Half of you won't like this... and half of you will hear me out...
One of the biggest pet peeves of mine.
So many people hate Christianity. So many people refuse to believe in that. I. Don't. Care. I'm not going to put down your religion, I'm not trying to convert you, I'm not saying I'm better than you, and I'm always for anyone's religion. Anyone's belfiefs. Beliefs are the key to life. How on earth could I dislike them?
The point of this blog is to get you to open your mind. To clear up a bit.
I don't care if anyone would like to disagree with what I'm about to say, and I wouldn't mind getting into a civilized argument. However, if you choose to argue about something I've stated above about what I'm not saying in this blog... well then, I'll tell you straight forward, I'm not wasting my time. I respect you. I promise.
To tell you the truth, I'm sick and tired of people having the assumption that people who are Christians are against homosexuality. That they hate gay people. Remember how I said that I respect people? You can safely assume that me- a devoted Christian- I. Do. Not. Hate. Homosexuals. I don't treat them any different than I do anyone else. To me, that's basically as bad as racism.
It's so simple-minded of people to assume that just because a few Christians have tarnished our reputation, that we all have a fear and hatred of homosexuality. I'm fully supportive of their rights as people and citizens. I would just really like to clear things up a bit. Please, if you take anything out of this journal, just take that not all Christians act alike. If you are one of the people who belive they do, hopefully, I've changed your mind.
So many people hate Christianity. So many people refuse to believe in that. I. Don't. Care. I'm not going to put down your religion, I'm not trying to convert you, I'm not saying I'm better than you, and I'm always for anyone's religion. Anyone's belfiefs. Beliefs are the key to life. How on earth could I dislike them?
The point of this blog is to get you to open your mind. To clear up a bit.
I don't care if anyone would like to disagree with what I'm about to say, and I wouldn't mind getting into a civilized argument. However, if you choose to argue about something I've stated above about what I'm not saying in this blog... well then, I'll tell you straight forward, I'm not wasting my time. I respect you. I promise.
To tell you the truth, I'm sick and tired of people having the assumption that people who are Christians are against homosexuality. That they hate gay people. Remember how I said that I respect people? You can safely assume that me- a devoted Christian- I. Do. Not. Hate. Homosexuals. I don't treat them any different than I do anyone else. To me, that's basically as bad as racism.
It's so simple-minded of people to assume that just because a few Christians have tarnished our reputation, that we all have a fear and hatred of homosexuality. I'm fully supportive of their rights as people and citizens. I would just really like to clear things up a bit. Please, if you take anything out of this journal, just take that not all Christians act alike. If you are one of the people who belive they do, hopefully, I've changed your mind.
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I know, the world is so f*cked when it comes to that.
And some of my friends their like, they say they respect Christians, but then turn around and start burning the bible. Which is really disrespectful! But they're like "it's not like we're burning it in front of any Christians"
It's so stupid. I do have a religious friend as well, and I'm really proud of her for sticking to her believes and not being ashamed of it ^^,
But yeah, some Christians judge homosexuals, but so do other people, so it's really not a "Christian thing" to be homophobic.
And I think any religion is okay, as long as the person don't show it in my face and tell me my believes are wrong. Cause that just pisses me off!
Wino Forever, November 30th, 2007 at 09:40:38am
I'm not religious whatsoever, but I have many friends that are. I don't care about their faith as long as their not pushing it on me like some people I know tend to do.
My best guy friend is gay, and a girl in our school keeps telling us that he'll go to hell just because of that, but nowhere in the bible/Book of Mormon/anything else does it say that you will go to hell if you're not straight.
The church that girl goes to is a cult too, but I won't get into that now. I'm with Save_The_Pain. I'm a person that has to see it to believe it in most cases. I respect other's beliefs and as such. :]
Rage, November 30th, 2007 at 06:05:21am
god i love you
Toxic Narcotic, November 30th, 2007 at 04:54:20am
Thanks to everyone for your opinions and views :] Very much.
