to metal stations, but if I did hear them I still wouln't "scream", I would be suprised though.

"15. You buy every magazine that has something about them"


"16. You (almost) cry when you forget to watch one of their interviews on Tv"

No, yet again.

"17. At least one of their songs has emotional meaning to you"

Oh yeah, alot more then one.

"18. You start laughing in the middle of a class in school when you remember
something they have said or done in an interview"

Yea, but I randomly laugh during any time when I think of anything funny, it doesn't have to be from a Green Day interview.

"19. If someone talks shit about them, you get offended and punch that motherfucker(or at least kick or something)"

No, I debate with them, and usually win.

"20. You have heard all of their songs"

Well, I've herd all the albums and all I could find, but prolly not all of them.

"21. You listen to their music everyday"


"22. You remember many of their quotes"

Quotes from songs, yes. Quotes from other places, no.

"23. Some of their songs make you just wanna jump around and dance"

I don't dance, so no.

"24. You want to play guitar/bass/drums just like Billie Joe/Mike/Tre does"

I'm not a musicain, but if I was, No. They squander their talent. They're MUCH better then they let themselves be, they just stick with their own style. I would want to play to the best of my abillity.

"25. You make sure you spell the band name 'Green Day' and not 'green day' (or greenday)"


"26. You truly love each of the band members"

Love as in think their persionality is cool and funny, yes. Love as in get under the sheets with them, no.

"27. You (almost) scream out of happiness everytime you watch Bullet in a Bible"


"28. You never shut up about them"

Sometimes I do.

"29. You have read Catcher in the rye because it's Billie Joe's favorite book (and you loved it)"

No, I haven't read it, but I'll read it next year in school.

"30. You have this on your profile"

No, I don't

Well there you have it. Feel free to analyze yourself through a comment on this blog or even making your own blog on the subject. Thanks for reading.
Posted on October 22nd, 2007 at 01:48am


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