JOOLS, November 30th, 2007 at 12:26:39am
I can't stand the Christians who are like "oh, I love everyone because God told me to, but I don't love gay people." That's just stupid! I'm a Christian and I don't know about other churches, but my church says that you should love everybody, no matter what.
lishaaaaa, November 30th, 2007 at 12:20:39am
this was seriously a great blog.
this is one of the things that has really been nagging at me lately.
i am a christian, i believe in god, i believe in satan, i believe in heaven and hell, and i believe jesus died for me.
but i am also bisexual.
and im getting sick and tired of people saying that im going to hell for that.
my mom said it straight to my face, "if you dont stop being that way, you are going straight to hell."
and i lied to her, and said i was done.
but truely, how do you stop?!
im in love with a girl right now and i dont want out!
so basically...im living a lie right now.
and its just because people would say i wasnt a christian if i believe in love.
im sorry that was so long, but i needed a place to vent,
and you got me started. lol
once again, good job on this one.
its different from what all of the other blogs are about, but its important.
-thumbs up-
dancepaigeydance;, November 29th, 2007 at 10:36:14pm
It's so simple-minded of people to assume that just because a few Christians have tarnished our reputation,

Well...it's more than a few Christians; it's many. It goes beyond people hating homosexuals, to ethnic genocides and unprovoked hatred. Obviously though that doesn't apply to everyone, and you make a good point; it would be silly to automatically assume someone is like that just because they're Christian. I, personally, dislike the concept of religion altogether.
Kudos to you for having the guts to post a blog different from what everyone else would say
Kurtni, November 29th, 2007 at 08:23:50pm
Im not a cristian. my beliefs are confusing in a way. I beleave more with what the Jews say. No Im not going to say theres no God or Jesus but I dont believe some of the thing they say they can do. Im more of a see it to believe it kind of person. With what you said about Cristians having a problem with Homosexuals, I understand you respect us but there are people who have problems with it because of something in the bible. I was told by this guy at my school that i was going to go to hell because of it. I personly dont have a problem with Cristians.
I honestly like hearing about there religion because it gives me more to think about on the subject. And i know that not all Cristians dont act alike. I've seen that. With you saying your not trying to convert us proves that to me because i'v had people try and convert me. God, Jesus and the bible are just such touchy subjects because of everyones diffrent beliefs.
Good Blog.
*thumbs up*
SaveThePain, November 29th, 2007 at 06:58:28pm
I don't bother about religion.
I don't see the point in devoting your life to something that doesn't even exist anymore.
Well that's just my view :/
no offense intended.
But i respect your beliefs and i know plenty of christians, buddhists, Hindus and Sikkhs,
I dont mean this in a bad way but if someone has a religion i don't care about it.
As in i will repect their religion and such but it doesn't bother me because it doesnt seem like a big deal
Good blog.
NiMrOd_1995, November 29th, 2007 at 12:00:51pm
I believe in god.
Well, I'mn not too sure.
More like I believe there's A god.
But, I'm not sure which one.
I don't agree with nearly everything in the bible.
But there has to be more than what's here right now.
germma margaret!, November 29th, 2007 at 07:26:15am
A Catholic is a Christian but not every Christian is Catholic, there are many organised religions that come under the banner of Christian. Not all accept homosexuality, but many of the modern Christian churches do.
Bottom line being Christian is about having faith in God, what some people do in the bedroom doesn't concern to some Christian churches.
Grandma, November 29th, 2007 at 06:08:47am
Christianity is all about having faith in God.
It's about living how Jesus did.
Not everyone can be exactly like Jesus.
Because nobody's perfect.
I perosnally have many friends who are homosexuals, and they are also Christian/Catholic... whatever.
To answer MikeIsMine!!!'s question.
Why would it bother us?
Green Day's lyrics are good.
Tey don't offend me at all, because to me, the lyrics are a release.
I can relate to them.
Now, if I were to take a sexist song, Ex. (about 'hor3', having sex, or anything that involves exploition against women, I would DEFINATELY be offended, wether I was Christian or not.
Steph:DonaNobisPacem, November 29th, 2007 at 06:08:40am
agrees w/ Green.Day1333
Loser_Face, November 29th, 2007 at 04:54:05am
Well from that start of Christianity they didn't accept homosexuals. So thats where people get those assumptions from. And honestly...whats the point of following a religion if you all believe different things? How is that being a religion. If you disagree with it...than you can't call yourself a Chrtistian.
Jessie.Tastic!, November 29th, 2007 at 04:46:01am
I go to a christain school, and half of my friends are christain. they don't have a problem with me liking green day and worshipping MCR, just as much as they don't look down on me because im bisexual. i am open minded and respect any religion, what annoys me is people who cant.
ChloeJayne, November 29th, 2007 at 04:36:36am